Hi everyone ^_^
Sorry for the slightly slow responses, been slowly getting back into development and haven't been checking the forums as much as I should.
Will there be an option of being pregnant with/impregnating Baylee? Because I wouldn't mind the former being an option(if one prefers her being a futa, that is).
Hi Kionatria ^_^
There are plans for both impregnation by Baylee (if she's a herm), and impregnating Baylee. There's already artwork ready for pregnant Baylee, it's just getting to writing the sex scene content (on both sides of that). I do see Baylee content coming sooner than most things though.
Hi midnight arrow ^_^
The wiki is something I want to get work done on, but keep putting off. Will try my best to pencil it into the schedule once I'm back more into the normal development routine, try and chip away a little at explaining how everything works. Thanks for reminding me
I guess we can give up on ever seeing new catgirl content for this game?
Hi Darth_Meow ^_^
More cat-girl content is planned, but I don't think I have it listed as a high priority in my notes. Currently trying to slowly get back into writing/development after everything, so will be taking some time to figure out what the exact plans are for everything going forwards soon.
What I do know is, that I do have plans for more cat-girl maid cafe content in general in terms of scenes, and might tweak the job tiers a little. There's also the further off plans to add in the bunny-girl maid cafe, which will then lead onto the joint plot-line between the two.
Additionally, in the closer term development, I have plans for some scenes involving the maid cafe and the characters of another creator who I'm friends with (he's done similar with some of my characters in his writing). However, I'm waiting on the artwork for those characters (one of whom is a cat-girl). There's also another cat-girl character, unrelated to the cafe, that someone sent me as a writing submission where I'm also waiting on the art related to them before adding them in. Finally, I have some cat-girl artwork saved up for some pet-play content.
So, hopefully that explains the current situation and future plans relating to cat-girls

(I do like cat-girls)