Unity - Completed - The Shadow of Yidhra [Final] [WhitePeach]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a platform game, but the double jump is broken (works 20% of the time), making it impossible to progress further in the game.

    - controls cannot be remapped
    - there's no explanation whatsoever, so you have to discover how the game works by yourself (assigning weapons to weapon slots and so on)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun once I found the first checkpoint.

    • Pretty fun gameplay for an H-game. Sort of reminds of the old flash game platformer-shooters.
    • Great art and overall presentation.
    • The cheat mod makes the distant checkpoints easier to deal with.
    • Not many opportunities to save, in the beginning any way.
    • While the gameplay is entertaining... You'll probably need both hands or a creative rebinding of all the keys.
    • Lack of a map makes it easy to get lost
    • Translation is almost incomprehensible. Thankfully(?) the plot (so far) seems thin enough to sort of follow along.
    • Pretty buggy. Setting the game up was kind of a pain. The first boss hit me once and then stopped moving. Nothing game breaking so far, but may want to be sure you have any needed patches.
    • You'll probably find yourself wondering where the first save point is or where you need to go. Here's a quick rundown:
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  3. 2.00 star(s)


    this is very mediocre imo. the weapons and gameplay is fine if you are looking for a side-scroller/platformer/action game. but imo it's just boring. maybe because i played too many of these in the past.

    save is VERY limited. (checkpoint system, and some of them are a bit hidden, but definitely findable if you are exploring every path normally. so don't think "hidden" as in behind walls or such... although some are quite close to that)
    and H-scenes are only on defeat... enemies only do H-attakc if you get knocked down and that only happens at very low hp... your clothes destroy/repair according to your hp. so you nearly never get H-attacked unless you want to lose... and since the only way to see H-scenes is with losing and then save being very limited, this is an extremely boring combination for a H-game.

    honestly just for this terrible game design i cannot give more than 2. since H gameplay is a poor experience. despite animations being very nice... it's insane that the hardest part is done so well (animation, gameplay basics) yet this game falters at the very fundamentals... save game and H-scenes(H-attacks).

    it's a shame. this could have been a nice 4/5 game easily if not for the braindead game design.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Platformer game where everything is trying to rape you, You get weapon pickups and other items, smooth animations in combat, disgusting monster rape scenes if the enemy knocks you down, disgusting monster rape scenes if you reach a game over, H-scenes are high quality animations, there are boss fights, 5/5.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very easily made it to my top 5 during the first minutes of gameplay. The animations are clean and smooth, the weapons are fun to use (although I mainly kited the enemies with the knife because I'm greedy about ammo). The story is decent for a hentai game, too. Issues are some really annoying bugs here and there and the level design feels kinda lackluster.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a joke. I've played the game for 1 hour straight and i have encountered 4 enemies only. Not only that, it has the same background music and stale atmosphere. Within one hour of gameplay, i have encountered zero boss. I've managed to reach the saved zone 'Laboratory-5' and that was painful. Not because the game is hard, because the game is uneventful. This side scroller is pack with enemies and they are always placed near a platform to fuk your jumps. There are ways to make a game hard and pleasant at the same time and The Shadow of Yidhra is not one of them. The only reason i give this 2* is because of the artwork and how beautiful it looks
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Competent core loop - animations and mechanics are solid.
    But this title is very much short on content and proper writing.
    The game ends abruptly with no real sense of closure or achievement, with close to 0 replay value.
    Would love to see continued development of this title though, and would be willing to buy a copy if the issues mentioned above are addressed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont usually rate games, but this game was very good. the story is not really clear but it's your usual Zombies has come kill them save the girl kind of setting. now I have tried alot of sidescrollers and this game was playable like it was very nice and smooth for a shooting game with rape elements when you fall down after taking too much damage. the levels are good with about 5 different areas. I FEEL THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE H-CONTENT, you have 2 animations for each enemy and thats it, has more potential in my opinion.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Seele no Chǒu

    First of all, thanks for posting this game, I love the game. Updating it too, with an uncensored version and cheats. Hahaha Noice

    It was awesome for me, enjoyed every second of it, because 1. It has guns, baby!!! I like shooting games and 2. Of course, it's an H game, that's why I'm here hahaha.

    For other reviews about how they don't like the game because of the characters, the story, gameplay, etc. Don't mind me I'm just enjoying the game that I can play on my potato laptop hahaha haha *sigh*
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Well. It's a hard one to rate.
    On one side this game is in a small percentage of games here that... are actual games.
    On the other hand this game is just "playable" and nothing else.

    Alright, easy-ish part: "the looks".
    This game looks fine. The character is decent. Kinda like her appearance. Which ain't so often actually. Different levels aren't really distinct but whatever.
    It's all actually rather nice but only if you compare it to the "mass of mess" which is rather unfair.

    The easiest part to rate is sex. It's awful. Just awful. Once again could've been worse, but it could've been so much, SO much better.

    Story. Even if it was nicely translated it's just such a filler. Though somehow i was quite interested in it, but it was interest to finish the game as fast as possible.
    Well, we play as a braindead character, everybody! What a surprise! But this time around she talks! Aaaand all she is saying is that she doesn't understand anything, brilliant.
    Basically it's a story about an evil CEO of a lab(with some god motifs that don't get developed whatsoever). Because of her everything goes to shit. And of course this CEO is our friend at first and then... oh my god betrayal happens, wow. Everything ends on one of the dumbest possible happy endings, frIEnDsHIp, HApPiNesS, GUT.

    Well, game.
    This game took like 5 hours to beat. An hour would already be maximum smth like this can be fun, but it was 5 hours.
    That wasn't difficult at all. It was just repetitive AS FUCK.
    I can go on a 1000 character rant about why every single aspect of gameplay is bad but i won't.
    Just don't play it.
    Even porn isn't worth it. If you unlock it with gallery unlocker, it is still bad. It's just isn't worthy to be on anybody's hard drive.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The Shadow of Yidhra [Final]

    In general it is a very good game, it has a lot of play time and it is entertaining, although it is not perfectly translated into English, it is already better than many other games. The strong point to highlight is probably the graphics, very good animations, images, very good H-scenes, in general I would recommend playing it.

    Even so, they should improve some things on the technical side, there are some bugs in the zombies when moving and in a part of the game it has been bugged.

    To add, although it had quite a number of scenes, they could have added secondary scenes with other girls, that would have given it more variety.

    I give this game an 8,3 out of 10.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    top tier 2d side scroller with good cgs and animations. playing this one is kind of a no brainer, high recommend. only thing not a fan of is translation, which seems missing in some parts, but besides that all round pretty solid.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel like the dev are still stuck in the 90s where games are scarce or something. It's slow. It's difficult. The map is big, but not enough things to discover. It took as long as possible to finish the game. They just made this game like there aren't any other to compared with what they did.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Another quintessential WhitePeach game. Which means it's a game with stunning art and animation quality, and yet the gameplay is barely there. Though I'd say this is the odd one out, as compared to their previous game, I'd say it's better in terms of gameplay and yet worse in terms of H quality.

    Gameplay is as described in the post. You explore levels, and run and shoot enemies that pose no threat whatsoever. Your character is way too agile while the enemies have nothing that could counter this. Should an enemy get too close, a simple dash away with i-frame will keep you from harm. So yeah, it's too easy. Which is bad considering you only get in-game H animations from being knocked down. Which only happens randomly when the MC's clothing state is at the lowest e.g. below 30% HP. All this makes completing the gallery needlessly frustrating. But it's a decent side scroller overall, and none too stressful for its difficulty.

    The game's font size is also not optimized for screens smaller than 1080p, so beware if you're planning on playing it on one such device. You're gonna be doing a lot of squinting.

    As for the H scene, again art is superb. Animation has the usual WhitePeach stiffness, but it's really not a bother. What has gotten worse was the sounds. Sound looping and quality for regular animation is somehow worse than their previous games. And for CG animations, some lines are not even voiced at all.

    I would recommend just grabbing a save (or the cheat tool) to just view all the scenes.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Averege 2D-shooter. The art is good, gameplay is quite stale and can be confusing. A more fluid and more in depth than just "shoot the enemies" would elevate the game

    Nothing really special but worth a try if you are into monsters/zombies and a dystopian setting.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    wanted to give 4,5 stars but since I can't so I'll give it 5.
    story 2/5
    translation 3/5
    gameplay 5/5
    animation 5/5
    voice acting 4/5
    bug-free 2/5

    the girls are cute, their body proportions and facial expressions are well drawn. the shooting mechanic is awesome, the grenade not so much, kinda too easy, got too much money by the end, need more flying and range monster to make it more challenging (or just make different diff levels). Animation is great though need more voice acting variation and more voice from the enemies. Really wish I could interact with the girls in the background. Right click seems useless. Wish I can have more than 3 perks like an upgrade after leveling or something. Default vision rang is too small imo. An ultimate move would be awesome. AI kinda dumb. The save mechanic feels bad, should be flexible.
    Encountered a severe bug. I got stuck in the city after talking to the 2 fellas. just restarted my last checkpoint, tried getting out first and changed the language to jap before talking to them and it worked somehow (dunno what made it work tho).
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay art, but not a lot of it. Mostly good movement and gun controls. Poor melee controls. Awful save system. Some poorly though out mechanics such as stun locking by a group of monsters due to lack of iframes or heavy hitting monsters right on the other side of a load-screen door. I don't hugely regret spending my time but also probably would not have missed out on that much if I had passed it over.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: I had some technical difficulties at the time of this review that have since been resolved. The game is great, especially if you like Night of Revenge. Be warned, there is one bug at a certain part of the story where you need the language to be set to Japanese to continue. Aside from that, it's great.

    I really like how this game plays, which is a real shame considering the further into it you get, the buggier it becomes. Stuttering and audio problems plague this game after about halfway through the first zone (I had to turn the BGM off because of how bad it was getting). There's also currently an NPC but that prevents you from going any further with the story. Such a shame for a game that looks and plays almost as well as Night of Revenge. I really hope the devs go back and finish this up, or someone at least puts out a patch for all the issues it has.

    If there were no bugs it would be an easy 5 stars. So much potential wasted.

    EDIT: After using the workaround for the story part where you have to talk to the girl at the camp after switching the language back to Japanese, I got to enjoy the rest of the game. I was still bothered by the stuttering and audio glitches though.

    ANOTHER EDIT: The audio problem may actually be something going on with my pc...

    FINAL EDIT: This is embarrassing, it was indeed my PC. The issue has been corrected, the game isn't stuttering and the audio is fine. So the only real gripe is the one glitch where you have to switch back to Japanese to progress the story. Other than that, fantastic game. If you're looking for something like Night of Revenge, you will probably enjoy this.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    i think the other who gave reviews didn't play video games before

    -movement are so fuck sloppy
    -hitboxes are not trimmed
    -long ass dialogue just to waste your time with little meaning
    this is not need in any game and even more so in a porn game
    -and also the translation as usual
    -enemies attacking you in the long ass dialogue, good job devs
    -spawning/entering area with spawns right at you
    -limited resources with respawning enemies, again good job devs

    this is why you don't mix porn and game production together especially when you suck at both
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I downloaded this earlier today and figured I'd give it a ‘quick’ review.

    Shadow of Yidhra is a pretty good zombie-apocalypse side-scroller shooter / light platformer, in which you take the role of the protagonist 'Delta' after she wakes up in an underground laboratory filled with Zombies (and a couple other horrors). Not the most original premise, but the game checks all the right boxes to become a solid effort that I’d personally recommend a download.

    I will preface this by saying it won’t be for everyone. The zombies are (on the whole) fast enough and pretty tanky, the platforming and level design can occasionally be frustrating or confusing, and ammo is surprisingly scarce and easy to go through in the early game, while costing a respectable amount compared to the ‘money’ you get for killing enemies. That said, I find it rewards cautious and creative players initially, which is important, because you will need all the ammo and especially health packs you can get. There are only so many in the vending machines you buy things from!

    Right, so, the boring stuff. Graphics, sound, character design. All pretty good. Nothing stellar, but it’s pretty good. It’s nothing special, in the same way most of the sounds and graphics of Parasite in City were pretty good. Though where Parasite in city has fewer enemies and weapons, the animations and overall quality of all of them are much higher. By contrast, this game has more enemies and weapons, but the animations are of lower quality (hell, the magazines stay in the gun when you reload, even though a magazine also falls to the floor and disappears). But that’s neither here nor there, as it’s a really minor detail.

    Overall good points:
    • Reasonable and simple controls and the ability to aim with the mouse cursor. A perhaps extremely minor issue of Parasite in City was the aiming mechanics was relegated to aiming up or down a set path with the arrow keys, forcing you to manoeuvre left or right to hit something that you really should be able to hit anyway. Aiming with the mouse cursor is good fun, especially as there are occasions enemies will be above or below you.
    • The sheer diversity of weapons by comparison to some other games. There are categories of weapon (Assault Rifles, Shotguns, SMGs, Snipers, Handguns, melee, and a tab for ‘special’, though that seems to be empty) and, apart from the Assault Rifles and melee(ish), there is no clear ‘superior’ gun. The final AR is easily the best (damage, accuracy, ammo capacity is the same), and there’s only one sniper. Beyond that, the rest are a game of tradeoffs. The first SMG has the lowest damage but good mag size and accuracy, while the second one you get has less ammo in exchange for better damage and accuracy, and the last one drops accuracy for more damage and ammo. They all have their uses depending on how you want to play.
    • Decent variety of enemies, each with their own reasonably distinct presentation, gameplay style, design, including the bosses. While visually some may be similar (Looking at the two types of bandit here), and some play mechanically similar (the male and female scientist zombies, and one other generic zombie type), they’re all distinct enough to be easily identifiable and mostly different kinds of threats. Bosses play reasonably unique, and are all visually distinct.
    • Enemies have their own gameover CG animations and unique in-game sex animations (themselves having usually one other variation, like a threesome or different position), which is nice and gives a bit of depth. Two of the 3 (or 4) bosses only have the one animation though (and a CG), much to my surprise and disappointment.
    • A reasonable degree of challenge. Early game, you’re most worried about ammo and health, as you start with but a knife, a gun, a health kit, and a handful of ammo. Always headshot, and don’t be afraid to melee enemies (you can bait hits and/or dodge behind to get a strike in) to save ammo. As you save up ‘money’, you can buy more gear, like ammo, health kits, and grenades from vending machines, and you’ll find weapons throughout the levels. Mid-game you can be a bit freer with ammo (especially on some targets, which are harder to hit in melee), but you can still burn through ammo fast on tanky enemies and the first boss. Late-game you have good weapons and ammo isn’t really much of a problem (health still can be if you’re not careful) but you’ll have to deal with enemies that mix up the playstyle with ranged attacks, higher health pools, or avoid your immediate line of fire. Just aim for the head, and be ready to dodge. It can be challenging, but I found it was never unfair if you played smart. However, it can feel very easy once you stock up on ammo enough.
    • I know I slagged off the graphics a bit, but it really is pretty good. Not the best, but it can be quite pretty at times. The backgrounds can be REALLY good in some areas.

    And for the downsides:
    • Language and story. It’s in Japanese or Simplified Chinese (not that there’s an issue), and though for some reason it translated short segments of text to English after a few seconds (that might’ve been my machine doing it somehow? I really don’t know) it made it hard to understand the story. And there IS an underlying story, involving a handful of NPCs, discoverable notes, and the character’s own musings, but it was hard to make out.
    • Animations are too short. Though they are actually reasonably high quality (believe me, I’ve seen worse!), you don’t get a chance to really see the different stages, as it goes from sex->fast->creampie very quickly, and then repeats that system until you break free. It means you can’t see the flaws (if there are any in the animation itself), but also is a bit strange in a way I can’t place my finger on.
    • Parts of the game feel incomplete. The final boss fight is a bit meh compared to the other 3 (ironically, since 2 of them are against the same opponent), a number of bugs (warning – make sure you empty your gun before swapping it out if you can, as I think the bullets you’d loaded are lost! Also, the bandits don’t fuck the MC, I had to download a full save to get that. It might just be my machine though), and the empty ‘specials’ tab. It feels like more work could’ve been done in fleshing out the weapons as they each have a lot of slots for weapons, but only the pistols tab is filled out (sans 1 empty space) and there’s only one sniper rifle. Some areas and enemies could use some love. That sort of thing.
    • Levels can be a bit weird and ‘confusing’. I never found myself lost, but searching and exploring wasn’t always the most fun as there wasn’t always a clear indicator of the path forward, and…
    • You can’t sprint. The MC moves reasonably fast, and can do a shift-dodge (using a high amount of SP) to move quickly, but you’ll rarely get more than 3 or 4 of those in one go, and then you have to wait for it to recharge anyway. It can be frustrating.
    • The difficulty of actually seeing the sex scenes in the first place. To unlock the sex animations you have to be fucked by an enemy for a full, albeit quick, animation (knocked down at low health, then letting them reach you, for the animations) or defeated by an enemy (CG animations) to unlock them. The problem is it seems to trigger randomly once your clothes break enough that you can see Delta’s privates, and if you’re seek them out you sometimes have to balance healing and getting hit to avoid a game-over. This compounds the next problem somewhat:
    • Somewhat low replayability. Yeah, you can go back and go through all the areas again from the central safezone, but there’s no NG+, bonus bosses, cheat modes, or unlockable unique weapons. Though some people have made cheats to fix this, in the base game, the difficulty of actually seeing sex animations, while technically thematically relevant, can be a bummer, especially if you’re like me and get bored of just the two backgrounds in the gallery, or you want to do a bit of RP/faffing about.
    • I know I praised the animations, but… they could use some work too. I like them, but they’re too quick, and some need polish.
    • You can’t save any of the naked girls you find tied up or being fucked around the place. A minor nitpick, especially because seeing some of them literally hanging is disturbing asf.
    At risk of becoming too long, I’ll wrap up. Give it a download and a try. If you want, download a save to get to the good bits. I’ll still play it every now and then. Hope this helps someone