HTML - The Queen of Phalli [Ch.8.9 IE] [Nobody Cares]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game to be a great experience and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys erotica or text-based adventures.

    What you can expect:
    - Good writing. Very important for a text-based game, duh.
    - An excellent cast of characters, which you come to really care for; and who have evolving and diverse relationships. If I had to pick only one, I would say this is the strongest asset of the game.
    - A well-built story & setting. The overly sexual, female-dominated universe is nicely rendered and an integral part of the story.
    - Choices wich do matter. But not too many of them that the game becomes too complex.
    - The art is also nice, and provides adequate visuals to the text. (Available for 3 chapters out of 8 at this date).

    Be aware of :
    - Female POV, and more realistic than average. Well, as realistic as porn fantasy games can be. But it still felt worth point out.
    - Most scenes are FxF or FxFuta (and variations). I don't consider myself a die-hard fan of this genre, but I very much so enjoyed almost all the action.
    - Humour & sexual undertones in every page. Which I like :)
    - Dom / Sub relationships. And those are tackled in the interesting way, that is by hinting at underlying questions like: Is it demeaning to be a sub? Does the dom really have the power?
    - Knowledge of Drow fandom is a plus; but not a requirement.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The Queen of Phalli is definitely a most play game For those that enjoy text based fantasy games with complex and diverse cast of characters. The game encourages multiple play through so that players will be explore and uncover new aspects of the games that they wouldn‘t experience with just a single play through.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The Queen of Phalli is easily one of the best Female Protag games on this site.

    The first thing that caught my eye in this game was the dialogue. When writing good dialogue, it is important that it complies with a few basic rules, such as the presence of subtext, a good amount of conflict, etc. Good dialogue shouldn't be idle. By which I mean, dialogue should always serve some kind of purpose. It can be a comedic. It can be building tension. And most importantly it can be (and should be) conveying some kind of information to the reader. However, it is very important to convey said information in a very subtle way, so that the reader doesn't feel that it's being dumped on them. It should never feel like one character is just giving a speech to the other. And in addition to all that (of course, I understand, that it's easier said than done) the dialogue should never be boring.

    And the writer ticked every single one of those boxes and more! For an amateur writer, they did an amazing job.

    Now, I really don't want to criticize too much, but the one thing that could improve the dialogue even further is interruptions. Whether it's one character (or an event) interrupting another or a character stopping mid-sentence because they changed their mid, interruptions can make any dialogue more intense, more emotional and more alive. Don't overuse them, but sprinkle just the right amount of them on your dialogue to make it even better.

    The same goes for hesitations (I'm talking about filler words like "erm", "um", "er", "ah", "so", etc.). It feels a lot more organic when a timid character is not sure what to say and has to take a split second to think. Or at the end of an argument when one of the characters begins to doubt their own words. There are many uses for hesitations, however, just like with interruptions, they should never be overused.

    Now, on to the main plot. The storytelling in this game is very straightforward. The protagonist has a very specific goal in mind and is moving towards that goal while the writer throws all kinds of obstacles in their way. Very well done.

    The descriptions of character appearances and their surroundings are laconic, yet they do not feel like they are lacking. The writer gives just the right amount of detail so that the reader could easily picture everything in their head, without dragging it out and making it boring.

    The characters themselves are also written in a very commendable way. Most of them have some kind of damage (emotional or otherwise) in their past, which enables them to grow and develop in a very organic way. Healthy, well-adjusted adults are just plain boring, and I was very pleased to see that the writer understands that.

    Overall, the game is amazing in every respect, and you should definitely give it a read.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Kind Nightmares

    This game is great.

    To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of text games, but Nobody Cares has a tremendous talent for writing. I cared so much about the sisters' relationship as if I lived in their company myself.

    One thing I'd like to add is that I knew nothing about dnd races before this game and actually the release of BG3. Yes, here it's slightly modified, but close to the original. The sex scenes are insanely hot in my opinion.

    The fem mc, although submissive most of the time, seems to enjoy it, which is a definite con.

    One of the best html games I've ever played and highly recommend to those who like futa and lesbian content.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Plot with Porn,
    Now with illustrations!

    Futa/Trans content in which the story isn’t relegated to a vehicle used to fulfill a checklist of predetermined fetishes/smut is hard enough to find these days. I was pleasantly surprised to find under all the fast-paced scintillating smut real character growth and evolving relationships between the characters that keeps me coming back to this html game.

    The first Book ‘Baptism’ (Chapters 1-5) focuses on the MC’s relationship with her family/lovers and acts as a traditional dating sim within a fantasy setting that is highly hierarchical. Hidden points are scored with certain characters to progress the story and the evolution of their relationship with the MC.

    During my first playthrough I was distracted by the rich world building/lore. As in any 2nd rate dating sim, I attempted to pursue all the romanceable characters simultaneously, leading me to not scoring enough points with any of the characters and failing a story check (Book 1’s namesake) followed by a bad end. I was surprised a few weeks and multiple playthroughs later when I discovered a harem ending was actually possible. Requiring careful management of choices and paying attention to certain character’s inferred desires and wants and how they play off all parties.

    Therin lies the main valid criticism I have seen, in that absent any built in indicators/walkthroughs, choices can be opaque and certain outcomes hard to achieve during initial playthroughs. Personally, I enjoy the replayability and the occasional discovery of a missed sub-path that further peels back the onion of a character’s background/motivations. For example, a certain sub-path variation of a pivotal sex scene devolves into a threesome that really brings to life the adage: “Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” With all the delicious implications story and smut wise down the line.

    Enjoyers of foreshadowing and an occasionally unreliable narrator in the form of the MC will have a fun time as I have. We’re not talking GRRM levels of “the prince that was promised” foreshadowing, but chapter 7 had me reading in glee at certain threads and narrative time bombs being seeded.

    Add to that other plotlines/romances that are much more heartfelt and driven by genuine love and kindness, leaves one with a feast of riches reading wise. The smut itself is sprinkled with a wicked and genuinely joyful sense of humor. Those in the know about the relationship between “Synafae”, “artificial rain”, and the phrase “a blessing from the goddess” will grin.

    The second Book ‘Novitiate’ (Chapters 6-8 with 9-12 to come) pivots to the MC’s education at what in effect is a boarding school where smut, magic, and societal pressure of the hypersexualized sort are rife. The MC’s relationships with her family/lovers are pushed temporarily aside to be superseded by a new cast of characters that are equally as engrossing as they are carnal. As such this new setting focuses hard on the MC herself and her own growth away from the dominating personalities of her family/lovers. Relationship points are put aside in favor of MC character points in categories such as Loving/Caring, Lustful/Eager, and Wicked/Cruel. With certain point thresholds unlocking new paths and sub plots that range from the orgiastic to the heart meltingly sweet. Having said that, as of the writing of this review we are still in the early days of Book 2. With many twists, trials, and Phalli to come for the MC.

    If you’re still reading this review, kick back, grab a cup of tea, and play the game. As for the time starved of you, don’t hesitate to ask on the forums or at me or the game’s author for pointers on how to get to your preferred route in a timely fashion.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Amazing art! I have really nothing else to say. Playing this game you can really see how much effort the artist put on to let us enjoy. I would already recommand this game and I can't wait to see it develop.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good writing, a more generic author amongst these sorta games would have made some characters really predictable dom/sub paths, but the author here more maturely considers the deeper motivations for the characters and a mean character may actually just be afraid of loss. It's quite romance driven which I like a lot, but it also doesn't forget it's purpose as a smut vehicle either though. I'm sure you found this game from searching certain tags- don't worry you'll get them.

    As for critiques though:
    Story can have some issues with unclear choices, it sometimes seems inconsequential choices can have path determinations. That sorta butterfly effect storytelling is a valid style and I still liked well enough where I ended up, but some readers may not. Some better differentiation of what's actually an inconsequential choice or not may help, along with differentiating what's an exploration moment where you're free to explore all options versus what is a single path choice (as I found myself having to check often).

    Also, it can be a bit wall-of-text at moments. Better breaking up the text so it always fits to a single screen without much scrolling could better improve the flow and make things less intimidating. Some fluffier text formatting with perhaps colored names and such could help with readability too. Another game, Transylvania, could be some good influence here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Just give it a try if the tags spark your interest. Get hooked like the rest of us, waiting for each chapter like a fiend.

    It's using a great setting as its world, so it leads to a great imagery aid for the imagination, visualizing the story as it goes.

    Scenes are great and the writing for them are much the same. If you aren't really into big fantasy cock on chicks, incest, or femdom situations, you probably aren't gonna care about this one. Drow society makes this a great theme for the story in my opinion. The themes just fit together well and cause for some great situations to happen while feeling natural.

    Pacing is pretty great. I would be lying if I didn't say I am a little sad we don't get to spend time with more setting descriptions here and there for some places that get visited. Though nothing is really lost, not having them. Scenes are also paced in a way that they are fun to read and get nice and steamy, but don't feel like they are dragging on.

    Lastly, sure there isn't music or art, just consider this a book to read, set your own mood and let your imagination paint the art for you.

    EDIT: No one panic, there is some art.... NO ONE PANIC!!!!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing, nice cross-over with the fantasy Underdark realm and who doesn't like some hot and heavy drow female action? The story is nicely fleshed out (pun intended), and builds nicely on well-known Drizzt lore.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: Chapter 5

    Not an easy title to review because it doesn't exactly fit the usual criteria for games, in fact it's not really a game, more like an interactive story so I think it belongs more on a site like Chyoa or Literotica. That being said I'm gonna review it in its current state.

    Graphics/Art: 0/5

    There's absolutely nothing besides that little image in the beginning of the thread. Now while it is natural to take into account that it's a small dev with limited resources, I think having art at the very least for the main characters (sisters + matron) is the bare minimum.

    These days you don't even need to commission art, there's all that AI software out there (like StableDiffusion and so on) that allows you to get pretty startling results with a bit of patience. Not as good as proper OC art naturally but better than nothing.

    Music: 0/5

    No music whatsoever but that's pretty standard for text-based games.

    Gameplay/UI: 3/5

    No minigames or anything like that although I'm not sure if that's even possible in HTML so I guess that's to be expected.

    A few choices here and there which do actually impact the ending you get in Chapter 5 (last chapter of the current build) so that's nice.

    Disappointed that the "bad end" isnt really one, you get a bit of context on what happens afterwards but no sex content at all.

    Story/Writing: 4/5

    Obviously it's not for everyone because the story focuses quite heavily on futa but I happen to be a big fan and if you're reading this you probably are too.

    I'm pretty sure the story takes place in some preexisting universe although I'm too lazy to look into that, regardless the game does give you enough info to understand the basics of it without it being overwhelming.

    The story does mostly stick to the relationship between a relatively small subset of characters which I think is the right call, the characters have a lot of soul and personality to them, it's pretty fun and lighthearted most of the time, the sex scenes work, the jokes land, the pacing is a bit too quick for my taste but that's not a problem per se, it really depends on what the author's plans are for the rest of the story.

    Can't say much more than that until I see the rest of it but it is promising.

    Conclusion: 4/5

    Not a lot of content so far, about 5h I would say, but if you're into futa it's worth a try. Far from perfect but there is potential, I'll be keepeing an eye on this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I'm surprised. I didn't expect to like or enjoy it as much as I did.

    The writing is fantastic and professional. The main cast of characters is incredible and never felt bored or a pain to be around them.

    Elifael is my favorite, and it's rare to see an MC being the best in their own story regarding adult games, let me tell you.

    This is a rare gem that deserves more attention. If the story follows the same way the first book has, it will be in for a huge success. Because I won't lie, the society in which the story is centered, and the themes had everything to be terrible, and make readers like me incredibly uncomfortable and more annoyed than pleased from reading it, but the author at least with my choices made it a very pleasant and a great experience.

    I also loved the fact that the choices are really subtle, I was even thinking I wasn't having choices at all for a while, at least nothing that would change the story. Until a certain part. And I just played blindly following what I thought would make Elifael happy.

    I also love how certain characters' growth changed my perspective about them, and in special how much I fell in love with Nefail as the story kept going. She's easily one of my favorite LI from any game I've played in a long time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect this game to be any good and I was very wrong.
    The story is very cool and has a lot of potential. I have played up till chapter 5 and the story only gets better. Hopefully the creator can keep a good narrative line.
    The game is also incredibly hot with the eldest sister being the hottest character by far until now.
    I hope that one day we will get more illustrations for this game. And I think this will happen as long as the game keeps getting updated. Most people who will end up trying the game will like it and it will become more and more popular
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good story. Interesting characters. Extremely hot. Replayed multiple times already. Would like to have bigger and more frequent episodes. Hope this gets more recognition so we can get more content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game, best erotic Choose your own adventure game I have played/read. Well worth the five stars. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the story develop with more chapters! As noted its text rather than pictures but its well written enough that anyone with even a bit of imagination will be satisfied.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Drows with cocks, great writing, colourfull characters, humor that does not make me cringe, i liked choices and the fact there is not that many, its good for healthy writing imo(i've seen alot of stories with branching that never goes anywhere or slows down story to a crawl), Nefail is my favorite chracter so far btw.
    10/10 for me for sure, i wish author all the best and i cant wait for Nefail plowing dat ass the next chapter!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality writing, and an interesting if of course, cheesy porn setting. Really hoping that things shake out well here, as it seems there's a setup for quite a long story and solid character development here.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Rycharde's Realm

    Having not finished the first chapter, I say that the world in which you are placing it is full of possibilities and wonder. The writing, grammar, and such are excellent. The only item I have with it is visual. There should be, IMHO, spaces between paragraphs. Other than that, an outstanding game. I hope this is but an example of the story to follow.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the dynamic between characters a lot. It's rare to see a love dom type relationships in these type of games(atleast i havent seen much of it), instead most porn games devolve into some form "EAT DICK YOU WHORE" abusive dom.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the type of Html game I want, not one that's filled with random porn gifs/pics, but one with just good writing instead. It's not very long, but that's to be expected of the first version. It does however have a decent intro to the world and some key characters and leaves me wanting more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through what's in the game today and enjoyed it! The setting and characters are fun, and I liked the protagonist. The writing is also solid, and I didn't notice much at all in the way of spelling errors or bad grammar. I hope development continues to flesh out the content available!

    My main complaints are about presentation:
    - I would really like better line spacing between paragraphs if possible, to improve readability.
    - Some kind of menu and save/load would also be appreciated in the future if only for scene replays, though not needed for current content.

    Since it's a recent release the content is a little sparse to form a basis for 5 stars honestly, but what the hell.