Archived The Twist [any version] : Save Editor

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Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
Hi there, after longs hours trying to pry the game open and trying to figure out a way a cheat I finally gave up trying to change the game at runtime and made myself a save editor.

So I might as well share it with you.

It's pretty straightforward to use, if you do something wrong it'll probably crash horribly.
Be aware that your saves are not safe, so make back ups.

Also the game load all the saves at once before it show them for you to choose, if nothing displays after clicking the loading button consider it crashed.
That mean one of the save is making it crash.

The save files are located in :
...\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\

Important !
Don't swap slots ! When you open a slot 1 save the save editor will only produce slot 1 compatible saves.

Sorry about that, but the game handles saves in a really odd way.

Again, back up your saves !

Extract the save editor to the same folder as the game executable.

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May 25, 2017
I'm assuming the save editor allows us to set different stages of events for each character, etc?

Because there are cheats included in the game that allow us to change the relationship values and money very easily.
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Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
It allows you to change everything saved. So if you know what you are doing, yes you can.

Since there was no tool that I know of that allowed me to parse the saves I don't know what to change to pop events yet. But now we will be able to gather that data and tailor saves.

And to be honest I knew there were cheats in the game by looking at the sources but still don't know how to use it.
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Ty @Finsit for this nifty litte app, need to use it with the final version asap. I prefer a practical tool over cheating like mad, it's easier to try different states this way, by copying and adapting saves for testing. Thread put to favourites already. :)

You can use cheats by standing in the aisle / hallway on the upper floor of your house at daytime. So not 'round the clock it seems. Use the key combos provided with the walkthroughs. Latest is here - After that stats should have changed?

tbh I didn't cheat myself yet, have to check it on my own. Maybe you find more cheats still hidden inside code??


Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
I did a pretty significant update.

As you can see in the changelog, the save editor will now work on every game version as long as there is only incremental changes.
I tested it on pretty old version of the game I kept on my drive and it worked flawlessly.

Makes sure you place the editor in the same folder as the game otherwise it won't work.

I can make the editor able to change slot, but I would prefer not to, if you wish to see that feature, ask it here.


Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
I'm afraid I can't help you for this version unless you are willing to tell not to bother with security on it.

I don't quite get the point of the CAS thingy.
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Jun 11, 2017
Doesn't seem to be working for me, I have it sitting there right next to the executable and I don't seem to be able to do anything with the saves.


Jun 11, 2017
Well, the save editor is in the same folder as the executable, when I open the editor it appears as a window with "open save file" being clickable, when clicked it opens another window to search for the save file manually, after that I can't seem to find the save files even when going through the whole directory of the game, not even the .exe appears in the search, only "TheTwist_Data" and the folders inside that one, though only the folder files.


Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
You need to find the save files inside "AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\" as said in the OP.

On the next update I'll make it so the save editor points you to the right folder on first use and then uses the last folder.
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Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
Okay, new version of the editor.

Changes for the v3.13.6458.41740 :
  • Added possibility to open and save backups
  • When overwriting a file, the old one will be backed up automatically, if there is already a backup a number behind the .bak will iterate
  • On first use the open file dialog will point to the game default save folder
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Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
@Fleuve :
I meant, I don't get the point of the CAS and didn't understand the implication of the enabling "loadFromRemoteSources", and when I don't understand implication of something security wise I do not touch it, even more when it's shared with others.

And having some plan to make it a more universal Unity save editor, maybe I'll try the sandboxing path.

About the exception, I don't want to appear rude but, I do know about it, and it's not an error since I chose to let it as is.
When users get a screaming error windows trying to force an exception down their throat that makes them understand quite efficiently something is wrong somewhere.

And if someone is not willing to read the OP and use a tool like this, that means its no good to them.
Using this tool and not having read about the save slot not being interchangeable will makes them scratch their head when the game will not halt nor crash when they click "Load Game".

So to spare myself the pain of having to add too much hand-holding inside the program I just allow it to crash.
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New Member
Sep 7, 2017
@Fleuve :
I meant, I don't get the point of the CAS and didn't understand the implication of the enabling "loadFromRemoteSources", and when I don't understand implication of something security wise I do not touch it, even more when it's shared with others.

And having some plan to make it a more universal Unity save editor, maybe I'll try the sandboxing path.

About the exception, I don't want to appear rude but, I do know about it, and it's not an error since I chose to let it as is.
When users get a screaming error windows trying to force an exception down their throat that makes them understand quite efficiently something is wrong somewhere.

And if someone is not willing to read the OP and use a tool like this, that means its no good to them.
Using this tool and not having read about the save slot not being interchangeable will makes them scratch their head when the game will not halt nor crash when they click "Load Game".

So to spare myself the pain of having to add too much hand-holding inside the program I just allow it to crash.
Anyway... i remove the thread... don't seem to work everytime... like 6/10.

Wanna more universal... C++


New Member
Sep 7, 2017
Apparently my .Net Framework has a CAS policy which block me from using this? Any help or ideas would be much appreciated.
Doesn't seem to be working for me, I have it sitting there right next to the executable and I don't seem to be able to do anything with the saves.
For people who having trouble with CAS. Just Create a TheTwistSaveEditor.exe.config file sitting next to the executable.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
You gonna help you to see data of your savegame without any exception dialog.

Last Moment

May 26, 2017
For people who having trouble with CAS. Just Create a TheTwistSaveEditor.exe.config file sitting next to the executable.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
You gonna help you to see data of your savegame without any exception dialog.
Thanks for the tool and the fix


Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
New update.

  • Added a quite unrefined comparator, you can try to compare saves from different version but it will probably crash
  • Clicking on a cell of the comparator will focus on the same row on the editor
Hope that will help those who want to dig into manually editing saves.
I'm not far away from converting saves to other slots or even versions (tbh I don't know if the game can use old saves) so tell me if it's of use for you.
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