Unity - The Night Driver [v1.2] [BlackToad]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [v1.0a] I liked so much this game cause of the noir aesthetic of the game and adult approach on the story. I can't rate the game like I usually do because it's lack of so much content atm (you only has sex with 2 of 5 main girls, both of them are whores). But I like some fetishes like a lot of lingerie or clothed sex which are unlikely to see even in a porn game.

    As a feedback, I would like something to speed the pace of the character, like a x2 or something. Too, I would like the sex scene to last more, but I understand they maybe would be more costly.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It is definitely a game to watch but at the moment it just feels like it's building story while missing out on substance. The atmosphere is great, the artwork matches but there needs to be more of it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well made and solid game, the art is really good and the story has potential.

    However I do think the female characters could be more varied in their looks and behaviors, I would like some more extreme characters in terms of both looks and sexuality.

    Same goes for the sexual scenes, they seem far and few inbetween, and they are not very unique. Either you Dom, or you Love. Can get boring and makes for boring imagery unless you make an effort to show different angles and interesting perspectives. If a blowjob is just a blowjob, essentially one image scene, with no expanding upon it, then yeah underwhelming.
    But if she licks around and plays with it a bit, maybe slapping it on her face, then all of a sudden it's a bit more intriguing and who knows where that can lead to. And it doesn't have to be the MC being in charge, the woman can be the Dom in a sex scene, if the relationship allows for it.

    Having said that, it's clear you are very talented and have put in a lot of effort, I am definitely looking forward to seeing more, hopefully more spicy scenes. ;)
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has... potential. A lot of potential. At first I was going to give it a 4 near the beginning but as time went on that went down to a high 3 and then a solid 3 stars. It has some good ideas, good foundation but then it has quite a few things holding it back as well.

    Firstly the art is interesting. I think it's well done and tasteful so good on that. The story idea is heading in a good way. It's a seedy crime story about someone getting mixed in the life who didn't want to but did it because he had to. Along the way you make choices about certain things giving the player a bit of control about how things play out. There's more than enough sex scenes in here so players looking for that will..sorta get their fill but more on that later.

    The characters are pretty well done. There's a good amount here and they're distinct from each other and the balance I guess is pretty good between lewds and story. This is no slow burn game.

    Now onto the negatives, first off Unity... Unity games just aren't very good imo as you miss several quality of life features and they're missing here. There's no rollback, and no skipping that I've seen, so replayability is low because you'd have to click through all the dialogue and unskippable animations.

    It is advertised as a point and click game, but a LOT of the point and click is just time wasting. Things like walk your character ALL the way back to the entrance, then click on the car, then click on the keys, then click on the map, then click on the door, then click on the next door. See? Like some of that could be chopped down. I know the dev is going for incorporating gameplay but I mean this really begins to drag after awhile and you start to notice.

    Game needs an editor or someone needs to do a better job at editing the script. While the english isn't the worst I've seen or nowhere near it being too bad, it is another thing holding it back as the grammar mistakes become noticeable. They're small mistakes but they begin to pile up after awhile and once you're aware you'll begin to notice more and more. There's also the poor woman Mery. They say her name is Mery but sometimes call her Mary, so Idk what her name is really supposed to be.

    The sex scenes in here are a mixed bag. Not the animation or art of them, those are solid, though some will not like how short or unvaried they are. Like a position or two and then done. But they kinda come from out of nowhere most the time, or just happen. Then there is a LOT of them happening in dream sequence, which I hate... Think about 3 full out and like 2 or 3 are teased but yeah... The sex it kinda just happens like in bad tv shows when two characters give each other that look before the next scene just shows the two of them going at it.

    Then lastly the drop of another protag. I mean it's in the tags but again you make a good amount of progress with one before the game just drops "You're now playing as someone else" I mean she'll relate to the story it seems but again it just kinda came from out of nowhere.

    All in all it's an interesting game. I LOVE crime stories so it piqued my interest, it has some good things going as a novel and some okay things going as a game. It's pretty good. It's not God's gift to this site as the other ratings will lead you to believe. It COULD get up there with the top games but it could also go the other way too if somethings don't get ironed out. It's also not really that long either. I'm a slow reader with little free time and I got through it pretty quick. If the tags and the premise or art appeal to you give it a shot but temper your expectations.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    Very good art work, graphics are just amazing,story is unique and fascinating . Reminds me on some crime movie from late 90s . Very interesting to play and keeps my attention all the time.Hot girls and every single of them has their own story and character. There is a lot of sequel posibility in future ,a lot of good and spice story to make. Keep doing great job and art work.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Average game that gets very good reviews because of how creative it is. The game itself though does have a lot of average/bad features that aren't discussed enough and take it out of the good-to-great game range for me.

    The story is TND's strongest point, really interesting setting, cast of characters and lore (though not very deep yet). That being said most of the missions are just you walking from point A to point B to have a static dialogue scene then you go back to point A and so on and so forth... which is basically achieving the same gameplay as any other VN with more fluff to disguise it.

    The game mecanics are clunky (you have to click multiple times on your car/door to open up the pointless menu to then use it) and over the top - is there really a need to open a menu every time I click on a door ? What are my options ? Just open it lol. The game runs poorly on my average PC and the framerate drops to a powerpoint presentation for every driving scene.

    The sex scenes are disappointing to say the least, the art is amazing and the characters are really hot but the scenes fail to build any tension / steaminess and are almost always just one action / position repeated until climax which makes them feel empty and brief.

    I do think this game has some very strong points (art / story basis) but fails to deliver on the execution which makes it feel kinda flat and frustrating because of how much potential there is. Probably the most overrated game on the site because of it's unique nature, I do think people overlook it's huge weaknesses as a porn game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best if not the best xxx game right now.
    Art is F A N T A S T I C - finally a breath of fresh air from this shitty made DAZ3D renders with innatural breasts, no expressions and completely no erotic vibe.
    Very good balance between plot and porn, and well made quests. Sure - sametimes you must walk too much (in a bar for example), but it's definetely not boring.
    Fetishes are pushing my buttons right now, and these pantyhose/stocking thing is also fantastic
    I feel an inside anger that such gems are practically non funded comparing to these generic 3dcg games, where all the work is made by authors GPU and not his/her brain :C
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    it has been a long time since i found another game that isn't just generic as fuck with shit characters and shit story and shit sex and way too much text

    play this game
    good characters
    fun story
    interesting art style
    Likes: Ataly
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of games, and this one is something completely different. It has a nice Russian mafia story. It has nice background music. It has stunning visuals with cinematic quality animations. The way Unity engine is put to use has nothing to do with other games. Gameplay is smooth and game has a dark melancholic vibe. Sex scenes are top notch, characters are unique, but most importantly - all girls have proportionate, realistic bodies! I'm really fed up with short, fat women with ass bigger than a house and tits like water meIons. This game has nicely styled, detailed models, probablt hand drawn! I hope the dev continues to develop it!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a unique game, neo-noir porn games are so rare... Visuals, sound etc. are good. Plot is also interesting and started to unravel. You need to experience this one for sure, you won't regret it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very original game with pretty and very unique graphics.
    The women look great and wear cool stockings or pantyhose, which are definitely the main fetish of the game. The sex animations are short but there are quite a lot of them.

    Even the ugly guys look great, which means really ugly :)

    The story is a dark one, involving gangters, drugs and prostitutes. It has a nice climate, unfortunately for me it runs a bit too slowly. Actually 95% of the game is someone talking to someone. Personally I'd like to see some more action.

    There are a few bugs in the game likes mixed pictures in the gallery but nothing serious.

    My real rating is somewhere between 4 and 5 stars but In advance I'm giving 5 stars hoping it will develop further into good direction.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent art work, the vibe of this game is fancinating. the detail of the story may need to polish, little confuse about the relationship between GINA and NICK. and there is a bug in anna's gallery.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    this isnt a porn game.. and wait a second, it has plenty of amazing animated sex scenes. but what i mean is, this game is unique, the pictures dont give it justice.. it plays like the game american fugitive, with a top down styled mechanic, a semi open world.. and interesting story line from the get go. GET THIS GAME. try it out here and then support the creator
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game as is and VERY promising regarding its future potential. The artwork is amazing, the atmosphere and setting is amazing, the dialogue is mostly good with just a few weird things/grammar issues, and the story is so far so good.

    I would say I have only a few issues with the game, some being nitpicky. First, the most major issue with the game imo is the sex scenes are extremely short and not very gratifying and I'm not even necessarily talking art & animation, although a little more in that regard for a few skimpy sex scenes would be appreciated too; no, I'm talking about the dialogue. The sex scenes are almost entirely devoid of interaction between the MC and the women and because of that, unlocking sex scenes feels more like collecting sexy images than reaching a point in the game where I can actually cum, although the images ARE very sexy for sure. I have to do tasks and talk to people a lot to get to these scenes, and it'd be nice if I could stew in them a little bit and really absorb what's happening and maybe have an actual interaction with the girl, whether dirty talking, or anything really, w/e.

    Second biggest issue imo is you can't change the MC's name. Big no no in VNs. I don't wanna be called "Nick" and there's nothing worse than being called another dude's name while you're trying to get off, especially if it reminds you of someone you hated..

    Third, there's some confusion with the appearance of Jennifer & Amy (brunette hotel prostitute) where they share faces in one or two images; not sure if this is artifact left over from initial character planning stages or what, but there is one particular image of Jennifer where she looks exactly like Amy. Also Catherine (Alice's mother, in that mansion early in the game) and Mery (hotel clerk/manager or w/e) seem to share appearance.

    Some characters in the game look like they should be related, not sure if that's just me or if plans had to be changed because of Patreon's incest policy.

    I also personally think Gabi & "Death" should be separate characters, as they have completely different vibes, i.e. Gabi feels like a young/young-ish prostitute while "Death" feels like a milf.

    Other than that, it's just the usual for betas where portions of the game feel incomplete and rushed, like Mery's "domination". I also really wish you could skip scenes faster, because right now you have to wait a good 3-5 seconds before you can skip and it's really irritating; 1-1.5 seconds should be plenty to prevent accidental skips.

    Anyways, really great game despite some of my issues and I recommend it!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very surprised by how good it was. Great artwork, gameplay and story. Really looking forward to seeing more from this game. I fund myself wanting to know where to story was going rather than just getting to the next scene. Re ally recommend donating to the artist as it is money well spent.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game.
    amazing,excellent game,perfect.This game still in progress but still gives you a great pleasure when you playing.
    I love graphics in this game but fucking scenes a bit bad but generaly excellent game for me
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is diamond it's something different not just some boring click and sex like the most of renpy games here. it gives you great atmosphere story music and missions to entartain you. you sir are a legend
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It has great art, a great story and a nice noir vibe to it that makes me explore the surroundings. Hopefully it will get a bigger world for players to explore.

    I definetly recommend it and I hope the developers will continue in this manner.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is really made by a pro, maybe it needs more danger in it, but it's really a good intro to Crime Life. The graphics, the scenario, and sound effects are legit. There is depth and i think that the dev really need support to continue working, it's really worth it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The art style is unique and pleasant, the atmosphere of criminality is immersive and the story is interesting. All in all this is a good and individual game. The only minus is the amount of clicking and walking one needs to do for no apparent reason - the controls could have been a bit more convenient.