Fawning over something is not usually my style, but this piece of art by SAZ is something else. I wish I could kiss the hands that made this mod (in a platonic way of course, you perverts!

).. it made this very complex game so playable!
You can basically control almost every aspect of the game, choose to follow / avoid certain paths, and get bonus scenes. SAZ has thought of everything!!
Does it work? Like a charm!
Does it glitch? rarely, but never impacting the gameplay. Just try not to go ham on the stats, and understand the options through the very friendly cheat guide (in game, MC room, computer) before clicking all options. Or you know what, cheat away... SAZ got your back!
Cant wait for the 9.4 mod!
Keep up the tremendous work brother!!!
EDIT: What is better than the best mod bar none, you ask? The best mod bar none being made by one of the most talented, dedicated and humble modders out there!!
The mod is definitely worth 5 stars. But @S A Z is worth 10 Gold stars! Nothing but respect for this amazing person and his work!