HTML - Completed - The Mansion [v1.03] [Rustlerman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    a great game, interesting topic, I hope I can get revenge on my ex, and get them all pregnant lol.
    Unfortunately there are still some annoying bugs, but with time it improves. remember to fix andreia's expulsion bug, besides i can't have sex with nancy u.u
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    v 0.52 beta
    Game is pretty much a huge mess that doesn't make anything clear at all so its like if you are walking in the dark and trying not to hit a wall but you can't see anything, the sexual aspect of the game is pretty much similar to every other real porn game there is out there, a bit grindy, and the English isn't the best would have liked to give it a better review but the entire game is just a fucking mess and seems to be pretty buggy like stuff not triggering at times
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    So this is for version v0.52 beta.

    I think somewhere in this game is a good game, but it is under a lot of grinding and poor flow of the narrative. The premise seems interesting, after getting cucked by your ex your old buddy hits you up to move in with him and start a new in a new city. Okay so far so good, your character having been fired it's no big deal for them to pack up their things and move over.

    From there it's about uncovering the source of your friend's strange behavior and fucking hot gals along the way... at least on paper. In reality, you become the house errand boy for not only your friend but all the other women in the house and occasionally get rewarded with random sex. That is until they start throwing secret society stuff at you and a plot to take over the world, before putting you on the task of finding the chaos emeralds to defeat your friend like this some hastily written D&D plot.

    Many of the quests lack direction and suffer from bad adventure game logic to complete. And that's assuming you've triggered the right variables in the games could to even get the option to complete the strange solutions.

    Honestly, though, I could forgive all of that if there was an interesting story underneath all of it, but I don't really think there is. The main character has no traits, no agency. He is constantly just going back and forth from one npc to another doing fetch quests or completing tasks given to him. Why do you want to stop your friend? Cause his hot wife told you to. Why can't you just ask to join him when you start to uncover things? Because that would mean you had a choice to do anything, and that's not an option. Instead, you just have to react to things happening to you and follow the exact ten-step process to complete it.

    Play the game if you are looking to recapture the feeling of playing a 90s era adventure game and you want the occasional set of tits and ass to pop up. If you are looking for an interesting story or gameplay to go with your porn look elsewhere. In the game's current state, and with the current level of writing I can't recommend this game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I normally like games like this. The actress choices are good, and the setting for the plot is fine.

    However... this game is a buggy mess. At several points during my play-through I was hit with game breaking bugs that prevented progress. Some of these I was able to bypass using a sugarcube addon, others I couldn't. More than half the erotic scenes in the folders I was completely unable to see in game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game, despite the bugs and incomplete content, I think it has a lot of potential. The plot is good and promises. The affection of the developer is noticeable.
    Even though it looks like it's just one person. It has a good base, and I loved seeing DiCaprio, and Harry Potter drugged Hahaha. It has a lot of development left to be at 100. The problem with the language is important, although most of it can be understood. I hope that in the future you can improve that aspect. You should also add something to it that makes it a little more entertaining at first. As I say, the game lacks development but I like the premise and the game itself looks good for the future. I hope you keep developing it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I wanted to like this game. It had an okay premise, and covers some of the festishes I like. It simply didn't grab me.

    The English has it's issues, but I could have gotten past that.

    I don't really understand the story. I may not have gotten far enough for there to be a story, honestly. Dude's girl fucked another dude, randomly dude visits rich friend across the globe for because he just ~happened~ to get an invite. Lots of text, most of it either short and not really forming a complete thought, or forming straight run-on sentences that make little sense.

    Then you get into the gameplay-I just couldn't see the point. Some games you feel like you are just clicking things, but you're getting somewhere, but the pointless clicking feels bad. That doesn't mean you can't have something story-driven. I rather like that over something mechanic-heavy. I didn't really see the gaming winning even the mediocrity award in either category.

    On the one hand, you can immediately tell that you have multiple stats to track and an inventory and things that apparently are there to make you think that it's a game, which is sometimes a pain when you're looking for adult material because if it isn't done right, it's like turning masturbation into a chore. On the other hand, you can tell that it's following useless routes just for the sake of having more content, in ways that make no sense. Take right after you get to the mansion, for instance. You can explore a little bit, but get either one line explanations, or more lengthy explanations that are completely uninteresting. Then you talk to the MC's friend, and he's like, "Okay dude, from now on, I need some alcohol, here's money, you keep the rest." It leaves you to figure out that you need to go into town, and where the alcohol is- not difficult, but also not clear.

    But then you go to the bar, and alcohol is a hundred bucks more expensive (despite him selling individual portions) than you were given, and for some reason, he'll only sell it to you if you have weed. Doesn't say where to get it, just demands more money, plus weed. So you can explore the town and find ~nothing~, and eventually go back to the mansion to ask your friend. Well, he doesn't care about weed, so he tells you to ask this girl you don't know in the same room. Ask her, and she'll tell you oh yeah, there is this dude that you can get weed from, but it's back in the park, on a certain days after 8pm.

    It was at this point, it became clear to me that either the game was being unintentionally designed poorly/annoyingly, or the dev is literally trying to stretch content that he/she doesn't actually have, so I literally just stopped, closed, and deleted it.

    The dev seems motivated to do a game, and honestly, I like that. Clearly he/she is willing to put work in. The issue is that the game being made needs a LOT more forethought in how it's being done. It's just needs to have someone sit down and decide on some actual design goals, work them into something practical, and then have some folks play it to make sure it's meeting the intended design goals. I hope the dev keeps working at it, but it's going to be a long time before I even check it out again, because it's one of the least enjoyable things I've played in a while.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Tested on Version 0.3. I'm giving the game a 2 star, cause it could be good, but needs a lot of work.

    It really seems like you have an interesting idea, so here are my suggestions to fix the problems.
    1: Need to test. Before you do another content update, go through and test to make sure the images you want to load load, all your statements show. It is not a rare event to see errors appearing on pages.
    2: I don't begrudge you that English is probably not your primary language. Good job getting this far, that said if you want to release the game in English, I would highly suggest either get a friend or hire someone who is fluent in the language to proof read your writing. Typically I can get the gist of what you are trying to say, but it shouldn't be a requirement to play your game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Several dead ends that makes you restart the game unless you save after almost every choice you make. There are videos in it that are about 7 minutes long, wich is way to long for a game like this. If I want long videos I go to PH
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Another porn game that was released before it's ready. I downloaded it because the models are gorgeous, my type of woman. Interface is horrible, don't know if there's a story, no idea where anybody is, where you should go, or what your progress is. Just keep clicking around until you find random stuff. One star for the work that went into it and another star for the choice of models. Won't recommend downloading this for at least a few more updates though
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    A typical porn gallery game with a very basic story that is just an excuse to display as many porn clips and images as possible. The writing is a great example of someone who is not a native English speaker. The file size coupled with the amount of content is not something I would think is worth the download but perhaps what I'm looking for in a game is different. If you just want to see porn and don't want to visit your favorite porn site it might be okay. The author already set up a Patreon for the game too which is not a great sign for longevity.