Started off pretty strong but it gets way, WAY too grindy. You end up getting like 10 different girls and they all have similar names like Alina, Ariana, Vina, Vanna etc and it makes keeping up with them a pain in the fucking ass. Also, you CONSTANTLY have to manage texts all throughout the day in addition to navigating around to all these areas that waste your time with pointless grindy busy work. Why the fuck do I have to manage food and water levels, texts, chopping wood, gathering berries, fishing, managing traps and all of this other shit in a supposed harem game? 90% of the game is pointless busy work. Not to mention that even though the phone technically has hints on what to do, often times it's just dumb stuff like improve your relations with a girl which of course is more grind. You have to manage relations too on top of everything because of course, and SOME options even REDUCE your relations with a girl, so what is the point of even having it in the first place? Another huge problem here is that the writing is quite bad. All these girls are like I want you to destroy me and your beta ass MC is w-well I need to think about this first! Or he is just ummm i'm not sure that's a good idea! Why are you making a harem game where the MC is a beta bitch and you can't even do what you are supposed to be doing in a harem game? Also, all of the girls all have small boobs and they all look the same. You also can't choose in how you pursue any of the girls, there's no type of corruption or love route or something it's just linear unlocks behind massive amounts of grinding. As you unlock more and more girls, the grind becomes just too much. I gave it a very strong chance, getting to like day 250 or something before I just said fuck it and gave up. What's the point of grinding all these fake points and systems when you can just go watch the full scene of the girls online right now? This game should have zero grind in it and be all about the girls, but it's the complete opposite here. Honestly, just a massive dissapointment.