RPGM - Completed - The Story of Amru and Aisha and the Small Country [Final] [Suzuya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this game after MTLing it myself around when it was released. Love everything by this circle and definitely think the artwork and characters have come a long way since some of their earlier stuff
    The story isn't particularly complicated and everything is pretty straightforward but for fans of the genre (story based ntr) this is pretty great
    The real selling point for me were definitely the characters and their relationships which provided slightly different flavors of ntr and tugged on some nice strings
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    An odd mix of things, but nothing in particular stands out. Beginning corruption NTR setup was mildly interesting, but after a point it turns into a grand RPGM adventure to reclaim your kingdom and is a mostly linear story path. H-scenes begin getting very spread out and treated almost more as punctuation in the adventure.

    The story is pretty good, assuming you're fine with the average MTL. The tone of H-scenes takes a significant shift from the initial NTR corruption you get at the beginning to more of just "girls enjoying sex and using it to their advantage to help you."

    The art isn't bad, nor is it great. It does a good job of varying scenes instead of just a purely static image with text though.

    Gameplay at the beginning is a bit unique for an RPGM. Afterwards it turns into your typical RPGM style with mobs to annoy you every dozen steps or so.

    Overall, it's a bit dull and the pacing is off, which really drags the whole game down.