playable sandbox.
i cannot say anything "truly" bad. it has sufficient content, consistent visuals, ingame hints and external w/t with jumping through pages; havenot spot any bugs preventing me from advancing the story n quests (except 1 in the end)
initially it felt like 3,5 score but the more i played the lesser score was on my mind. so lets say 2,5 (rounded up to 3 stars)
some things simply drag it down.
--engine. rags is not so comfy thing. it is more like tricky point n click with so-so map navigation.
ofc you will get used to it but imo it requires more attention from a player which is not that good for arousal (if any) ;
-mostly w/t covers actions needed until it doesnot (in several situations)
-i got quora error when saving. had to delete older saves. but there are some ingame events with roaming and rng so you may want to preserve those.
--gameplay&w/t. no idea what is the most efficient way to play it, but for me it feels like there are more interrelated things than needed
say, you want to perform some simple action (related just to 1 npc of your choosing) and next thing you know - you sit with other 5 npcs pages opened trying to figure out who needs what and in what order (mostly it would be 2-3 npcs. i used notepad.txt to arrange info the way i wanted in order to see active quests and prereqs clearly)
-also progress and skill differences may lead to continuity and immersion issues as your memories start fading before you return back to certain npc quest chain . (i guess that is what you naturally get when you have two dozen npcs with gradually delayed progression.)
--no vids. (that thing alone cost about -1star)
in sandboxes porn is a reward. pics are not rewarding enough (if at all. especially given the above two points. and i did feel like i worked for it . harder than usual)
-sometimes it feels like visuals are missing. (like you reasonably expect such but none of such are shown. not necesserily lewd ones)
--minigames are not skippable.
some are easy, some are tolerable/managable, several are kinda annoying and time consuming. (caz of ui, rng, w/t descriptions)
--some vn approaches (some forks) including gameovers. not that detrimental (usually it is known when to save)