VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Taming of the Brat [v1] [Viitgames]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another VN ruined by a trash, poorly written MC. Terrible personality, thinks he's a lot funnier than he actually is, and will not fucking shut up with his goddamn inner monologue. Not to mention his model looks weird af! Can't exactly put my finger on it, but he looks borderline retarded.

    Gave up on it before I reached the 2nd "naughty scene" (if it can even be called that). Thankfully, I have the gallery mod, so I can just check out the scenes that way w/o having to force myself to read any more of this terrible writing.

    Only reason I am giving it 2 stars is because Elena is pretty damn sexy, and Belle is pretty cute too.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm 20 minutes in, and I like the direction of the story. MC is an alcoholic artist on the wagon, having trouble creating art without inspiration, muse, or chemical modifier. MC's art dealer Elena is looking to be an excellent friend and business associate in spite of her problems at home. Elena's niece Belle ("the brat" of title infamy) is both a hilarious piece of work if you're a fly on the wall and "problems at home" if you're a frustrated aunt.

    From there, the MC goes through trouble trying to find inspiration for his work. Eventually, with some suggestion from his sponsor (he's an alkie on the wagon, remember?), he starts some new sketches and accidentally puts familiar faces to the canvas while musing in his work: Elena on the first sketch, then--after putting the sketch aside as a good, but failed first attempt--Belle on his second sketch. Well, if nothing else it appears he's found inspiration and muses in lieu of the chemical modifiers.

    Graphics are good. Scene choices are great. Renders are a little sketchy, but not awful. Men are a little broad and chesty, as if they were physically ready to go 12 rounds. Elena's rivaling Angelina Jolie in the lip department, and it's clearly not just good profiling with her makeup kit as even when the MC catches her on a day without makeup, her mouth is no shrinking violet. Not a fan of the MC's shower. Streams of water look like perfectly smooth metallic or glass rods (wouldn't want to get hit with those).

    I don't think music is native to the game (playing with a mod that I know incorporates music). As a general rule, I won't take away stars for a game's music or lack of music unless there is music (or sound effects) that detract or take away from the game.

    Unless the developer takes this story and flushes it down the proverbial toilet, I can't see this game having earned less than five stars. I likely won't come back to this review from this point, it'll likely be bad news if I tack on an edit below this, so enjoy the game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Mid game that could have been much better with just a little bit more effort.

    Loses a star for teasing Anal and never delivering. :mad:

    Renders look nice, and writing and dialogue are pretty decent.

    MC is a dial tone, and his constant inane inner monologues get old very fast.

    Also resolves pretty much none of the issues for the individual characters, and the endings feel very rushed.

    Needs sexy sounds in the lewd scenes, but I have seen worse.

    Worth a play is you are desperate for a slice of life AVN that is really nothing special.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    As games go..... there's not a lot here.

    I think one of my main problems with the game is the whole premise, and I know that sounds absurd but really it's true. You are an artist who's basically having a hard time of it. You simply can't get the creative juices flowing that is... until you get some inspiration from a friend and you stumble upon some muses in the form of a friend of yours and her neice.

    Which is fine and all but the game acts like it's all one big taboo and there's absolutely no reason for it. The MC seems embarassed at the prospect of using a friend as inspiration and other people seem scandalised at the idea of the MC using a college student as the basis for art..... but why? There's no reason given. College student perfectly capable of making her own decisions and an artist doing what artists do. It's absurd. Firstly the MC wouldn't give a fuck, he'd probably announce to anyone who'd listen what he's doing but why his friend acts the way he does is weird.

    And it basically goes downhill from there. You've got the choice of what woman to pick, the friend or the niece but really both are puddle deep. The friend seems to have a drinking problem which is odd cause the MC is a recovering alcoholic so it seems absurd he'd hang about with her and the Brat in question seems to be just that, maybe she's more but the way she acts around her aunt is a weird red flag

    Visuals are ok, the cast is small which probably helps the game somewhat but the MC is a bit of a melt. I appreciate he's got issues he's working through but it seems the anxiety is artificial cause why would he be anxious at all?
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    As much as I want to rate it 3, I can't. The story itself is not bad and while a lot of it is missing, the dev definitely has a right idea where the series was going.

    Elena and her business struggling with new competitor and her new-found drinking problem, a nice idea that ultimately didn't go anywhere, her business turn out fine and drinking problem was never there.

    Belle family struggle with alcoholic father and her mother which is hinted a lot but never really explored on, especially her mom which supposedly secretly care about her or how she is struggling studying and caring about college skipping a lot of class, but somehow it was never a problem.

    In side character we have Marc who says Elena face was similar, but we never know how he actually know Elena face or Cathy whole ordeal not going anywhere with her weird family.

    The game has a lot of delicious crumbs, but there is ultimately no bread in sight.

    The early part of the game was definitely the weakest by far, the introduction of the character was fine, but it's more incline to meh than nice,

    3/4 9/8 ultimately the story was alrigh
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok, given that Haley's second half already went into this direction, it's no surprise that this game turned out like this. It still managed to disappoint my low expectations.

    There's literally nothing happening. At all. There's no tension, story arc or anything. Now, that's ok if you have chemistry between the protagonists when they develop their relationship. But that's not happening either.

    The MC is completely devoid of characteristics. There's literally nothing interesting or attractive about him. It's completely unbelievable that anyone would fall for this muppet. Also the art remains largely static and devoid of emotions. It's more like someone doing play-pretend with a bunch of stick figures.

    So, where does that leave us? Nowhere really. They go through the motions. It's like reading an accounting report on a Friday afternoon. Given that the sex scenes are mechanical and soulless, it's unlikely that even they will rouse you from your slumber.

  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Squidman Coca-Cola

    far more interesting story and dialogue writing in this game then you would see in a regular erotic VN, this is not a cookie cutter game.
    one thing to keep in mind is that in this game you are not playing as *you*, youre not a blank slate, you're roleplaying as character that already existed in this world and has a developed personality.
    the MC has a pretty poor model but he is written quite interestingly, he struggles with perversion and alcoholism in a realistic fashion.
    the game real good relationship pacing and renders, but animations need a little work.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I've not tried this until today. Major disappointment.

    -Backgrounds/assets/models look incomplete with how they're dressed up and "sculpted"
    -The characters looks so rigid in the scenes
    -Writing leaves something to be desired
    -Story isn't bad but kinda... bland, I guess?

    -None of the LIs pop out and makes you want to pursue them imho.
    -MC looks so bland... Face, hair?, body and expressions are mostly non-existent. Gives of the energy of a pov character from some early VNs on here, but in 3rd person for some reason...

    I have a bit of doubt that this is the same viitgames that made Haley's story
    but it might just be that I liked the characters better

    It might be I'm wrong but animations look about the same as they do in Haley, with no improvements. It was never the strong pont of that VN and it certainly doesn't look like it is this time either.

    2 stars might be too harsh, but it's honestly so boring to watch and read. There's nothing new to see anywhere, no fun moments to laugh at, witty dialogue or good adult scenes...
    And if realism is what they tried for then mission failed imo. It's like a story from creative limbo
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Vitt surely knows how to do the build up leading to intimate scenes ngl.
    The only downgrade i saw was mc is such a creepy guy lol, it gets uncomfortable as the story progresses. Has/had alcohol issues and quite a lot chatty with himself.
    Girls are handful but they grew up on me. Ellen i think is a sellswomen and her niece also quite a piece of art literally and metaphorically.
    I liked the way dev has decided to introduce the intimacy and yes it's creepy but out of the box. Niece probably has a daddy issues and such a riot she's. Ellen has been a good support to mc, one of the nice ones i came across in vns.

    I'd like to see monologues of mc toned down a notch and less of him daydreaming like a horny teenager.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    I'm not sure what the deal is with the comparisons to Haley. I'll be honest, I didn't like Haley at all. The progression was weird and the MC was a doormat. Compared to this MC, he might be calculating, but he has a deep and complex personality. Even though he is brash, he is always thinking if he's doing the right thing or not, even when he notices other people need his support, his actions are calculated. Like when he monologues that he needs to make Elena laugh.

    Another good thing about this AVN is that it takes the trope of the annoying LI and actually makes it enjoyable. I usually hate the typical annoying and bratty LI, but Belle is a blast. She is funny, charismatic and actually not a dickhead. She is indeed annoying since that's her thing, but it doesn't outweigh all her good traits.

    Then you have Elena who perfectly embodies someone who's starting to feel old and that she's missed out on life. She doesn't want just a dick and it's made perfectly clear that she enjoys the MC's company and it's what she wants, the sex is secondary. I think the usual AVN player is too used to the white-knighting MC with infinite patience and zero flaws outside of his awkward loser personality.

    It's a slice-of-life AVN that doesn't remain boringly mundane and actually has you looking forward to what's gonna happen next. The LIs are likeable and perhaps most importantly, the MC is likeable and he's relatable in some ways. Although I can see how the younger players might not be able to relate to a slightly jaded, flawed adult.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I feel kind of tempted to give 5 stars to fight the completely unfair reviews this game is getting. Yet, it doesn't deserve five stars, just like it doesn't deserve one-star reviews or an average rating of 2,5 stars.

    It seems negative reviews mostly fault the game for not being exactly like the dev's first game, and that just makes no sense.
    Even if you don't think that variety is the spice of life, you would have to accept that a dev doesn't want to do the exact thing two times, even if people liked it.

    Yes, this isn't Haley, and yes, I actually liked that game more as well, but TotB is its own thing and there are actually things to like about the game.
    I feel the pace is a bit off, and it does take too long to get to know the more positive traits of some characters, but the writing is fine, the renders are great, and both ladies are attractive physically, each in their own way.

    So, if the renders are good, the writing is alright, why the low ratings?

    I think there are several reasons, apart from what I already mentioned.
    For one, the MC, so far, is weird. He switches between being an absolute dick, to being cold and calculating, to slowly accepting that he develops real feelings for the LIs. I am not quite sure if this is intentional, if it is, I think it is working a bit too well. People like to watch characters like this, they don't really like to play as them that much.

    And then there is the update size, while the updates come regularly and dependable, they are really small, maybe it would be better to wait a bit longer and release a bit more of content each release. Yes, you can wait, but if you just want to play each update as it is, it is very piecemeal and if you play on either single girls routes, sometimes basically NOTHING happens in an update.

    Yes, these are flaws and yes, this isn't a perfect game, but I see the five stars reviews games with mammoth sized jumbo tits plastic doll characters, with faces that look as if they were hit by Homer Simpsons' make-up shotgun, in almost completely not understandable Engrish get and then look at the writing and characterization here (because even if you don't like the characters, the characterization is done well), you really can not justify that this game gets rated so low.

    As for me, I am convinced that we will come to like these characters far more, and maybe it's just the old pervert in me speaking, but damn if I don't want that hot aunt and niece duo in the MCs bed together.
    For me, it is worth waiting for that.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Is it a work of art? Ironically, no.
    It is entertaining enough? It is.

    The animations are a bit mechanical and seem to lag a bit. Renders are okay.

    I never played Haley, so not sure what everyone is comparing this to, but on its own its a fine game. Maybe not at the top of your list, but I wouldn't put it too far down.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Haley had an appeal, a hook, kept you engaged. Whereas this is just an endless series of monotonous dialog without anything interesting going on. I feel no affinity with the MC, the girls are kinda boring. I just don't know how you can go from such a brilliant VN as Haley's story to this.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The static renders are good enough and the story is interesting.
    The animation can be better, some of them seem too mechanic.
    The problem of this game in my opinion is that is too slow.
    For a lot o time at the beginning of the game you just have some kisses and some spanking. At the start the only sex scenes happen only in MC's mind.
    You have to wait a lot to have sex "for real".
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, nice, I can sense here a good vibe of abandoned "My sweet neighbors".

    I have no idea why many people are so toxic about this VN.

    It's a little naive, a little weird, a little boring, a little silly at times, but in general pretty entertaining story with good renders and decent writing. Funny at times, though I'd say rudeness in dialogues is not really up to my taste, but I can partially explain it with overally complicated relationships and backstory of characters.

    It's not like it can cause a "wow" effect, but you will most likely have good time playing it, and future updates as well, if they will be at the same decent level.

    3.7*-3.8*, will give 4* in advance and to balance resulting ratio for this game as I feel like it was undeservingly dissed, for whatever reason...

    Gl to dev doing it, will put this one in watched for sure.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, I am not writing reviews often, but seeing recent reviews I felt like I had to.
    First things first: is this game a fantastic gem that will change your life?
    No, it is not. What it is, is a very nice story, limited in scope, but that allows it to actually concentrate on the main cast, with a flawed but believable main character who is neither a beta male nor a huge macho straight out of 80's movies.
    This believability continues on to the other characters, I like both the aunt and the niece, they have genuine character, motivations, flaws and strengths.
    The story is a slow but not too slow burn, with real advancement from update to update.
    And the updates are actually quite regular, not a matter of course here, like most should know.
    So, is it a five star? Well, more four to four and a half, but it pushes some of my buttons just right, so I will give it an upgrade.

    I am also genuinely baffled about some recent reviews.
    One star? Really?
    Either people did not play past the first 40 minutes and/or never actually talked to real people - because dialogue here is actually realistic, compared to 80's porn movies one many games here have.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    fcking hell
    playing this is freaking annoying, like finish 1 task then move to another
    goes to start painting instead goes to uni to meet his friend, comes back tryna draw, but instead of drawing goes to his other friend, like what kinda mental shit is this, finish ur shit before doing other shit
    like what level of adhd u must suffer for u to act like this
    also playing for 20-30~ mins yet no actual content, i would get it if was story building but all i learned about this game till now is the mc is failed artist going to sleep half the game and wasting his time other half
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh my god, the writing is too awful. The characters' dialogues are unnatural. The branching path gameplay is as boring as it can get. I can see they did try hard with these renders and man, they know they're not good at this but they force it down their throat anyway. My advice will just be reestimating your resources for better allocation.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A decent and fun story that differs a lot from the usual AVN. The MC is soso in the beginning, but he gets a backbone the longer the story goes on. Still not a dickhead, just a likeable guy that know what he wants.

    The girls are pretty, but a little inpersonal (the reason for 4* instead of 5*. They are very sexy though and you really want to fuck them. Especially the brat!

    I see a some low ratings but thats life. You can't please everyone. Still I think 1* or 2* is unfair compared to a lot of shitty stories with higher ratings. :ROFLMAO:

    It's a slowburn but now it starting to get some action.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This one was close to being rated as a 1 star for me. It gets 2 stars cause I like the look of the girls, and the writer does seem to have a grasp on giving the girls individual personalities. But the MC comes across like a shitty clueless idiot, shortly after the party and kissing both girls I could no longer tolerate the interactions and the cliche clueless thought process of the MC so it was a hard skip of dialogue to see if anything interesting happens...
    This story could be really good but falls way short.