HTML - Abandoned - The Therapist [Endless701] [Rfpnj]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Blood-Red Circus

    It's strange that the game has low ratings and a small number of likes.
    At a minimum, the game has a lot of content, including some fetishes, excellent dialogue, a good set of pictures (albeit pirated ones), and there is gradual corruption in the game (not from a virgin to a prostitute in a second). Therefore, I can only admire and wish the author good luck.)
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had a lot of potential until the current Dev took over the development of the game and turned this into a rapists fantasy. Therapist gets raped constantly but of course, enjoys getting raped. All of the fantasies of the patient are fulfilled to the therapists wishes even tho it is portrayed as if she is fulfilling their wishes.

    The therapist, as she is portrayed, would have been disbarred ages ago in the real world, but even if you make the argument that this is a porn game the narrative makes zero sense.

    One of her patients discovers that her husband wants to be dominated by his wife. So, does she help the patient realize that fantasy? of course not. The solution? Have sex with the husband without his knowledge (he's asleep when she starts fucking him) and then have the husband and wife dominate the therapist . . . b/c reasons. It's always about the therapist's fantasies, not her patient's fantasies. Very poor writing.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoy it rather than “critical” rating. A.k.A more of a personal enjoyment gamelist entry as marker

    +Very kinky dialogues
    +Some really fun fetishes
    +Images make it better
    +Minimalistic but enjoyable

    -Goes out of hands (meaning kinda breaks down)
    -In the end doesn’t have much scenes
    -some more visual fluff would been nice

    I mean, exhib and teasing kinks of this game were probably my main enjoyment. I found lot of moments/scenes and mono/dialogues really hot. Sadly, it felt a bit bare-bones as after some time you were pretty much forced to rinse-repeat scenes to get new scenes or find something. And lot of restarting is required to see everything. But purely from enjoyment side I absolutely loved it. Mechanics, game wise it’s a bit bare bones. But it’s pretty much adventure story book.

  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Interracial UglyB NTR Fan

    Pretty decent game, the story goods, visuals accompanying people, places and events are good and fitting but not tailor/custom for the game just taken from various sources (as is with most html games), scenes are detailed but not too wordy, there's variety and choices with partners and routes, many places to discover and overall not at all grindy.

    Seen a few comments about bugs, personally I haven't encountered any that couldn't be fixed with the back button and none that crashed the game.

    Updates are infrequent and small but as of 08/2018 the second writer goal of the patreon hasn't been reached so I guess you cant complain too much
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1.04...

    This is a somewhat boring and bug ridden game...

    The visuals are all real photos that are very obviously stolen from several prominent porn video websites (i.e. the actual site logo's are in the pictures and clips)... Which throws up red flags for me, as I can't stand it when games do crap like that without permission... You can play the game without visuals, if you only download the HTML file...

    The script looked alright as I barely ran into any spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a female protagonist as a therapist, with a very active sex drive... The game is text based, with the optional visuals... The protagonist has various activities she can do during a day, with some random events, mini games (such as the boring bullards game), have sessions with clients, and lots of other activities... Most of the initial client sessions are pretty straight forward and boring, as well as some of the other activities... There are random events, some of which include her house being broken into, being hit on at the bar, etc... I'm sure other fetish's eventually come into play...

    The problem I ran into several times was the game bugging out and running into errors that stopped game play... Such as when she was hit on at the bar, and I selected to not go along with it, the home button turned red, and when selected it threw a missing file error... That happened again at other areas when I restarted... After it happens a 2nd time I called it quits...

    Overall, I've played a lot better text based visual novel/games then this one... The fact that the author's couldn't come up with their own visuals, or use non-royalty based images more, or were dumb enough to steel photos from major porn sites (that included the sites logo and name in the photo/clip) just makes me want to puke and stop playing this game... It shows just how little effort was actually put into this game's creation, with such a lack of creativity and work ethic.. I will definitely not be replaying this game, ever...