VN - Unity - Completed - The Queen Who Adopted a Goblin [v1.1] [NTRMAN]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    It doesn't have even 10 minutes of animated scenes, but on the other hand it's 10 hours of unnecessary dialog. Another strange thing is that it doesn't even let you skip the dialogs or skips them so slowly. It's very tiring and a waste of time. Only the drawings are good, but I didn't care because it annoyed me so much.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    IT'S THE GOAT THE GOAT! First NTRMAN game I have ever played, definitely it set the bar very high. The only downside of that game is that there's only one ending. NTRMAN didn't go through the foreshadowing of King's poor heart giving up that was present in the beginning, it would be nice to see him going away and the Queen replacing the sole heir to the throne with goblin halfbreeds~
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best NTR game I have played. The dark feeling of your mother getting taken, enjoyed by other is played beautifully. Music and steam sweat combo makes the scenes so much engrossing to watch. NTRMAN is king for NTR games. Need more such dark NTR games or comics.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is good, but knowing it is from NTRMAN this one is one of the weaker additions.
    Renders, CG, art style is really good, but the story and plot is lacking.
    You have to play the game twice, once from prince perspective and get glimpses what is happening (plus you need to select all correct options to unlock Queens playthrough), when you play as a queen you see the actual story, but the MC is so gullible that the story progresses very quickly and the game ends as quick.
    Overall very short game with good renders, but definitely not a polished product and a lot of plot holes to be seen.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR For Live

    God I Love NTRMAN Games and Works. Mostly the amount of content in the Art and Story gets me everytime. This Work is for me so damn good cause of the fact it's also with a Goblin+Motherly Cuckold:love: Motherly Cuckold is one of my Most favorite fetishes, so who else is into that=You will Love the Game. I find it also good that you can play both POV's as Mother and Son. So also like individual scenes(y)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Review based in the V.1.0 (I played this game the 3/3/2021, so I not gonna download it again).

    • History: Simple, and almost lineal, but enjoyable with the scenes (apart of be interesting the concept of 2 perspectives). The only problem with this part is the multiple options of the Son (the first MC with you play this game), but the best parts start when you can play with the Milf.
    • Durability: The durability of the game is aprox. 1 hour if only go without try to unlock all the memories or 2 if try to do what I say before.
    • Art & Animation: I consider the art of this game is good, based in the designs of the characters and the scenarios (apart of the H scenes). And later the animations is based in 2 or 3 images, which doesn't make it so much of a problem in my honest opinion.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Perfectly fine game. Nothing really stands out. The story makes no sense and the ntr aspect is pretty weak. The art is mkay and you can't say no to hot milf. You can easily finish it in less than an hour for quick fap.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Its content justifies a roughly 30-minute game, but is padded gruelingly to become a 2-hour game. If you like NTR and writing, this game is annoying because it falls under every bad stereotype about NTR stories. It's absolutely carried by the polish of the art and overall presentation, I haven't seen much better human x goblin art in a game before. A game that had high potential and was spoiled by baffling design decisions.

    The Queen and her son are the two POVs, but you can't play the Queen at first, it locks you out until you play the son's POV. You are given a lot of fake choices, but the game really just wants you to play it multiple times to milk the content. When you play as the Son, you get voyeurism where you only see glimpses of the scene. As the Queen, you get the same scenes plus a couple in full. Make sure you get the patch, so you don't miss out on one of the ending scenes. The multiple ending idea felt like something thrown in at the last second, as it's really not fleshed out. The best comparison I can make is Mario Galaxy, when you beat that game the game says "alright, now beat the whole game again with Luigi." which is kinda fun but also tedious.

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    I love goblin stuff, NTR stuff, voyeurism, and so on. Really, I'm the exact target audience for this game, and that said, getting to the content is kinda grueling. You would have a better experience just looking up the art and imaging the scene yourself. One thing I appreciate is that this game isn't censored, as monster fetish seems to be bigger in Japan.

    It just for me didn't work well as a game and I got pretty sick of it. There's nothing wrong with making a short game, but I didn't like how this was done here because of the multiple POV and the "multiple endings" felt like extreme levels of padding. I would have actually preferred that they ditch those concepts and make this a 20-minute micro-game instead. The game itself in programming is very stable and from my experience without bugs, it's hard to mess up a VN game, but even still the programming here goes slightly above and beyond to make a very polished VN engine.

    The "animation" is just fading between 2 frames back and forth, but it's serviceable. It's worth mentioning because I've seen good fully animated scenes from this same ntrman in other works
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Potential is there, but it's too short. There's not enough build up. If it's longer and has a bit more to the branching (for example, an ending if the queen's affair stays secret) it'd been great. I think the dev themselves probably have more in planning but end up not implementing any (prince's friend, king's illness, king's trip to another country, etc). Would love to see this setting revisited and updated with more content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great! My favorite NTRMAN game, I give it 5 stars because NTR and corruption are done right! I love the two-perspective approach, and when you finally get the full story, you are coming (probably). I feel like it could be longer, but for what we have, I loved it.
    I've seen some people here compare this to other NTRMAN games and say it's a carbon copy of them, and I could not disagree more. I feel like maybe these people just detected NTR in both games and stopped there. Of course similar, this is a genre of fraud and corruption.
    Overall, this was a short but sweet game, and it definitely played something of a theme again.
    this game actually appears as an easter egg in another NTRMAN game which is forbidden to mention here lol
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    As several have said the story isn't anything too good, its a good game if youre into NTR, which is probably why you're here. But it is just a visual novel rather than a game, that provides maybe an hour of content if you take things slow and read every line.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Art -> Quite good, what makes it 4 and not 3.
    Writing -> About average, NTR with a fantasy slant.
    Gameplay -> VN with a couple branching paths.
    Content -> It's NTRman, short and (bitter)sweet with one fetish in mind.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Art, writing, and sound is terrific. Wish the requirements to unlock the Queen's perspective was easier.

    Sucks to be that boy lol. But as audience, this was very entertaining!

    Looking forward to seeing more from the NTRMAN!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very few devs are exclusively doing full fledged NTR games so Ntrman has captured a solid niche for himself. Plus; some pacing issues aside, which are more due to time and budget constraints than incompetency, he has the formula down. Wish the corruption was longer. An extra star just for Priscilla's dress.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    When i first saw the screenshots and realized that the history had one of those crazy sex machines called "goblin", i got hooked.

    Well, i though the game would have some choices leading to different results, since it had two point of views, nope. The game doens't have many choices on the Prince POV and none at all at the Queen one.

    "But well, the history is good then?" Hmm, not really. I mean, it ins't bad but its really short and the plot is quite shallow, what imho is a shame since the plot had potential.

    The art is quite good, im not really into Milfs but that artist managed to draw a really beautiful one. Saddly few CGs accompany that really short VN.

    "What about the lewdness huh?" Well, besides the Queen having a intercourse with a goblin, i would say its pretty vanilla.

    Still, if you wanna try and just don't mind reading a VN without choices suit yourself. There's a lot of more promising VNs outhere though.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: 1.0

    Straight up NTR is not avoidable, so if that is not your thing then i would not play this game. The story is pretty fun with its focus on the little prince watching his mother get rammed by a goblin whilst the king is still alive. The art is quite good and beautiful, the game even has some animation in its sex scenes. The game is short, only an hour or two to completely finish the game, but it is quite good despite its short nature.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    It's precise in the short situations it displays, however, the queen's personality is unrealistically blunt despite of her element of empathy, and her clothing off-putting but you may forget about that. This game at least won't disappoint you by promising much and building-up for too long. It's a short story, drawing is good, the writing suffices and it can have a little effect if you don't expect much.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Like other games of this "ntrman" the story of this game is very, very weak I can tell is terrible suddenly the queen fall in love miracle with that orc, and then the "ntr" beginnings and that's it that's the story, short and awful.

    I was promise myself I will never play games from this "ntrman" dunno why I download this and expected something to be good.

    The art is good but that's it, if you can't create a story why don't you hire someone who is good? I feel sorry for this patreon who support him.
    So my advise who want to play this game don't try it is just a waste of time nothing interesting you will find in this game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has no build up and it's way too short for its theme/opening.

    It's too short that I'm not sure how to review the game by anatomy. The story doesn't make sense either. Why does the queen suddenly love the goblin that she even goes harsh on her son? I get that the author tries to tell a NTR story but he really doesn't know how to build it. Feel like this is a cheap cookie cutter game that doesnt even look like a complete game.

    Not really surprise however because none of NTR man games has ever satisfied me once. What surprises me is there are lots of people praising his games.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Not a fan of the game, the story is boring, and you
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    Nothing you do has any major effect on the game, and there are only two "endings".
    As with all games your opinion may vary, but if you, like me, are a fan of more interactive games, this is not for you.