VN - Others - The Veil Chronicles: Nix University [v0.4.1] [NoN-Hydra Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll start with my main complaint about the game. The game uses AI and the developers are trying to hide it for some reason.
    I not sure how F95zone comseadering tags for game, but this game have almost all ingame BG generated with AI.
    Anyone can download game check first main city Background and verify this personally.
    By the way, I am completely satisfied with games using AI, which openly say that it is AI, but this game is not the case.
    This alone lowers the trust in the devs to zero, and makes them look like ordinary scammers.

    But let's get back to the game build on PC. Reviews for [v0.4.1]:
    1.The sound in the game is completely broken. Any loading of a save returns the sound to 100%, even if it was at 0% before.
    The only way to change the sound is to manually reduce the game in the volume mixer on the PC.

    2.Each transition in the game between screens and menus has a delay, I have the game installed on an SSD (not an M2 but still not the oldest)

    3.This is already the 4th or 5th build of the game, there are still no basic functions like: skipping dialogues or auto-switching text.

    4.The combat works at a basic level, and that's where the positives end.
    -In the party selection menu you just choose who to add to the party and that's it, all it will affect is an additional skill in combat.There is no description of the characters' abilities until you enter the battle.
    -You will have the same parameters in combat both with solo MC and with a party of 4 characters, for me it just looks stupid.
    -Also, the description of abilities in battle is absolutely not informative, it is just text without % of characteristics or damage numbers
    -When using abilities, the damage numbers have different colors and I don’t even know if this is just a visual part or if the game really has an elemental system and some kind of resistances.
    -The battles themselves are carried out simply by pressing any buttons, the battles with bosses are drawn out and not interesting

    5.I start new game from update 0.4 and stuck on druids quests, after killing boss nothing happened and i can't continue the game, quests mark show forest, but all read show "complete".
    - I restart game from 0.4 version kill boss again and nothing happens.
    -If i need talk to some NPS before boss fight, so problem in bad quest markers, not in boss script itself.

    6.The gallery is working, If someone just wants to watch the scenes, select the last chapter in a new game, almost all scenes will be open.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Hi there! I just finished playing through Version 0.4 and have some thoughts about the game.

    What I Liked So Far:

    1. The art for the animation is simply perfect. Absolutely on point. A bit of optimization is need for the animated scenes to be smoother, but otherwise, absolutely perfect.

    2. Most of the gameplay mechanics are perfect for this kind of adult game; not too grindy or difficult, but also not too easy to the point where I’d rather skip the gameplay entirely. The turn-based rpg style is fun and engaging.

    3. I really like the fact that a quest guide was incorporated into the game, ‘cause at the beginning I was completely lost regarding where I should go, who I should meet and so on. The location markers were extremely helpful as well.

    4. The character designs are distinct, and they show personality. The women are beautiful and extremely sexy. The MC is a little bland in comparison, but I hope that can be fixed.

    What I didn’t like as much and hope will be either fixed, added, or changed:

    1. The English translation for the game as it is right now, is, well, extremely rough. The translation really did bar me from understanding what was going on most of the time. There are a lot of grammatical errors and sentences that just don’t make sense within the given context. In order for a character to be distinct from the rest, especially in a game that has a lot of visual novel mechanics, the way they communicate in-game is the most important thing to keep in mind. Therefore, having a strong translation is extremely essential in order to make the characters more realistic. As of now, most of the characters feel bland because of the translation issues. And of course, the entire world building relies mainly on the text to give you the background of the story and the plot as a whole, so fixing the English translation is a must.

    2. The UI (as of version 0.4) feels extremely primitive, which makes sense since the game is essentially still in beta. However, having multiple save files is a must for this kind of game, along with a text backlog, and the option to toggle full screen.

    3. The background music is just not good. It doesn’t fit the overall setting, and needs a complete rework. The Veil Chronicles is essentially based in a fantasy world, and the current BGM for the game just doesn’t mesh with the world building. For example, the default BGM when you’re at the front of Nix University is this strange marching band-esque music, and it really does not work with the landscape. I would personally prefer a more whimsical yet dark toned mix of acoustic instruments for the BGM, and maybe some heavy orchestral music for the battles.

    4. The MC has the emotional expression range of a block of wood. He just looks so serious all the time. It’s very noticeable and breaks the immersion. Other characters also require more facial expressions to convey emotions and what they’re feeling at that moment.

    5. I really would have preferred keyboard bindings for the rhythm minigame before Kirin’s s*x scene. Using the mouse for the minigame made me miss a lot of the passing white orbs. I personally would have preferred using either the Arrow keys or A W S & D.

    6. There are many instances where the dialogue gets abruptly cut off. For instance, the dialogue right after the minigame to open Stellarose’s door. The dialogue is very abrupt, and it feels like there should have been more conversation before the scene ended.

    7. There were many instances where the sprite for the person talking was not the right one. For example, when John and Shu have their initial conversation, although it’s John who’s talking, it’s Shu’s sprite that’s displayed adjacent to the text box.

    8. This is more of a minor gripe, but it would be nice if the text was changed to a slightly more stylistic font, along with an increase in the font size.

    This is my experience with the game in its current state. Although there are things that will need to inevitably be fixed, and there are quite a few bugs that do need to be ironed out, I still enjoyed playing the game, even in its current state. The game in its current form has the right foundation, but there are still minor augmentations to be made in order to get a well-polished end product. I have high hopes for this game, and I really do think that it could possibly be one of the best turn-based adult RPGs. I’m looking forward to when Version 0.5 becomes public, and will also be waiting to enjoy the game when it does get finished. Cheers!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game certainly has more pros than cons. For me personally, the cons are just minor technical issues at the moment.

    1. The heroines are stylish, beautiful, and diverse. In fact, this might be one of the best sets of female characters in similar games.
    2. The gameplay is quite decent. I didn’t get bored, and the idea of building a team is cool.
    3. The sex scenes are vivid and juicy.
    4. It’s hard to judge the story yet, but it seems pretty good.

    After the latest update, the game has become MUCH more enjoyable to play.
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    I literally got stuck 5 minutes into the game. where it just endlessly repeats the last line.

    + Nice hand drawn art.
    + There IS a setting to disable futa.
    - NO setting to control the speed at which text appears (I want it to appear instantly)
    - NO rollback
    - NO history.
    - NO auto or skip button visible anywhere on screen nor mentioned anywhere in settings. I think they don't exist.
    - NO control over individual volume sliders, you can only change the master volume and that is it.
    - MC is called "John" and cannot be renamed.

    Overall severely lacking in QoL features.