She did, but if you don't kill her she changes - not just her actions, but her views, so does Medb - partially through MC and partially through the changed Finn.
She appears to change, you really don't know if she is being normal until you do something she is offended by again and she could very well try to kill you again. It's too short a time frame for me to believe someone who wanted to kill me so badly has truly changed, I don't believe it. Medb on the other hand is a long term character and despite her hatred of humans didn't try and kill me even though she had the opportunity. Do you see the difference.
Unless there is some new update that I don't know about, I don't think she attacked. I suspect that she was on a peace mission.
If it was a peace mission the elves would have said to make a favorable impression on the MC. They had him on side. A peace mission would have cemented his feelings. They did the opposite, they made sure he knew no details. They were trying to hide what they were doing. There was no reason to hide a pace mission, but every reason to hide a hostile mission against human interests.
And as far as I'm concerned the Templars, his parents especially, did try to kill him at least indirectly by not telling him about the world he had been born into and that there was and always would be a target on his back. The elves are xenophobic because humans have been trying to kill them and driving them into ever smaller areas of land for hundreds / thousands of years. MC managed to break through that and convince them that something else was possible - and then they killed Finn. And no ...
Poor judgment is not trying to kill someone, it would be manslaughter at best. Finn wanted to fill the MC with holes until he was dead. She had willful intent. The parents just fucked up. Big difference. I'm no fan of the parents, but they didn't try to deliberately kill the MC, Finn did twice.
I'm not going to kill you ... I have no idea who you are, only that you're Australian(?) which means you are about as far from me as you could be and still be on this planet and I'd never even be mad at someone for playing the game the way they want to. I may disagree with them, but that's about it.
All good, I didn't think you would, I was making a point through exaggeration. I can't remember what that is called at the moment.
We will have to agree to disagree I think. It's great to see you can have a good discussion, I was concerned there for a while. I was starting to think you might need some help.