The plague of straw-feminists in western AVNs


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2021
I just posted this in the Cosy Cafe thread, but I figured since it's a recurring issue across multiple games and seeing it there was just the straw (heh) that broke the camel's back, it merited its own thread. So...


"ProTip to AVN writers: if you're considering putting this type of character in your game, DON'T. It keeps happening, and it jerks me right out of the experience every time. Like eating a delicious bowl of finely-crafted soup and finding a turd floating in it. It's incredibly annoying, and not in the good, 'you did a good job writing this deliberately annoying character' way, in the bad, 'you the writer are annoying for thinking this could ever be a good idea' way. Frankly, inserting these straw-feminists just makes the writer look like the biggest, saddest fucking incel on the planet, every time. It suggests that your opinions come not from actually engaging with people you disagree with, but listening uncritically to how they're described by those who have a vested interest in keeping you disagreeing with them.

Thank you for attending my TED talk.

EDIT: I know that sounded harsh, but to be clear, it is coming from a place of love, because I have been very much enjoying the game otherwise."

Oh, and for anyone who doesn't understand what I mean by calling these characters "straw-feminists", it's in reference to .
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
To be fair, that's exactly the kind of discourse (and far worse) you'll see on some female-exclusive feminist subreddits. No idea if anyone talks like that IRL.


Dec 17, 2018
In order to write a great feminist... One must... become a great feminist...



Jan 14, 2024
In order to write a great feminist... One must... become a great feminist...

A great feminist... I don't think that's existed at all for the past 2 decades.

You see, to be a great feminist you must first be in an environment where feminism is needed, where gender inequality is real, but in today's world all countries that actually have feminists are environments where that simply isn't the case, so no great feminists.

Right now the only good feminist is the one that realized that they aren't needed anymore and found something meaningful to do with their time instead, and the rest of the feminists are just garbage people who, if they really cared about any of the shit they're spewing, would move to different countries and spew it there, where it's needed. Granted they'd then get promptly executed depending on which country they chose but still.
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