First of all, if you are interested in trying out this game, wait a bit more, as of v0.4.5 there is not enough content.
- greaat pixelart
- great art (portraits)
- nice character design
- no grind
- ok-ish writing and basic concept
- the combat can be annoying (but you have to fight like 4-5 monsters in total through whole current content, do yourself a favor and just dash past them)
- art during sex scenes is in a completely different league than character portraits, to the point that i would like to unsee the current final scene with Anne (first sex scene, just try not looking at her back)
- not really a con, the intro feels slow, but after that you can dash and teleport so don't worry about it
- as someone else pointed out, progressing with the girls is way too fast
- writing is passable
Overall as of v0.4.5, it's a nice base on which the devs can easily build more content, and i'm sure it will get much better, but right now it's not there yet.
I just wish the sex art was of similar quality to the portraits... it was such a turnoff that i really had to convince myself not to rate it 2-3/5 just because of it, or even just remove it and use pixelart instead, please, it hits even harder compared to the rest of the game, which is beautiful.