I love those plans, I was a bit worried there would be no way to get her to be more dominant without the relationship kinda turning sour, but this is quite exactly up my alley & precisely what I hoped for.
If I may voice 1 wish though: It would be pretty cool if there was a different way to trigger her interactions other than artificially making the home worse to live in, Aside from, in my personal opinion, being a bit roundabout as a path (not bad or wrong or anything, just a bit more inconvenient than feels smooth to me) the way not having a clean or sufficiently improved home impacts the amount of things a player can do per time slot is a bit of an issue in this specific context (since it also takes a while to even really fire off, so it means slowing down and making the gameplay more frustrating for an even longer period since it has to happen repeatedly.
This is just a nitpick though, of course. If it isn't too much trouble it would be really nice if you could maybe add the option to have Bailee push for re-decoration of the home or something (even if it's just part of the dialog in the scene and not actually a new mechanic that you have to work on) as an alternative to snapping because of the home looking like trash & if the player acts submissively during those moments it leads down the same path you laid out. From a roleplaying perspective it just seems a tad bit restrictive (and also a tad bit weird from an interpersonal relationship standpoint) having to go through a bunch of interactions based around conflict for the chance to have a romanceable NPC feel like they might want to be more in control, especially when the tone is supposed to be romantic, still (as long as it is the sole way).
Either way though I feel like Bailee is probably gonna be my favorite part of the game for a long time (well, depending on what you are up to next after the school stuff, which also is a big plus
