VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - The New Queen [Ch. 1] [Machinist]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game with medieval fantasy setting, religion and war,
    Character models, most of them are absolutely top teir ♡(ӦvӦ。)
    Render and animations are also good,
    Story is very intriguing and mysterious with fantasy elements and war.
    Great game even at the starting, with prologue and a single chapter.
    10/10 would recommend
    Good luck to the Dev Machinist
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It’s still early days with this project, but so far it seems very promising. The medieval/fantasy setting clearly has had a lot of thought put into it and the rendering is of a good standard considering it’s the Dev’s first project. The basic concept of the story is fairly intriguing too, with courtly intrigue and decent list of potential lovers to choose from.

    It’s perhaps a little light on lewd scenes just yet, and there still some hiccups to be worked out with the use of stats, but as I said it’s still early days and I’ve no doubt the Dev will find his footing.

    Overall, I think this is a promising start to what could be a very fun game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's still a early game, but has an interesting story, the graphics are ok, i hope the the next versions to come will give to the player some choices and consequences and some parody of historical characters as well such as Vlad the impaler and Mohamed the conqueror.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Story -- Story starts out a little cliche, but the other subplot lines make it interesting enough that I want to find out more. 4/5

    Rendors -- Nothing spectacular, but nothing bad either. 3.5/5

    Animations -- Nothing spectacular, but nothing bad either. 3.5/5

    Kinks -- Will need to be ok with incest. 4.5/5

    Bad things -- I don't see any yet. 5/5

    Overall -- 4/5

    -- Rannell
  5. C
    3.00 star(s)


    A janky, very early stage, but fun little game. What it lacks in polish it more than makes up for in the non-serious approach to itself. If you aren't into so-bad-it's-good, you probably won't really like this game.

    The lack of polish is most apparent by the lack of any sense of structure - it's way too easy to lose track of time, location, or purpose of actions of characters. The storytelling is very fast-paced, almost as if in a rush. The English in this game also suffers quite a bit, especially early on. Graphics are also... Well, not the best, and none of the characters are particularly sympathetic in their personalities.

    However, the fact that nobody is sympathetic is actually kinda helpful in not letting you get immersed in the game, and instead in turning it into a bit of a playground, kinda like the Postal series of games turns their game into a playground where it's fun to mess around with characters. I am actually not even sure if the game is supposed to be this way, but I did laugh at ridiculous plot turns, like the
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    . In general, the game appears to encourage being a little bit of a villain, which is a refreshing break from the normal "cheesy as hell" MC.

    Overall, the game is way too short to give a proper review just yet, but it's quite fun. I almost want to give it a 4 just for letting me have actual fun for once, but it could really use at least a little bit of polish. It's not unplayable, but it could use some.