Unity - Completed - The Stray Cat of Belheim [Final] [C-Laboratory]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The devs made one competent combat arena and are now asking you to play through it 16 times with no notable variation. I managed to get through it because it is competent and the art is nice but it did drag. Then as soon as you're at the end of your patience the game hits you with the "it was all a dream" ending leaving a very sour taste in your mouth.
    Still, the combat was solid and the art was good and it wasted far less of my time than other titles so it gets a weak 3 star.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    What to say, the game is very short, but the art style is really great. The in-game (capture if knocked down) sex scenes are my favorite part of the game; they are very well-animated and smooth! The gameplay, to me, is fun except for when you get stun-locked (looking at you, giant orc). The combat is pretty fun; time for the cons: you'll be playing the same level 16 times to get all of the endings, a standard fantasy forest, and there are probably eight enemy types. I don't think it's worth it to play through for the story since the "reward" for completing an ending is a static VN-style ending; they would have been awesome if they took the time to animate those. The game can be finished in about 20 minutes. It's worth a little bit of play and a fap, but after that, you may only keep it for the gallery. I hope they expand on it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Very short combat side scroller. Simple controls, very easy difficulty.

    The combat animations are nicely done. It gets repetitive quickly, but works as one of those "play for 20 minutes and delete" games.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice scenes, interesting combat, but there isn't enough content. Also the grind is not worth it, there's a button in the gallery to unlock all of it. They spent a lot of effort on the combat and it really shows, also disable vsync and turn up the difficulty to make the game faster and harder.
    Likes: jttth
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice and fun little fighting game, with some catgirl's sex scenes here and there. Design is good, gameplay is fun (if you are not handless), and the general vibe of the music and graphic is kinda nice.
    There is also some story, but, honestly, who cares.
    It could've been more elaborate, but besides that there not much for what I can deduct rating points. For what it is - it is great.
    Likes: jttth
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Story/Characters: 3/5
    It's average when compared to other H games, just enough to give you context and fill you in immersion if you're like me. If you're expecting a 5/5 story h game, I recommend looking elsewhere .

    Gameplay: 4/5 It's great. Learning how to combo can pass the time and is quite entertaining. However if you're the type to just press z over and over then this isn't for you since the game is quite easy as well. I'm rating it this high as I am comparing to an average H game.

    Art/H Scenes: 6/5. It's awesome. It's voiced, animated and H scenes are easily accessible as there's a built in scene unlocker in the game. Highly recommend, although I do suggest play through at least one ending first then unlock it for full experience.

    In conclusion: 4/5
    Writing wise it's meh, but I really enjoyed my time with the game especially the side scrolling combat mechanics, one may say it's simple or overdone but sometimes simplicity is good, adding the outstanding art scenes makes the game really good as an H game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    James Boner

    Annoying game with no story whatsoever. Monster keeps doing the same cheap shot every time. They only have 1 sex scene with mc. There is no recovery time after you get knocked out.

    About the gameplay... Well, there's 1 "level" who'll keep repeating itself every time with the same monsters, same background. There's no corruption system neither. The sole purpose of the game is to grind yourself to 1 "end" which is simply a sex scene, then you repeat 4 times the same level to get another scene and you do that 4 times. So the game consist of playing 16 time the same dull level. Not sure what the "Epilogue" is though, I got bore before getting to that point.

    The scenes are somehow not that bad.