HTML - Abandoned - The Realm of Lucira [v0.45c] [Sylen]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A game with many possibilities, which are partially indicated and prepared, but not yet playable. So there are:
    - MC = male / female / Futa (who likes it)
    - multiple races possible (human, orc, high elf, dark elf?
    - several traits and skills for individualization
    - several backgrounds with different Startquest's

    Shortcoming (for my taste). The game is designed too much for fast sex. Unfortunately, these side missions also provide the most money and to build up his cave, you have to invest several 10k in material.
    In short, one is a slave trader (background), prostitutes himself for several weeks, then has enough money to continue his slave-carrier career.
    The balancing is not right. With my starting character (human / w / magician) I was enslaved after the first lost fight. With my dark elf slaveholder I purposely lost over 20 fights without being enslaved 1x.
    Unfortunately, there is only one slave camp scene. Whether you are enslaved by goblins or minotaurs or humans.

    I'll keep the game on my watch list, but I guess, see what happened by 2020.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    - Contains (almost)no scence at the moment, been time loss for me. Unless you like text-based, You shouldn't try.
    - Debug mode is buggy which was problem for cheaters.

    +Has great fantasy and potential.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is so buggy! This has to be a new record, 10 minutes in and the game breaks. I can't equip items, can't unequip, the writing is meh, the sex scenes are okay. There isn't anything good right now. Some can say there are good character models but if the game is bugging out or unplayable, why even have so many visuals?
    Also, why would someone even release this on Patreon for money???

    I would not recommend anyone playing this for now until more releases are made.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite beta but getting updates frequently.
    Decent text based with pretty sprites that is close to what you chose your character to be. Changes may happen to your body but the sprites dont always change
    Long delay after a click is a downside
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, has great potential. Above all the text games that are out I like this one the best.
    Some problems though :
    When training a slave there's no way to improve their mental state and wheever I try to gift them They won't take anything. Why give an option to invite to your party if you can't and also to make a sleeping quarters too boot?
    Why do opponents ALWAYS hit first, it should always be who's more agile?
    Is there ANY magic to use in this game? I can't find any at all
    I know this is still a WIP but a little heads up would be nice. And why can't I find the last PoI in the Dark Forest? Even after my Male character got turned into a female no matter how many times I search there I still can't find it.
    All in all I like this game, the combat is good (you need to implement some way to counter Lust in combat), I do like some of these quests in game but, for the life of me, I can't seem to find a way to use for the invested traits.
    I'll be waiting for future updates, thank you for this good game.

    To make a mage charater you have to Start off Fresh or Otherworldly, and choose these classes. And Luxomancy has a spell that take some lust off and a spell to heal. Too bad no option to use items in combat though
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    There lot missing for example:
    slave pens need this for upgrade, more cells, plus bed of some kind improves what materials player has more of.

    Feature to create your own character was tantalizing only issue is that most ppl want to see him or her walking on side, not colored photos, I am irritated seeing those it means you kind made mirage of game being something you made up but more of programmer work even that is still unfinished.

    Best features are explore option and everything else I already seen find very boring.

    Ruin diving should something to think about for dev to think about gathering materials.

    Gathering supplies of completely broken slave they could send them out gather resources that could make cave into hidden cave or fortified dungeon where you get influx of slaves comings in who are adventurers?

    there no good to bad ratio which would be something cool to have in this game.

    Mysterious potion testing / food making/ Improving both slave master and slaves stats versus leaving us in dark.

    I don't think I ever used trade market, unless you visited shop these days where merchant dwarf does take your money. So person who said that lie how you can just go merchant there one other way make profit but I think you can loose dominant points if you resort to servicing gate guards.

    I kind more inclined to see the rule of law posted near the gates so you can see rule of law early on then later and I like okay does that mean king is dead? Other crazy thing puzzles me most of shops in castle down aren't usable.

    I am not sure if you tried the first test going around naked seeing if you got captured or raped? It says in rules well you read that again.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    1. Game is full of bugs, errors messages everywhere.

    2. Game is clearly not tested, I deliberately created a extremely weak character with all stats super low... and can still beat almost everyone with punches...

    3. Losing... suck, the scene is kinda bad and there are zero consequences, no item loss, noone captures you, nothing, nada, losing doesn't do anything except waste time.

    4. Somehow you can go "trade" with zero money, and get filthy rich too doing that.

    5. Slavers characters are happy in just having consensual sex with you and leaving after they are done.

    6. A hunter said he would "bring me to his boys", but then... he didn't.

    And on and on...

    Also slow, laggy, etc...