Unity - Completed - The Twist [v1.0-0.52.1 Cracked] [KsT]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Holdem High

    I am new to this site, but I tried this old game because I liked the models. Oh boy was that a good decision.

    For all its faults, this game is insanely hot. Very much worth playing. Just do not even attempt without the walkthrough.

    My major gripe is that the walkthrough contains too many details of what happens. Would have been better to leave out the steamy details
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The main issue are the loading times and general animation speed. To get anywhere takes ages to do anything takes ages.

    There is a lot of content but the level of quality does not justify the time it takes to get there and if you choose to play without a walkthough it gets even worse.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing fully 3D animated sex scenes. One of the very few games that allows the camera to be placed almost anywhere during a scene. The gameplay itself is pretty much impossible without consulting the walkthrough but it doesn't matter, the scenes are some of the best that can be found in any sex game. I keep coming back to this game again and again.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is average game that is almost done. It is repeatable task to get anywhere and must have for a walkthrough. The animations are ok as the models are lack lustered. Its game play involves going to map and talking over and over to get somewhere in the relationship.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4728357

    For me this is one of the greatest adult games I've seen, an believe me I've seen and played lots of adult games. Story is awesome, as for the grind stuff, I used a mod to remove the grind and just followed the story. I know some people says the game is bad because of no sound and the notepad walkthrough, but come on, almost all games here has a notepad or pdf walkthrough. The thing I enjoy the most is how the main protagonist is slowly corrupting all the women in town, none can escape him :D. Ok, so this game is a 5 stars for me, I am sorry if you couldn't understand much from my review, my english is really bad.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    0.48 Final Cracked

    tl;dr my first game to rate with 1 star.


    1. You need the walkthrough or you will get nowhere or if you are lucky enough, the events in a weird order! -> Without it you will find next to nothing since events are stat and time related and there are no indicators to where you have to be for what action. Example: To get your teacher there are two ways -> either do your homework (good) or blackmail her (bad) BUT if you do your homework then you wont even get the option to blackmail her as long as you do it. If you miss it one day THEN you can blackmail her and only for the days you dont do your stuff...
      The hint says "show your teacher the video (blackmal) but you cant when you did your homework on this day!!!! -> the next day you cant show it either BUT you can force her do hot dog your dick... wtf?!
    2. The visuals are awfull.
    3. Loading time -> Even with a good pc you still get a good 5 to 10 seconds of loading with each transintion...
    1. Nothing really... Srsly, i cant think of anything that is good enough to mention as a reason why you should play it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    (Disclaimer: v0.48 is the FIRST version I have tried since it's development, so there is going to be a lot of speculation)

    The Twist is HUGE...in both good and bad ways

    - It feels like the developer has indeed dedicated 6-7 years to adding content.
    - However, it feels like the developer has not spent enough time fixing and refining content. Is it that the developer didn't or couldn't? I don't know.
    - There are a few signs that suggest the developer couldn't handle them anymore and left them to their own devices.
    - These are some examples of bugs that I personally experienced AND has been mentioned previously in the posts (thanks Anon4321 for your immense support)
    1. Julia's outfits causing black screens (I fixed it by changing "Juloutfit" to "1" via saveedit.com)
    2. Scheduling two Adrianna appointments at once blocking one of them (loaded an older save)
    3. Poster for Billy being unavailable for purchase ("Give photos from pool" option from cheat menu reversed bug but also made Billy's path active)
    - This is a problem because it creates an atmosphere in which everytime progress is halted, players doubt the integrity of the game instead of considering what might have been missed.
    - This is an even bigger problem because the game is SO HUGE that players not only need walkthrough but also devote a lot of time proofchecking your progress through the F95 comments section.
    - Not to mention, the heavy engine and patreon-only save/load feature really intensifies this issue.

    So...why the 4 stars?

    - Well, like I mentioned, the game is HUGE, but I felt that the bad parts need explaining. The good parts really don't.
    - So many events and scenes per character. So many fetishes are explored.
    - The game is very entertaining but the said problems were wearing me down to the point where fun was transitioning into grind.
    - I just hope that maybe in the distant future, when the game reaches it's completion, the developer makes the decision to entirely go over everything to not let this gem that's been in development since 2016 to become some relic of the past.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    0.48 beta1 version. First look of this game didn't impress me. But wanted to give it a chance and it pays.

    - Free orbit feature is great, I didn't first quite catch it
    - Game has a lot content, interesting content
    - I have played only abt 10% of the content but story is hooking
    - There is a space to improve graphics, but this is just a beta1 version
    - It is about impossible to play without walkthrough and helps. But there is a lot helping gamers, walkthrough, saves etc.
    - some bugs, but again this beta1 version

    This seems to be recommendable journey. My points are 4,5/5
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I played this game and followed the dev for about two years before dropping it. My thoughts:

    This is a really *big* game. Despite it's age and the fairly low level of detail in the models it runs very poorly, so unless you have a serious gamer box you'll find it sluggish. Given the lack of renpy-style skipping and the problems with unlocking content (see below) you do NOT casually start another playthrough on this thing.

    The smut isn't bad; what the visuals lack the filthiness of the scenes makes up for. The pacing is steady and it's definitely a fappable game. If you're looking for a game with niche stuff like "assfuck your mother while she is wearing a dogsuit" or "girl eats her brother's cum out of her mother's asshole" this game will deliver.

    The real problem is that this game is just a dumpster fire of event handling. You absolutely 100% need the walkthrough from day 1, and not just as a guide-- you have to follow that sucker EXACTLY or you very easily get into situations where you lock yourself out of content. If you hate games where you have to wait an entire week because you clicked the wrong building in the 'afternoon' time slot, or hate replaying a scene numerous times to see if anything has changed, or dislike hidden stats, well.... this game will have you putting your fist through your screen.

    The Twist also leans heavily on porn-game cliches. In fairness that is not entirely its fault; this was one of the early big Unity games and is part of the scene that *made* them cliches, so complaining about that is a little like complaining about Tolkien's use of "stereotypical" orcs-- but if that kind of thing bugs you then you'll hate this game, but at least it came by the problem honestly.
  10. 1.00 star(s)



    i downloaded to see what had changed and it is boring. i cant see a single amount of progress, loading screens take too long.

    i have seen worst lewd games that have moved faster.

    I think ist a pattern where these games dotn really add any lewd or sex xontent at all. just a lot of teasing and nothign else.

    Tags should portray accurately what the game is/has and not mislead people
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    this may not be the best game on here but it is one of the unique and completed ones. This a game with gameplay as opposed to a vn or point and click. characters are simple and easy to remember, the story is cliche but still fun. You can move your character with your mouse. it rminds me of gta in thet snese. the music is good and fit the scenes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    Playing this game made me question (once again), the relevance of rating systems.

    The challenge with star based systems is that they get too subjective and opinion centric. Classic examples of why this can be a problem.

    • Some games only work if you have a certain OS or a certain type of processing power to play. to those excluded, its a 1 STAR rating.
    • Most items, esp H games, appeal more or less to people depending on their personal proclivities. So, if they include or don't include certain elements, they can have strong reactions.
    • Another factor is the effort a game asks for from the player (related to above). some (like me) prefer the work-reward model, while others prefer instant gratification
    Because of these reasons (and more) , some great games get poor ratings while some get needlessly lauded. The biggest challenge this poses is that a lot of potential players who will love and enjoy the game end up not even going to its page, and some jump in looking at the high rating, and get disappointed.

    To me, a game is the sum of its parts. One annoyance / bad thing about a game should not immediate relegate it to be rated poorly. That is happening to this game and many others, and its a damn shame!


    I will try to keep this short and objective:

    1. The system (engine implementation) is one of the best I have seen in terms of the visuals and 3D movements. Its heavy, and requires some horsepower, but most modern systems will be able to handle it. I personally have a beast of a machine, so I faced no issues.

    2. The implementation of the said system could have been better. Navigation , saving system, quest system etc. all have room for improvement. Its not poor. Its just not the best

    3. The story is my Favorite part of this game. Its complex, with very diverse personalities and deep narratives. The writing is almost excellent. The transformation of characters is slow and takes some effort. I personally LOVE it, because the reward for your toils is well.. very rewarding :)

    4. The number of fetishes / Lewd options are awesome! they are hot, well narrated, and the expressions are on point!

    5. Its long and keeps you engaged, turned on and happy. I love it!

    TLDR: LOVE THE GAME: DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED ! Avoid if you have an old or weak system, or if you are not into the tags.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is not for everyone but people who enjoy a "fair" grind will like it quite a lot. Models and animations are great as well as the additional adjustment options which you can get later on.

    I think the story is quite nice if you follow it through the end. It's a progression leaned story which means you'll see further if you progress further.

    All the characters in this game are unique and have their own need / quests. This is a nice sandbox game in my opinion and the dev made everything right from game design til gameplay.

    The worst thing in this game which is why I give it a low rating are the bugs and even game breaking ones. It's horrible and on each release it increases. I wish the dev would just focus on fixing the bugs for now instead of releasing new content because it's unplayable.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    It's another sandbox-type torture, time-management-waster, multi location (convoluted free roam to cover lack of content) game with "young man finds himself living with his step-mother's best friend's landlady's neighbour" cliche story. A monstrous, unplayable, boring grind with the most predictable story ever and grainy models you've seen in many other games. It offers nothing new or fresh in the genre repeating the same sandbox torture setup with repetitive and meaningless grind that's been already reused a million times.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Game looks like it's from 2012, requires following a convoluted walkthrough to not lock yourself out of content, riddled with long loading times (~5 seconds for every screen transition) for what's rendered on screen. Save system is bonkers.

    Dev must have designed this game to be this experience of suffering. If playing broken games with bad user experience is your kink this is the game for you.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a difficult game to rate. I mean, there's lots to say, lots of good, lots of bad. But to actually give it a score? I dunno, flawed masterpiece is pretentious, but there is something about the sheer complexity of the whole thing, and the dev has pretty much stuck to their vision since Day 1.

    MC learns that he's adopted (or... is he?), mommy is sexually frustrated, and sis is conflicted about anal. That's the start, and from there, you roam around the town, meeting people, building up relationship points, and eventually enrolling them all into this complex melange a vingt (slightly rounding up). There are quite a few games here with similar scenarios, so that's not what makes this one special.

    Let's talk about the two elephants: First, you cannot play this without a walkthru. Doing so is guaranteed to make you rage-quit. Which is really too bad, because it's a sandbox, and the best part of a sandbox is going off the path to do your own thing. Alduin can wait. A good in-game hint system would have gone far to solve this problem, but what's there is bare-bones.
    Second, the MC is hard to identify with, unless you're fourteen. He's supposed to be older... I think. But he sure doesn't look or talk like it. Like, there's a scene where the father confronts the mother, and she replies with a good scolding, and the MC pops out from behind her and says, "yeah," like he's a Bugs Bunny character or something. There are times when the MC is with a woman, and it looks like he's at risk of falling inside her. But there are so many fetishes in this game, maybe that's intentional?

    The artwork is not your typical HS or DAZ assets, and may not be to everyone's taste, but I strongly urge you to give it a chance. The posing is very skillful, and the dev uses the cartoonist's trick where if you can't make something highly detailed, then you just emphasize one or two key characteristics. Like the Mom's cheekbones, or the friend's mom's rear end, or the teacher's legs. The result is that, despite the lack of detail, the women characters are all very striking. And there is a lot of cleverness in how scenes are composed, with subtle animations that make the sex scenes impressively dynamic. There's a 3D gimmick in that you can take control of the camera and zoom around the pose if you want.

    There is a lot of humour, and some of it is quite subtle, which is kind of impressive considering how fetish-laden and just plain filthy things get. I love the mom's expression of shock at the beginning, as the MC makes his moves on her, or the funny little moment when the sister catches him spying on her in the bath. Or Billy, who plays the role of the creepy best-friend horndog you may know from 80s teen sex comedies.

    Lots of fetishes. The game is like making the Playboy Mansion out of Lego. You put one brick on top of the other, until you end up with excess. It's all a matter of personal preference, I know, but I find the early game way more fun than the later game. I mean, so, you fed your mom lactation pills and got her to dress up as a cow so you could milk her, now what?

    A few other things: moving from location to location is slow, especially on a lower-end machine. I suspect frustration with that is the number reason why people give up. Time of day etc. are important, and lots of events occur based on percentages, so even with the walkthru you can spend time cycling through the week waiting for a specific event to progress things. This game is in desperate need of quality-of-life improvements.

    So I award this 2 stars. Or maybe 4. It's really hard to decide.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I just love it, this is the game i felt in love with, the way that the game is played, the choices, all the details, i can't wait for more content.
    Thanks for an amazing game, keep doing a great job. :sneaky:(y)
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Yakusai No Akuma

    I gave 5 STARS

    Not because game is perfect - instead it's original , and not just sand crap like billion others.
    3D like the SIMS (and we girls love sims)
    Movable camera
    Proper updates
    Too many content and action
    Story is ok , it could be better but no complain
    Rendering and other graphics environment are very nice...
    considering this is 3D game with 3D characters that you can ''move'' it's more than great.

    Only problem to me is longevity for grinding and sometimes it's like maze without walkthrough you can get lost what to do next.

    In reality this is 4 STARS

    But in originality 5 is extra bonus rating just cause no1 else dare to do games like this.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Incredibly boring start. Had to drop it after 5 hours. Convoluted clicking around the house to progress the story.
    Nothing of interest is happening and you're not getting much in the way of H-content either.
    Poor look models don't really entice one to slog through the boring parts to find something interesting.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Pervy Sensei

    TL; DR - Genuine 3D animation and lots of great poses and scenes, but the models don't look all that good and the gameplay is a long and complicated grind, maybe the worst I've played in that respect.


    1. Genuine 3D Animation -- Starting from a one star, this goes up to two stars for genuine 3D animation. This means that when a sex scene is happening, you can change the angle around however you want to. In some scenes, you can even move the camera around for extra control in getting just the angle you want. Some views can get blocked by furniture/walls and such, but of course there have to be limits. It's hard to overstate how awesome it is to have genuine 3D animated scenes, instead of just 2D made to look like 3D as one finds in most games/AVNs.

    2. Number of scenes and variety of poses -- The two stars goes to three stars because the game has an insanely large amount of sex scenes with a variety of poses. This is a definite big plus about the game. As long as you keep playing and exploring, you're likely to find the pose you were looking for. Combined with the ability to change the angle however you want, this really gives the feeling of getting whatever pose and angle one wants from this game. It's pretty great.


    1. The models -- Starting from five stars, it goes down to four stars because the models themselves do not look all that great. It probably shouldn't be too surprising, because genuine 3D animation is bound to require a lot of processing. If the models were more detailed and rendered with higher quality, it could make the game unplayable for a lot of players, if not most players, due to hardware limitations. So it's easy to understand the decision of the dev for lower quality models. But, this does mean the bodies aren't well detailed, and the faces in particular are not very enjoyable to look at. If you play for awhile, you might get used to it and see what the dev was going for. Personally, I was able to move past this, but it is obviously a definite minus.

    2. Gameplay -- Going from four stars, it goes down to three stars because of the gameplay. Basically, its a huge grind. But its not just a grind, it's a very complicated grind, and so the game can get very frustrating. I found myself stuck at one point after getting far into the game, and couldn't get further, not because there was nothing left to try, but because there were so many things left to try that were no longer the obvious things to try, and no hint to figure out what was needed. Combined with the long loading times between rooms/locations, the game becomes hard work rather than an enjoyable experience. Some ppl like their games to be a challenge, but honestly it doesn't feel like a challenge when its just about trying every conceivable combination until you hit upon the right one, and there's hundreds of combinations to try. Additionally, after reading the walkthrough, I came to realize I missed some scenes, some of which I couldn't go back and see. It seems like if someone followed the game update by update, it would have been fine, but for someone jumping in new into the latest version, the game can end up a confusing mess.

    Then there are weird bugs, like if you save, do something, then quit and come back, sometimes the game still registers that you did the action that you did AFTER the save point from which you just loaded. Weird.


    This game is solidly in the three star range. The genuine 3D alone should be enough to put it higher, but the horrific grind really counters it, which without the genuine 3D would make this game a one star. I wouldn't suggest this game if you are just getting into adult games here. But if you've been around for awhile and are looking for something a little different, you could give this a shot, Just do yourself a favor and don't try to play it without the walkthrough. It's not worth trying. Also be prepared to put some time into it. While there is no gallery, most scenes, of which there are so many, are replayable; so once you get through it, it will be nice to revisit. Just got to get through the grind.