Others - Completed - The taming massage parlor - Mari's story [v1.0.4] [Warumiyo]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Its the first game but worse in each way
    Anything sexy is now locked behind hours of grinding, the "feeling" is simplified into simply "opinion" which makes it a lot less in-depth than the first game.

    The grind sucks, you repeat the same thing over and over, touching anywhere basically has the same effect, and so you just spam one location or one conversation option and balm, you are done.

    Even worse, because of "opinion", anything sexy lowers her opinion meaning that massage satisfaction and raising arousal are mutually exclusive, while also being of equal value so you can only pick one.
    Likes: Asih59
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The ultimate cuck experience, metaphorically, goon-teasing and gameplay-wise. 8/10

    First of all, this is not your usual pump and dump RPGMaker where you hold Ctrl + Enter and skip the entire game's dialogue, for this game you'll have to be patient with the poorly slapped together UI as to not brick the game from input overload.

    But in all seriousness, this game would've deserved 5 stars if it wasn't for how brittle the game is. The story branches off into many ends according to your treatment towards the FMC.

    The massaging systems is honestly one of the best touch-interact system I've ever played in the eastern H-game circles. The teasing leading up to the final event was amazing if you play your cards right. Although the animation CGs could use some work, this is more preferable compared the AI use in the dev's prior work.

    Ultimately, if you like teasing, this is a good one for the collection.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    To start I want to clarify 2 things, I don't usually bother leaving reviews on games so this may be a bit cluttered. And secondly I rate this a 3 or 3.5 I only gave it a 5 because a lot of the 1 star reviews are from a buggier version that weren't updated and a lot of those have been fixed but not all.

    to start I did really enjoy this game for the most part, it is still fairly buggy including freezes. And relaunching the game makes you go through the entire setup and start every time you launch it. You can save and load afterwards but you still have to go through it every time.


    The touch and massage system is generally pretty well thought out even if simple.
    Her reactions and the ability to get them are fairly nice
    The art and animations during the massage scenes are acceptable
    The fact that you can remove clothing without having to wake her up and ask is nice.
    Pubic hair choices huge plus, they are a little more restrictive then I would like but also every choice is new assets so I am just grateful we have the option. Personally I would like something between full on jungle and well maintained it feels like a middle step is missing. Some people have preferences and many a game has been ruined by not having that option for me.

    Bugs, you still will get a lot of bugs, most numerously freezing, sometimes crashing. Occasionally other things like her realizing I stripped her and going to cover herself up. But it just creates 2 new arms giving her 4 total.

    Unskippable cutscenes, they did make it so you can skip the intro scene which is good because your going to replay it several times in a play through do to crashes or accidental touches with not enough time left. The rest are not skippable without risking a freeze and since you can only save inbetween massages and they play at the end. this means 20 minutes of work gone if you try to skip them.

    The mood meter is a bad system, i'm not going to pretend like the system from the first game was amazing, but in general the mood meter is a downgrade even if I think in general the rest of this game is an improvement. It really restricts whats reasonable to accomplish if you want to actually beat the game within the 5 day time limit.

    Locked touching behind progression. Would have made more sense to use a varied system, allow player to grope her from session one. But apply a harsher penalty if you get caught. Instead they just removed the option entirely from touching certain area's until you progress the story more.

    And to me the worst con, You can remove her underwear and this comes in stages as you slowly justify pulling it down a little more. But you are locked out of every other action until you either completely remove or completely put her underwear on. This is a shame because there is an aspect of interest that could be gained from slowly moving her underwear down more and leaving it while you continue the massage. In a perfect world there would even be a system where her shame or even a new system entirely slowly gets used to being closer to being exposed. Making it easier to expose her without penalty while she is fully awake.

    And to a small part for me, no real options for developing the story. They came in with a story of you helping her build confidence and thats it. Thats the only way to beat the game. Would have been nice to have some options corruption, confidence, maybe even some form of blackmail or obligation system making her come back. Not the end of the world but do like options.

    Overall like I said this is a decent game, I would give it like a 3, it has the potential to be a full on 5 if it with some minor changes and major bug fixing. The potential is really there for this to be a great game. And it is one that I probably will on occasion come back to for it's very specific niche. But it is just hurting in to many easily fixed area's like the bugs for it's own good.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Its a real shame of a game as its one that sufferers from an unnecessary and arbitrary amount of difficulty. You start off with an unskippable cutscene that takes about 6 minutes to slug through for a bunch of filler dialog that amounts to "shy girl makes mistake and is forced to get a massage as to not be rude".

    Once you're in the actual game theres no explanation on how to play said game so you end up just clicking yourself into a bad ending that happened to me instantly. Then the game deletes my save and attempts to force me into sitting through the intro again, no thanks chief.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The game developers made a game inside a bug.
    1. Wanna hit Ctrl to skip the dialogue at the start? Nope, game crashes. Tough luck.
    2. You took a quick look at the memoir? Sorry, buddy, you’re rewatching this week’s chat.
    3. Started the massage and accidentally clicked on her underwear? Congrats, you’re restarting the whole damn game.
    4. Oh, you saved your progress? Cool story, but if the game over, all you get to do is pick a language and go right back to step one.
    So yeah, the devs just wanted to teach you one thing: stop fucking touching random crap on the screen, you maniac.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Loli Stealer

    I will mostly not touch on bugs as I'm sure they will be fixed eventually.

    The Good

    First of all, I enjoyed the new addition: the dialogue system. It's even possible to complete some stages without any massage at all, simply by talking. Some may argue that it takes away from a game called Taming Massage Parlor, but I think it's great at highlighting Mari's need for connection. Unlike Dana, she doesn't fall for the protagonist because of how the massage feels, but rather because he gives her appreciation and attention. It adds a layer of player choice in approaching each stage. Also, her reactions (and their progression as she gets more confident) are amusing, and that's the core of these games.

    Next, the new posing system is awesome. The previous game had a heavy emphasis on pose management, deciding in advance, how much time you'd need with each individual position. This is completely gone and replaced with free posing, which is a good thing in my opinion.

    Finally, taking off clothes by yourself instead of asking for them. This is a perfect addition for a game such as this, and my only gripe is that they removed the option to ask verbally. It really bothered me how the protagonist woke up Dana in the previous game to ask, instead of giving the player the option to simply take the clothes off. But I also enjoyed her flustered reactions at the request. I think both options of undressing should've been in this game.

    New massage and sex systems. Simplifying the massage mini-game made the gameplay faster and easier, at the cost of simplifying stat increases and decreases. The sex system got rid of mini-games completely, which is a bit of a shame, but also massively improves flow. If it was up to me, I would make the player complete a mini-game once, the first time a sexual action is taken, and then I would just keep those results, with an option to replay the mini-game to change the results. It keeps the fun side of sex mini-games (varying stat changes) without annoying the player too much. But as it is, the game got quite better.

    Masturbation. MASSIVE improvement. Also, them adding the choice of where to cum on the body and keeping fluids there until wiped off. It's a huge part of sleep sex simulator fantasy, and it works great here.

    The art is also a bit better.

    The Bad

    This is gonna be a long one.

    The main, biggest and most disgusting change is replacing the three meters from the previous game (Doubt, Anger and Satisfaction) with one unified "Mood" meter. It completely ruins the game. Not only does Mood not rise when she's asleep (which forces the player to keep waking her up with talking or pose changes, leaving less time to do something naughty as she sleeps), it can fall down when she's asleep. Mari, with her spider sense, psychic abilities, or whatever else, senses that I'm jerking off over her tits, completely not touching her, and her Mood falls. And now, if I wanna fix it, I have to wake her up (wasting time), talk to her or massage her again (wasting even more time), and now if I wanna do something else naughty to her, I have to get her to fall asleep again. It's dreadful. I'm absolutely baffled that they got rid of the previous elegant system of combining the satisfaction and sleepiness gauges into one.

    But I'm not done with this horrid system yet. Its' next sin is completely ruining the core attraction of the previous game: girl's reactions, and, especially, her slow realization of what's going on. Previously, especially bold actions made her suspicion go up, eventually culminating in the Doubt bar turning into the Certainty bar, making her aware that you're intentionally touching her inappropriately, and changing her stat increases from the various massage types, as well as changing her reactions. It created this little dance of making her question you, raising her shame and arousal, then pulling back into normal massage to calm her down. It was simple, but fun. And making her alert, then pushing the boundaries, checking, how far you can go before she flips out, was thrilling for the first few times it happened. What's more, the massage only ended if her Anger bar filled up (or you got hit too much). So, you could fill out her Certainty bar completely, as long as her Anger didn't go up too much, which was also fun in its' own way. Finally, alerting her in later stages, then seeing her smile instead of being angry, and seeing that she doesn't mind you groping her and grinding on her, getting a lot less Anger than before, even though she's aware of what's going on, made the player feel satisfied with his progress. It was a great system.


    No more Certain state, no more Anger bar, no more careful dance. You touch her inappropriately, Mood goes down, Arousal and Shame go up. You touch her appropriately, Mood goes up, Arousal and Shame go down. Yes, her reactions still change based on the stage you're on, but it completely gets rid of the most fun part of the stage, her two states of engaging with the massage. For example, previously Dana could allow you to take her clothes off if she was oblivious to your intentions, or refuse you angrily if she caught on to what was going on. Mari waking up to suddenly being naked could've interacted wonderfully with Doubt and Certainty. But in this game it all depends entirely on the stage.

    And it pains me even more, since they added the "accidental touch" massage area. It could've been a way of raising less suspicion than outright erotic massage, at the cost of raising less shame and arousal, or some other cost. But no.

    I hoped the second game would make those systems, that made the first game fun, more engaging and deep. They could've even added a third state, something like Alertness, for example, between Doubt and Certainty. Instead the developers removed them completely.

    Complete, utter, disastrous waste of potential. I can't overstate how much it ruins the game. And that's only my first point. Wild, isn't it?

    My second gripe connects directly to the first. The progression conditions.
    Each stage in the game roughly boils down to "talk about X topics a Y amount of times, then finish with high Mood".
    ...and I hate that a lot.

    The first game gave you very vague directions. "Raise satisfaction", "Make her feel a bit ashamed", "Make her aroused and ashamed". It gave you a target and then let you achieve it in any way you want, playing with the meters. In theory, the dialogue system should've greatly improved that loop. With a variety of topics, some could increase or decrease her shame, some could make her aroused, some could put her at ease, some could raise or lower her doubt. And imagine how fun could it be to see her reactions change when in Certainty state!

    But instead they all still simply raise or lower her Mood and slightly affect her Shame (which is useless because it's not a real stat anymore). You now have a huge variety of topics, all of which have no purpose, because the game tells you directly what to talk to her about and how much. And even if you decide to talk to her on your own, there isn't really any meaningful choice with upsides and downsides there, only good and bad options. It removes a huge chunk of interactivity and "problem-solving", however basic it may have been.

    Now, add to that the fact that she no longer feels muscle tension, which actually decided if the massage was successful or not in the first game, and how you handled that decided the duration of each massage session. Another potentially interesting system replaced with the fucking Mood meter.

    Another problem is gate-keeping massage points behind certain stage levels. The first game let you loose on Dana's body from the very beginning, allowing you to massage her anywhere any way you want. Yes, she would immediately get angry and you would lose if you got too sexual in the very first stage, but the option to fuck around and find out was there. And you could still get her to fall asleep and sneak in a few touches here and there. The only hard barrier was clothing, which is even more disappointing, since now you can remove it as Mari sleeps, but the game gate-keeps touching her behind plot progression. You can't even cum on her body after masturbating during the first session! What the fuck is the point then!?

    I could keep going for a long time, turning this review into a whole essay (or a fucking novel). No clothing choices, no items, no money system. No option to massage her after lowering her panties slightly (although that's only if you do it from the front, so maybe that's a bug). No option to massage your cum into her skin instead of wiping it off (is it a goddamn massage game or not?). Too little days in the plot, giving you zero margin for error. No main menu, no sound options, no body type options after starting the game (in the first one you could toggle Dana's nipple color), underbaked peeping system, no sleeping blowjob (eh... personal gripe...), less grinding points that in the first game (which didn't have that much to begin with), no variations in dialogue...

    Any one of these small issues could be overlooked. More than that, even they all together could be overlooked, if the game overall expanded upon the first game's ideas. Instead, it went the Bethesda way and cut its' own systems in half. Well, I suppose, at least the developers can say that they're a lot like an AAA company then: simplifying their games while still having a huge amount of bugs in them.

    The Ugly

    I loved the first game. It wasn't the best game in the world, but I spent way more time than I should've with it, because I really saw the potential in it. When I heard that the devs are making a sequel, I was happy as one can be.

    I waited patiently. I didn't care about their cut in communications, didn't care about the long wait. I can wait, if it means getting the game building on the basis of the first game. In the mean-time, I checked out some of their other games. I checked out a demo for Clara's confessional, and, once again, I saw makings of a very interesting gameplay system, something unique and very promising.

    I would honestly pay the devs for this game, if it came out on DLsite before the f95 version appeared. And I would be sorely disappointed. And now I can't help but wonder: can the devs really deliver on the promise of Clara's Confessional? Can they make the other entries in the Taming Massage Parlor series interesting and fun?

    Do they even know what makes their own games good?

    I give this game a 3 out of 5. Once they iron out the bugs, it will be playable, and decently fun. Not terrible, by any stretch of the imagination. But for this game, it's a scathing review. It could have been a 5. It should have been a 5.

  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Writing on 1.0.2 because version is important for bug reasons.

    I was among the people who actually loved the first game despite overall low quality because the entire massage and touching "corruption" is absolutely my thing and for reasons i cannot entirely comprehend it's such a rare genre. It wasn't perfect, sure, but it offered a bit of freedom and exploration of what you can and can't do and how many buttons you could push.

    This one improved on presentation and animations considerably, voice acting is actually pretty good, but everything else was just decimated. I will get to the bugs, but on the more fundamental level even if the game functioned you are extremely limited in what you can do, because on first roughly 3 stages out of 5 even accidental boob touching completely nukes the mood so you are extremely limited in how you want to play the game and interact with the girl. Mandatory checklist of "talk about this" for 10 times every stage is beyond annoying too.

    So on day 5, when you actually CAN do stuff to her, you get to the sex part finally and see that... every animation is broken and when you start it it just freezes everything. Phenomenal. At this point i decided to stop and wait until dev actually fix it.

    It's not the only bug of course, sometimes your action icons just dissapear, sometimes mini game sliders just dissapear, voice lines can overlap, and many other issues that would be easily notable if developer, i don't know, tested the game. In it's current state it is geniunely barely playable.

    So i will reserve final judgement until game is fixed, for now it's definitely a wrong direction with limiting player freedom in interacting and i am very dissapointed in the sequel and being barely functional doesn't help it's case.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm a sucker for slow burn touch/feel games and these is definitely up my alley.
    This game has many problems; slow unskippable dialogue, poses and UI glitching (I spent hours grinding to get to the end and I couldn't penetrate in the end so I wasted a ton of time), lack of explanations and items that were present in the first game, etc. And the dev seems like a bit of a nutter (hahaha) so I'm not entirely confident they won't try to do more anti-consumer practices, but I enjoyed my time well enough.
    Likes: LDV
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    These two games are really a shame, the first one is a genuinely good corruption game but it gets buried by grindy game play and really slow progression for what amounts to a few scenes. The worst problem with the first game is it will take you a few retries just to figure out how to progress making the slow game play feel even slower.

    This game starts out with the girl from the first one working at the desk, nice touch there, but for some reason game play was changed again! how alert the character is inst a bar you can see anymore its just text indicating which state shes in at that moment. If you didn't play the first one you will be even more confused by this one. Worst part for sure is the unholy amount of bugs in this one, sometimes your action buttons disappear, sometimes the models overlap each other, sometimes the minigame indicator line breaks. The days have been shortened to 5 instead of 10 which is a good to cut down grind but you will have to restart who knows how many times due to bugs.

    TLDR: The art is just OK and not worth suffering through bugs to get the outcome you want, if you do want to play this after all, my advice, save often.
    Likes: LDV
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne


    the whole power play dynamic, giving you a choice of whether you wanna earn her love, or abuse her vunerability.. its a great concept. most of the game is animated beautifully, and looks great. and by god a normal looking body with pube options, for us hairy butt lovers here..

    unfortunately, even though on the surface the options are great, it feels more like a gimmick than anything. the level of grind to get to the 5th day, and if you wanna abuse her whilst she sleeps. good feckin luck, she wakes up super easily.. ontop of that, HOW THE FECK you gonna create a fully animated game, then skimp out when it comes to the core reason most of us are playing, THE SEX SCENES. youre telling me i grinded like a mf, getting excited to the scenes, to it being poorly made still images? even then, you get to the fifth day, and thats the game finished. the amount of bugs you face it ridiculous, forcing you to reload the game again, and forcing you through your 100000000th rewatch of the intro..

    ultimately this is my kinda game, it truly is. but it falls short with some QOL things like a main menu, and just consistent quality when it comes to matching the sex scenes with the same level of quality of the rest of the visuals. its far too difficult to progress to the sex stuff, and too much of a blue ball to tackle them scenes. she sleeping? spreads her cheeks, she wakes up. massage, spread, lick for one second, massage, spread, lick,"fbi open up". the concept is really fkn good. i love the model, the quality of the art, the pube options is so my thing... but i truly dont understand nor can i grasp how to engage in sex. she wakes up far too easily

    ontop of that, the level of bugs is insane, from getting caught and it locking you out of pose interactions, and the massage UI, its horrendously buggy. and rn, it has a great foundation, but the sex scenes let it down, and the level of bugs
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Loved the previous massage game, would love this one too - the heroine is cute, the interactions are enjoyable... but BUGS! there are so many of them! Can't do a thing without some part of the game breaking, making the progress impossible. Shame really, hoping for a fix.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Erwe Von Esse

    TLDR: If you have a "touching" fetish (+ Anal) and you have the patience for MULTIPLE bugs, this is a must.

    It isn't good, nor terrible. What drags the game down a lot are the frequent locks that you get into, watch the guide mentioned in gruntcy's review. The game is really slow so I would recommend if it's your first time playing just check the guide so that you don't have to repeat a "run".

    Also, what other reviewer say isn't true, you definetively can save so take advantage of that, the UI for saving is clunky though (You have to first click on the saving slot later click on SAVE or LOAD depending on what you want to do).

    Now, with all those negatives, why the "Average" (3/5) rating...? There simply aren't that many games who target the "touching" fetish, and if this game gets a couple of bugfixes and gives you an "skip the rest of the massage" it would EASILY be a 5/5. It pains me that it has such a big potential
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    buggy as hell. constnatly freezes. no explanation of mechanics. i actually had to learn more aboiut how to play from reviews than from game itself.
    More of anger inducing than plesant experience.

    I would seriously suggest making it on different system or engine.

    As it is now, i do not remcoment it, simply out of a chore that even operating this game is
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great animations, art, and story
    Definitely a step up from the previous game in all aspects, however, there are still quite a bit of bugs in the game.
    Also, uh, all of the sex animations are missing as of v1.0.2
    It's also a little bit grindy...
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very addicting game with LOTS of potential. Great art style too. The game keeps you engaged once you start to get the hang of it.

    IMPORTANT TIPS: you can skip the starting story by holding down Ctrl. Massage her on tier 1 up to a decent amount complete the other requirements then spam do you like anime until the bar caps out.

    Also this post from a fellow forumer:

  16. 2.00 star(s)



    3 massage stages with some bad endings and a true ending. not worth the play through especially with bugs that waste a lot of time with how the game handles reloads

    • not much to do in game but it's nice to observe Mari's reactions
    • grindy progression revolving around keeping her Mood full bar or you won't advance the story
    • Lick and Smell function often bug out resulting in soft locks or invisible buttons
    • when you get a game over, you must go through the entire reload process as if you first opened a new game
    • animation is lame - the interactive tools barely show body contact, so a lot of the animation just looks like a 2d image slides over another
    • interactive menu (would have liked an option to play with the receptionist some more)
    • funny wholesome plot
      • despite the slow progression it was rewarding seeing the character change of Mari

    I appreciate the art and mildly interactive gameplay, along with the story progression. But it's too grindy with little reward and then the bugs just make you waste your time as you will need to restart the game and lose your Mood progression
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR play at your own patience, cuz buggy

    Its the same as their last massage game, the game isn't nearly as unplayable as people make it seem, but here's a summary:

    Massage Game
    Girl is cute

    Skippable dialogue but it results in black screen
    Very slow progression like last game
    Unclear goals and Gameplay with no tutorial
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Looks a promising game but when u are playing it starts to be boring, is very impossible pass to the level 1 and the game presents a lot of bugs, sometimes the game freeze and you need restart thats very insane cuz every sesion is like 10 minutes....
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is awful. It feels almost unplayable. The game looks like it's supposed to have a save system with multiple slots, but if you hit a bad end the entire game resets and you have to watch the intro again, including inputting your name again and everything. What makes that worse is that it's incredibly easy to fail the massage minigame the first time or two you try it, because absolutely nothing is explained to you and while you're trying things out it's really easy to accidentally hit the fail condition and instantly get a bad end. Which means 5-10 minutes of mashing through the intro just to try it again. Oh, except mindlessly mashing through the intro also doesn't work, becaause there's a bug where some parts with cutscenes reset the animation if you click/spacebar while the animation is playing. So you have to mindfully stop mashing just so don't get stuck replaying the first few frames of an animation forever.

    I don't know if the actual save/load system shown on the menu works, because I didn't have enough patience to get further into the game. If failing on days 2+ also reset the entire game, I don't know what the save would even do.