VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - The Pilot [Ep. 2 v0.1b] [SnafuSevSix]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for The Pilot [Ep. 1 v.1.0]

    Contains Minor Spoilers

    Some words before the meat of the review. This game is an interesting one, Star Wars with elements from Mass Effect, mostly characters and models. It is not however a love child of the two, rather let’s get some of the sexy characters from Mass Effect and put them in the path of the Rebel pilot we play as. Much potential and seeing that this is SnafuSevSix’s first game he shows much potential as well.

    Now, the TLDR pros of the game are as follows; the story is solid, the sex scenes are great. The story follows you, a Rebel pilot, doing a job for the Alliance when you discover something that now makes you a valuable person to the Rebels and target number one for the Empire. Follows predictable beats but not in a bad way. The dialogue isn’t forced or corny (although there is something, but I’ll leave that for the con section). The story is there and is actually interesting, but more interesting than the story is the sex because obviously, we are on f95. The sex scenes are a surprising highlight. They also have a con I will mention later but overall, the renders and the animations and even the dialogue during sex is well enough to get someone over.

    TLDR for the cons are as follows; animations are slow, and the translation is funky at times. The animations, not only during the sex but also during cutscenes, seem to be in slow motion. I don’t know if that’s to draw them out intentionally or perhaps some other issue, perhaps with Ren’Py, but seeing as the general formula is two slow loops before it goes to the other scene, it would be nice for it to go a bit faster. Suggestion would be to allow us to skip at any time but keep the animation looping at a faster tempo. Another issue is the game is originally and by default in French, so after changing the language you can find remnants of the French here and there. Overall, quite minor cons but they are there, nonetheless.

    I would recommend this for anyone who is looking for a sci-fi VN that is in the Star Wars themed. Most of the time sci-fi VN’s on here that are Star Wars related are small is scale or 2D so having a 3DCG game like this is great. Don’t, like I said before, come into this game thinking because of the renders that its Star Wars meets Mass Effect. Think rather, man I would love to be in the Rebel Alliance and fuck Liara from Mass Effect.

    P.S. - If you are into feet, like yours truly, this is the game for you.

    P.P.S – Add toe sucking pls k thx
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid start with episode 1.
    Preview images show you pretty much what you can expect. A decent amount of plot and dialogue for a Star Wars sex game that has some of the best Mass Effect sex scenes.
    Also Twi'leks!

    Definitely worth at least checking out.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: Visual novel, choose between two options.

    Writing: The plot is good, and the characters have personality.

    Art: Animated scenes, and the models look like their from the official stuff.

    Audio: They use sound effects and an intro song that makes it hard to believe they haven't gotten copyright claimed.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    While I was hesitant about this game having Mass Effect characters, it's a wonderful first attempt. The native language of the game creator seems to be French, but the English translation was understandable and enjoyable. The story seemed really interesting as well as per version 0.9, and I can't wait to see how this one ends, and perhaps see more adventures of this rebel pilot whom I named Ace in anticipation of his skills.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Better than I expected based on other reviews, but still needs work, especially with the english translation. The animations are also unskippable, though of higher quality than a lot of other Ren'Py games I've played. Very smooth. The rough translation isn't bad enough to make the game unplayable, but frequently uses the wonr pronouns, frequently using "him" when referring to a female for example. Would also be nice if there was some explanation why Liara is in this universe, it's written as if Mass Effect and Star Wars were the same universe or something.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    pretty meh for me,

    the author clearly REALLY loves feet but i personally dont so that kind of ruins some enjoyment for me personally.
    The overall story was ok, dialogue needs work, renders were not great but mostly ok if a bit grainy at times.

    i can deal with this being a mix of mass erect and star wars but it would be cool if this was reflected in the story, also i dont really like how its completely ripped off characters with the same names and everything but there is zero effort put into making the dialogue fit for said characters

    i might just be overthinking from one event but it looks like "dark side" will be mind controll bullshit and that combined with the feet focus made me drop it.

    all in all not a horrible game but definately not one for me
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Gott to say, I enjoyed how the game had aliens in the game. And not just female ones. It really does feel like I am in a big galaxy full of hundreds of different species. This is rare and provides a spice to the game.

    Really enjoyed the slice of life moments. Like the part your droid would beep at you in different tones to leave it up to you to interpret what the droid is saying and thinking. Also really enjoyed the space effects. Like when you go into hyperspace, you hear you going into hyperspace. Also liked the droid noises throughout the campaign.

    Love the part the Pilot goes aboard the abandoned station and makes some observations that never feel forced. Like he recognizes a B1 battle droid but does not know the specifics of them. Or the part he pointed out the turret that dated back to the clone era and this makes sense. He is a fighter. He should know basic weapons. Even the reveal of the force felt natural as he is pulled by both the light and dark said.

    Have to say, the animations for the ships were remarkably well done. The scale of the objects looked correct and how they moved also looked good.

    As for story itself, that is difficult to judge. On one hand, loved how Hera was mind controlled. The Jedi have jedi mind tricks so why wouldn’t the sith have something similar? Honestly, the Sith are much more ruthless than the Jedi and am surprised they do not push how far they can control people with the force. So was great to have the sexy twist of Hera Sundula being mind controlled with sex torture. Though maybe next time make the dildo red instead of purple.

    Also really enjoyed the part the MC thought on his feet and shot the control board for the blast doors. Knowing that he could not take on a Sith user and two imperial guards. This is excellent! This shows the MC is smart and can think on his feet but is still in great danger.

    On the other hand, the story felt short. This was an episode of the Clone Wars and not an episode of the movies. Do not get me wrong, a lot happened. You meet Liara, you meet smugglers, you meet Rex, you meet Hera all in organic ways. Just did not feel like a journey has taken place. Like the MC not finishing his Jedi/Sith training. Or building his relationships with the rest of the resistance.

    Do like the villain, Yasmea. In the first scene she talks to an officer, she kills him for failing to stop the rebels. A great way to show that she means business. Also great to see her be a little self-aware for referencing Darth Vader, “You have failed me for the last time.” Showing that she has a personality. This is essential for making audiences like/hate her.

    The sex scenes themselves are hard to judge. I can see the effort put into them. They are animated and the characters move in (mostly) organic ways. Just love seeing their breasts bounce. Also, if you do not want to show the pilot’s face, can you think of something different than a square haze? Maybe a pilot helmet or goggles? Back to the animations, just find them a little lifeless. Maybe for animations, you can have text of the characters talking to each other over the sounds of their moaning.

    Overall, I would give this game a four out of five. A good game. Worth playing if you are a Star Wars fan. Now, this next part is pure fan service and can stop reading here as this is what I want in the next episode and not what the game is.

    • Would love to have the Pilot visit the frozen world of Ilum or Hoth. Ilum because he needs to find another Kyber Krystal for his lightsaber and Hoth because he is in the rebellion. During his stay, Liara (and possibly others) visit the pilot to help ‘warm up.’
    • Go a little crazy with the Dark side powers. Have the dark side combined with the empires latest technology to create the perfect sex clone. After clone orders were stopped by the Empire, they began experimenting with creating perfect infiltrator females. Women who could woo weary resistance fighters with their words and super-hot figures. Though because the Empire wants them easy to control, they are easily susceptible to the powers of the force.
    • This is a big one. Have some sort of combat or money system. This is in the games category of F95zone. Would really like to have some sort of game instead of scrolling through pictures. Maybe a point system where you can select different missions that reward you with influence points. Along with training choices that can help you with different missions. Depending on if you succeed or fail, you go back to bas empty handed or unlocking a new mission. Some missions lead to game progression. Others lead to more exciting sex scenes. Granted, this is huge and have already stated this is your first game so understand if this is too ambitious. Just wanted something like the space mining in Last Hope (
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Xero Sunrider

    Great game! Don't abandon it pls, this is beautiful. Star Wars + Mass Effect it's so F GOOOD. PLs keep uploading, one of the best game in the website (pls keep uploading). I'll follow some updates, pls don't betray like Anakin.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I won't say anything about the foot fetish. It's not my thing, but that's not a reason to judge a game worse.
    Instead let me give you the reasons for my two star rating.

    1. The writing isn't good. It's not completely unreadable Engrish, but it is just about all you can say that it does tell a story and reads mostly coherent.
    Sorry, but my standards even for an average game are higher. In addition, there are repeated instances where the original French was left in the English version.
    2. The renders and models aren't good either, the quality is very low, it all looks grainy and there's barely any lighting.
    They used that horrible Liara model with the skin looking as if she's a burn victim or plastered with something.
    3. Which brings me to the completely unexplained addition of Asari into the Star Wars Universe, plus a whole bunch of other Mass Effect assets.
    If there was at least an attempt at an explanation, I might be able to work with it, if it was part of a humorous game and some form of parody, great, but that's not there. Instead, it just seems as if the creators didn't have enough Star Wars assets for a complete game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I like foot fetish themed games, so I also like this one. But:
    - Graphics could be better.
    - Artstyle is all over the place
    - Not that many choices
    - That mass effect crossover is anticlimactic at least.