Holy shit... this game is a masterpiece and it hasn't even been completed yet, let me explain it to you.
So, you have your typical rpg maker movement controls, but the battles are happening directly as you walk around from bird eye's point of view, due to the square grid of each map you can move in not 4 but 8 directions, the enemies will chase you relentlessly so a good strategy is to provoke them, run to a tunnel with width 1 square, sit at the tunnel and let the enemies pile up one by one and you fight them one by one. You should know that on each turn you and the enemies can do one action, so if you are surrounded you get attacked by everyone at once, so you need to focus on 1 on 1 fights in the tight corridors.
Weapons you have and weapons the enemy has can activate abilities, these can include:
dash strikes 2 tiles
jump strike 2 tiles distance
shockwave ground jump
ranged attack with infinite range, single enemy
magical ranged AOE attacks
healing spells
spells that heavily increase block/parry chance
AOE long ranged line attack
the ablility to destroy walls like you are playing fucking minecraft, lol, though not very useful in combat
and many more...
Speaking of weapons - to obtain them you need to craft them. How does that work? Well, when you fight enemies and progress through levels you get raw materials, these materials can be used to craft knives, swords, hammers, aces, healing staffs, and many others. Depending on the quality of the materials used you get different quality weapons. After a weapon is created you have the ability to enhance the weapon, this can be used to enchant magical stones to a weapon to give it extra magical damage or to add more raw materials to a weapon to increase base damage. There are no crafting recipes - the same materials can produce 4-5 different weapons, well excluding the special enemy weapon drops which are guaranteed to let you craft the enemy's weapon, those are very powerful so use them with care. Later on you unlock the ability to see what your matarials will create.
Oh and, did I mention that the main protagonist whips out a blacksmith anvil out of thin air, IN THE MIDDLE OF COMBAT WITHOUT GIVING A SINGLE FUCK and crafts these weapons? He is amazing.
Every weapon has its durability, normal attacks cost 1 durability and abilities cost 2 or 3 roughly, so you need to be strategic in your crafting or you might end up with all your weapons broken in the middle of combat. Once a weapon is destroyed after durability reaches zero a scrap is saved into your ivnentory, so if you find good materials you can craft a good weapon from the scraps.
Using a weapon's special abilities costs not only durability but also stamina, or SP. so again, plan your moves ahead, you have all the time in the world, this is a turn based game system.
Here is an exploit I loved to use: the best way to heal up is to craft a staff by combining one material with as many health potions as possible, the healing staff now has passive health regen, a LOT of health regen, so you can walk around empty corridors with the staff equipped to heal up back to max and this costs 0 SP and 0 durability. I love it.
So, the combat, how is it? Well it's hard, so hard in fact that you might think about rage quitting, but the addictive gameplay loop of fighting, crafting and fighting again will keep you playing. Each ability of your weapons has a fantastic animation and not some shitty half assed visual effect.There's save points on some floors in the dungeon, but those are not very frequent, at a savepoint you can safely teleport back to base with all of your souls intact (that is currency) but if you die you lose a percentage of those souls and can only bring back N items with you, so save often.
While exploring the dungeon your corruption meter grows, if your health reaches zero you don't die, instead you gain a lot of corruption and revive, reviving gives you one powerful AOE attack. when you corruption reaches max though, dying is a real death. There are upgrades to make this curse much weaker later on.
Boss fights:
Boss fights are FUCKING HARD and very fun and satisfying once you beat them. On your first encounter with a boss you will never be able to kill them. Let me tell you my strategy:
1. Farm the dungeon repetitively, craft the most powerful weapons possible and stash them in the chest, also stash anti corruption potions in the chest, also stash focus potions in the chest.
2. Repeat the dungeon until you unlock all of the purchasable upgrades.
3. Grab all the good shit from the chest and attack the boss.
4. Use Focus potions to parry un-dodgeable big boss attacks.
5. Use the anti corruption potions to stay alive.
6. Use the powerful weapons you brought to kill the boss.
You will notice that there is a point to teleport back home before each boss, however you cannot save there normally. Many people will say that this is bullshit because if they die to the boss, and they will die many times, they have to restart the entire dungeon level to try again, instead of respawning before the boss. That is very annoying, yes, but there is an exploit to fix this. The game has a "emergency save" which functions as a normal save but from ANY POINT ON THE MAP. It occupies your autosave so it instantly gets overwritten when you try to load it ad progress forward. This is done to prevent save scumming, but joke's on them, this CAN BE EXPLOITED TO SAVE SCUM EVERYWHERE! Let me explain, so you go to the room before the boss, you activate the emergency save, you close the game, you go to the save folder, you make a backup of all the save files. you load up the save in game, you die to the boss, you exit the game, you bring back your backed up save, you open the game and VOALA, you can LOAD the emergency save right before the boss

You are welcome.
The bosses are large, they have big fully animated AOE attacks, and they will be a challenge for you, so use my strategy and be prepared for the worst.
Now about the H-scenes
Honestly the gameplay is so much fun that you will see the H-scenes as you die in the dungeon and not the gallery, most of the scenes are game over H-scenes, very well animated and fully voiced, there are also a few wholesome scenes with your companions back at the home base. Even if there weren't any H-scenes the game would still be a 5/5 rating cause the gameplay is FUN.
The story is very mysterious, you are a cursed adventurer who keeps dying and respawning, collecting souls, but that's not too important, cause the gameplay is FUN.
I took me 17 hours to beat the version 0.65, the game is a masterpiece and needs to be shared and highlighted by the users of f95zone.com a lot more. Currently there's only 3 bosses, game isn't finished.
There is even a statue showing every single patreon supporter's donations, this is the first time I have seen this and it really shows the contributors.