The Most Forbidden Love in the World (Damekoi) is a VN that mixes a traditional model, with just enough innovation to keep things interesting. The fact that this was released in 2007, and still remains an enjoyable read, probably stems from said innovation, in particular the borrowing of plot twists, that are associated with TV and movies. Regarding weaknesses, there isn't a lot of forbidden love here, but you can still read it for the drama, and inflated emotions.
- Good Writing - I'm gonna complain about plot twists below, but the writing is still solid in terms of characterization, text quality (grammar), descriptions, connections between important plot points, and established character backstories. The writer made a choice, on how to capture your attention (up to you), but the quality is there.
- Comedy - Mostly because it's clever, and very specific (again influenced, by other mediums, not what you tend to see in VN's), not so much because it's funny or it will lead to a good time. It's great comedy in theory, as for practice, probably not.
- Support cast - They can't seem to tell the protagonist that the teenage girl is falling in love with him, and maybe something needs to be done about that, but if you forget this minor issue, they are detailed characters, relevant to the story, and bring much needed diversity, that is missing in so many VNs.
- Heroines and their interactions with each other - Basically the routes tend to have some form of "love triangle", and the girls end up having emotional "heart-to hearts". That's not particularly impressive in itself, but the writer uses these moments of to build the characters, and add a few extra layers, making the heroines more likable and human.
- Protagonist has V.A, but it's not good; It's an old VN (limitations are evident); Everyone is fine with the forbidden love (hence not very forbidden, after all); Many plot twists require suspension of disbelief (not a lot of making sense); And the slice of life is downright exasperating at times.
Score: The most forbidden love in the world is an 8/10 and a very good VN. This an easy recommendation to someone who wants traditional with a twist, and can easily disregard more "distinct" ways of generating emotional turbulence, in favor of sheer entertainment. Nice VN, don't get too caught up in its name.
(H-scenes, have - not so great - animations, and that's about it)
- Good Writing - I'm gonna complain about plot twists below, but the writing is still solid in terms of characterization, text quality (grammar), descriptions, connections between important plot points, and established character backstories. The writer made a choice, on how to capture your attention (up to you), but the quality is there.
- Comedy - Mostly because it's clever, and very specific (again influenced, by other mediums, not what you tend to see in VN's), not so much because it's funny or it will lead to a good time. It's great comedy in theory, as for practice, probably not.
- Support cast - They can't seem to tell the protagonist that the teenage girl is falling in love with him, and maybe something needs to be done about that, but if you forget this minor issue, they are detailed characters, relevant to the story, and bring much needed diversity, that is missing in so many VNs.
- Heroines and their interactions with each other - Basically the routes tend to have some form of "love triangle", and the girls end up having emotional "heart-to hearts". That's not particularly impressive in itself, but the writer uses these moments of to build the characters, and add a few extra layers, making the heroines more likable and human.
- Protagonist has V.A, but it's not good; It's an old VN (limitations are evident); Everyone is fine with the forbidden love (hence not very forbidden, after all); Many plot twists require suspension of disbelief (not a lot of making sense); And the slice of life is downright exasperating at times.
Score: The most forbidden love in the world is an 8/10 and a very good VN. This an easy recommendation to someone who wants traditional with a twist, and can easily disregard more "distinct" ways of generating emotional turbulence, in favor of sheer entertainment. Nice VN, don't get too caught up in its name.
(H-scenes, have - not so great - animations, and that's about it)