VN - Unity - The Spellbook [v0.20.0.0] [NaughtyGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    An absolutely fun and self-aware VN that has some great renders and is all around short and sweet for what it's worth. I enjoyed the rapid fire content scene after scene, but unfortunately this game is held back by it's save system slightly. If the game allowed you to save like you can in Ren'Py games (pretty much on every scene) this would be absolutely no problem, but unfortunately there are some choices you make in the game which completely skip over some content and you'll want to reload the scene in order to see what you missed.

    The problem with reloading previous saves is that the game boots you back to somewhere near the beginning of the actually scene setting and you'll be spamming your LMB trying to get back to some choices just to see what would've happened if you chose a different path.

    All said and done, I thought the game was fun and sexy for the time I spent with it, I think the save system is an unfortunate downside, but something that is easy to deal with considering the quality of the renders and the sexy-fetishism present in the game.

    If there was a way to fix the save system in the game so it actually saved on the exact scene you were on, this would easily be a 5/5
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It is one of the best game out there graphics animation everything is top and worth playing for sure eveything is perfectly handled :giggle: Congratulation to the one who makes this game ! Have a great day
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, it is somehow quite unique for me. I know there are other mother corruption games too, but this is surely in the top 3.
    The renders are excellent, and i really like the choices have consequences.
    It is a little bit fast paced, but if somebody would like to see some action, than this game is a good choice.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the Best NTR games here. Lots of content for the love and NTR routes. Also very good render spunk. Most games fail on on that note but this one executed it pretty well. Overall I highly recommend.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Whoah, this game has only 3/5?? Whan an unfair score for such gem. One of the best games here with beautiful female character (mom) with a lot of NTR content and stunning sex scenes.

    No grinding, no need to wait for a sex scenes, u can easily choose if u want ntr content or just going love path.

    Without a doubt 5/5.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    Damn what a great game...

    It playes so easy, you can choose NTR if that is your thing or avoid it. So great for that option.

    Renders are really good. The mom (Yes it's Lainey DAZ model) is still very well designed and super hot...
    The sister is, well her body is smoking but her face appears older than the moms. Also MC's uses the Michael 7 face on child's body. It looks strange still it works.

    I love how the sister starts off bitchy but with the books "help" is turning to like the MC more.

    Wasn't a fan as much of MC's friends honing in on his mom at start but it appears to have subsided. Also sets up for MC to bone his friends mom later on I hope...

    Good story, great renders and very well done sex scenes...

    Great work dev.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I am somewhere between 4 and 5 stars, close to giving 5 stars but not quite there.

    I like this game, and the renderings are very nice, better than most of the games I have played of this kind. The images are very nice and the animations are OK.
    But there are some bugs in the game, like MC often being called Jack, even though I changed his name.
    and a few times do the screen just go white, instead of showing the image/animation, there is supposed to be shown.

    I think the start of the game, where they find this old magic book at the schools library is too far out.. would have been better, if it had been found in an old abandoned house or something like that.. but I like the sorry other than that.

    I do miss the step back function, there is in most other of these games,. but other than that, do I like the the game.

    I think:
    MC looks a LOT like MC from an other game (I don't remember which one though).
    The "landlady" (Nancy) is very sexy and good looking.
    The girlfriend (Kelly) is cute and sexy.
    The "roommate" (Aria) have a very nice body, but I don't like her face much (but that is just my personal opinion) ;)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    several paths with different fun scenes that are quite hot. Game play is good no walls of text or long boring parts. Good game with non of the negative stuff that puts me off games. Has NTR but you can avoid it if that is not your kink.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The engine in the game is the main issue. The interface is awful. The inability to go back or skip forward, the kludgy way saves are made - they don't save where choices are, instead go back to the start of the scene forcing you to see content again and again, cannot adjust text speed and it loads really really slow so that sometimes I think the text is done but as soon as I click it loads more then disappears.

    Many many scenes are just white background - the renders are not loading. The game is slow and has inexplicable bugs.

    The plot is unoriginal and sophomoric at best - very juvenile and boring. Reads like an adolescent wet dream. The engrish is strong in this one too, and not in a good way. Dialog is stilted and there is no real build up. And those red eyes are really creepy.

    Some of the renders are good, but some are absolutely awful. One in particular is stuck in my mind - the mom comes out to show off a fancy red dress, but she looks like she has a horses ass - as in a horse costume with someone else inside the dress. Absolutely gross.

    One of the worst games I've tried from here. Waste of space on my HDD - deleted.

    Best of luck to the dev - move this one to ren'py, learn how to render better, and add some maturity to the story and perhaps it is salvageable - but as it stands it is a reeking pile of crap.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Game isn't great but it isn't bad either. Story and writing is so-so and fairly standard fair. Renders are also fairly middle of the road. Dev seems to have some issues making daz assets do what he wants in some scenes. That isn't uncommon but just another thing that is so-so about the game. The game doesn't seem to keep any sort of stats to regulate how characters respond based on previous choices. The choices are pretty much do you want scene X or scene Y and don't effect later story. Story wise the dev has chosen 2 paths with no middle ground. It doesn't seem possible to turn one character into a complete slut while keeping another for youself.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    For me it was a game with a lot of potential, even exploring something so cliche mind control, but the total disregard for the love routes made me realize that the game was going to be a never-ending reel. It seems that the developer focuses only on the NTR path, and has set the routes of love only to attract a larger audience, but without the intent of meeting their needs.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.5.0.0 Unfortunatelly its not good enough

    The models look ok ("landlady" is HOT, "roomate" meh, gf okay) but thats subjective. The renders look GREAT, the setting is overused but gets the job done, some scenes are hot some others are really stupid. Most of the time it seems like a virgin's wet dream.

    Id rate it with 3 ormore if it didnt have a huge flaw. Its extremelly short. every update has like 5 mins of content and the worse is the fact that trying to get a broader audience they split their game, resulting to 2 separate games (ntr and harem) making the content even more scarce.

    It has potential and im gonna update my rating but im not gonna hold my breath.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5 - It's average. The plot uses a magic corrupting spell mixed with blackmail to corrupt the mother. It's decent for what it is.

    Renders 5/5 - This is some high quality rendering. The mother's body proportions and skin textures are great. You're going to want to see her in as many angles as possible. Nancy is the sole motivator for playing this game. The girlfriend and sister Aria are a snoozefest. Definitely try this game and check out Nancy. Seeing her behave in such a corrupt manner is very erotic.

    Erotic 5/5 - The game has very arousing images of Nancy, she looks super hot especially her ass in chapter 4. Mixed with NTR, it all makes for some hot scenes.

    NTR 4/5 - Decent NTR, it's recommended you try it if you like NTR. It would've been better to have the MC actually in the room voluntarily watching or being forced to watch.

    LOVE PATH 4/5 - You can get the mother to yourself. These scenes were very well done and super hot.

    I"m surprised the game doens't have more patrons to be honest. It should be making at least $2500.00 IMO from what I've seen. I'm considering subbing to support the game.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has a long way to go to become decent.

    There's pretty much nothing new/original in the story, it is very linear (you basically have two options every time: NTR or not) and it uses the same background story as so many other games out there it just hurts. The storytelling is even more painfully dull and you cannot quickly skip through it. Just nothing to keep you hooked, really.

    People saying graphics are awesome. Some of them yeah they are, but some of them looked like they are 640x480 easily resized so it's all pixelated. Big no, not in a game like this where the graphics are the main attraction backed by a decent story. So plenty more work/learning to be done in this area.

    The updates are quite small and do not bring a lot of new events. Which makes me think this game will be abandoned far before it gets even near completion or you just get an abrupt ending and that's that.

    The Unity engine has so many possibilities it hurts to see it used in such a crude, basic manner.

    This game is so shallow it seems it is intended for an immature audience (not necessarily underage).

    I will follow it for a couple more updates and if it picks up the pace I will eat my words. I will print my review and eat it, but I doubt it will be the case.

    Best of luck to the dev(s) to get this game above my expectations! I genuinely wish they will prove me wrong!
  15. M
    5.00 star(s)


    This is a great VN and I'll explain why. The story as I see it unfold is of a dickhead setting up, with the I patch, his own mum, sister and girlfriend to be used and abused by himself and others using a spell from an old book. The renders are very good, Models used are sexy as fuck, the dialogues a turn on, the use of English is more than adequate. there is no blueballing, sufficient sex scenes to make one want more and the coding is bugfree atm. The NTR is a bonus. This is a typical mindcontrol incest NTR VN in reverse, the dickhead will realise that he's fucked up and try to remedy the situation with unknown consequences so far, only the Dev knows. So instead of having a harem or whatever at the end we have it at the beginning. What happens next? Can't wait. Loving it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    played the game and all i can say is WOW!!!:love:

    the graphics on this one is simply mind blowing , the scenes are super Hot
    and story and writing are really good as well.
    there are 2 routes:
    the NTR route - if you like NTR you are in for a treat,the scenes and the story will leave you wanting more.
    the love route - for those who don't like NTR, really good content and amazing scenes on this route as well.

    cant wait for more content! :love:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    graffics: amazing.

    story: good.

    gameplay: good.

    characters: good.

    scenes (erotic ones): really hot.

    draws (cg): really well done.

    conclussion: this game got 2 strong points. one is how the game looks, there is so much work on it.
    the second one, is on how easy to follow is the story, and
    that makes the game a relaxing experience.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I played an earlier version as well.
    This game's story is partly a rippoff from a certain JAB comic. If you don't know that comic, the whole thing will feel stupid. Then again the writing of the MC is pretty bad in itself. Trust me, it does get a little better later on. I just hope it keeps improving.
    But yes, the game's writing just starts off awfull. I recommend you try to get past it, it has something to offer later on.

    Thankfully the game makes lack of writing skills/story up with excellent visuals and some really good animations to boot. There are still a few scenes which use fewer frames, but they still look good.
    Some people might not like the character models used, I thought they look diverse enough and all hot. Pictures tell all.

    The real plus point of the game is the option to go different paths with different results, some will not immediately reward you as the player with sexy scenes, but still, be ready to use that save function and backtrack a lot to find out what you missed.

    Try to get past the poor start and it has something nice to offer!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I keep wondering how the same people who're able to make a game look generally slick and polished on the surface then turn out to be completely unable to write dialogue or create even a half way decent story. Has rendering and programming become so easy, that 13 year olds can do it? That would explain, why the text has the style and quality of a lame tweet or YT comment. I mean, I'm willing to look past a lot of things to look at some nice xxx renders. I don't expect Shakespeare or an epic story. Not at all. But if I have to cringe at every single line I read, it kills my mood.

    Now, you *can* make a interesting story about a spellbook, sure. But when the main plot device hits you straight in the face, before any characters have been established, you know you have a stinker on your hands. The way the titular Spellbook finds its way into the hands of the protagonist - that alone is so dumb and lazy and ridiculous... I immediately lost all interest. And as I clicked through the next couple of scenes, it became obvious that this was mostly just the same story beats we have read a hundred times before.

    If you can't write, that's fine. It's not a crime and you don't need to be ashamed of it. You have other talents. But then, don't make a story-driven game. Or, at least, find someone who can write at least adequately and cooperate with them. I wonder, why not more people are doing that, anyway. Pool your abilities. The most successful developers I know are not single people, but small teams. It's incredibly rare for people to be able to do everything themselves.

    P.S.: And just a tip for any new game developer. Don't insert yourself / your "studio" into your game. Especially not your first one. Don't do it. Don't namedrop your "studio" and talk about upvoting it. Just don't. It's not funny. It's not clever. It's lame as hell. And completely unprofessional. And I wouldn't be so harsh, if I didn't know that you have a patreon, where you ask for money. If this was just a non-profit project, I wouldn't be so critical. But if you seriously expect people to support you financially, you have to seriously step up your game.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't care for the game. Some of the renders are beautiful but feel very familiar. I played the love route, but then I find out he has a girlfriend and wants to do it to her too and it also seems like he wants to do it to his sister/roommate, who really doesn't need to be corrupted. She's a sloot and owns it. In this case, the spell isn't about corruption, it's about manipulation and control. The love path doesn't deserve to be called a love path.

    He just comes off as a jealous, whiney bitch. My problem is that all of the young boys come off as whiney little bitches. The punk kid is just a jack-ass, wanting to take credit for things he didn't do. I just don't like any of the men/boys in this story. Personally, the MC deserves to be cucked and bitch-slapped by big cock while he watches his family get fucked by better men.

    Sadly, your choices right now are whiney little bitches and fat, creepy, old men, so even the NTR route is not that enjoyable. There's obviously a market for it given the high number of creepy, fat, ugly, old men getting gorgeous women games on this board; it's just not my thing. There are very few games where I hated the MC more than when I was playing this game. Game deleted. I'm just not the target audience.