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VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - The Way [v0.37 Bugfix 2] [Zee95]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an older game but like an older movie it is one that can be played over again and feel all new. It is for sure one of the most twisting plots in any game ihave ever played in this genre! The MC, although may be hard for some to connect with, goes through a whirlwind of happiness and shocking twist in thee story. It really does feel more like a movie than a game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a very interesting plot, maybe not many people will like on, but it is very attractive to me, there is my very favorite MILF, let me impressed, but the update is a little too long and long
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played on this site, and sadly I've played a lot. I found this game 2 years ago and still look forward to each new update. Yes, the English is rough, and there's an air of amateurism throughout, but this game has heart and soul, something that shines through regardless of production values. Zee95 has a shameful lack of support, while milkers and scam devs make money hand over fist for inferior works. True art stands the test of time, and regardless of how much longer Zee95 chooses to develop this title, even in it's current unfinished state it puts competitors to shame. It's fresh, it's authentic, it wears its heart on its sleeve, and for that alone it must be commended. Long live The Way!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    What to say about this thing horrible graphics the interactions or decisions are sad the protagonist is ugly and has the charisma of a stone the story is really disgusting and looks like a b-class movie and the worst sanbox moving around the stage is sad it's horrible I don't like it any.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible dialog. Even if this is not a native english speaker as a developer, the dialog reminds me of a story written by a grade schooler. Has some potential, but needs to be reworked with realistic prose.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It isn't a wholly perfect game, yet the design and script are admirable, and the scope of this game is unbelievable. On that basis alone, I never expected perfection. I appreciate the effort to do something bigger than one's average AVN. The renders are increasingly well-animated and beautiful the further into the story one goes. I know the author is working to redo earlier segments of the game, so I'm excited to see what comes next! All in all, you're really given a wide berth of choice, characters, and paths to take, which is all I could ask for in a character-driven AVN.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Good idea, but clearly too much for one person to make.

    Firstly this game has 3 routes. 3 games in one. Yes. Sounds great right? Wow why hasnt this been done before? Because its 3 times the work, thats why most renpy games have 1 path with varying scenes depending on choices made. If you had a large crew working on a game it might work but that simply is not viable for game of this type.

    This game does not function properly. You can rollback one image. ok... Not sure ive ever seen this before its quite annoying as I use rollback a lot in games like this, especially when this game has lots of fail states at times which just makes loading and saving far more annoying than the simple rollback, but that isnt even the main issue. Often I noticed after clicking on a thing on screen it does not function. Never have i ever ran into a problem like this while playing. It took me a while to realize this was even happening and sometimes I had to rapidly click +5 times on a prompt for it to register. No idea whats causing this bad coding most likely sorry not sorry.

    Also, the face renders change throughout the game. Im not sure if this was on accident or a design choice but it is weird seeing an attractive character from the beginning turn into a weird looking creature (Monique..). I guess their faces change because of time passing but the differences are quite drastic and jarring.

    But some characters look great, Janet, Liza maria adele all look great, and the story and dialogue is fine although it has to be said your family gets into incest a bit too quickly. It should be a slow process but in this game it goes from 0 to 100 in an instant. Just feels rushed.

    So yeah too many ideas for one game clearly stopping this from ever being finished. Scrap 2 branches and stick to 1 with slight variation. Atleast that way this might get finished one day.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. The writing is a bit clunky sometimes (and not just the broken English), but the story is really good. The characters are great. (I miss Janet and Lisa already!) I love how it switches from VN to adventure game ocasionally. It has the perfect amount of imagemap investigation. And at least a few hidden gems, not necessary for the story, but too good to miss. Before you know it, you're in a bath with a hot mom, and then she gets shot in the head. Amazing game. Cannot recommend enough.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably not going to be everyone's cup of tea as it's a bit of a niche audience. However, it's very well made and an interesting dark story. It has some gritty realism, and can make you think. The renders are great and it doesn't seem buggy to me. Keep up the good work.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It showed potential when it first came out, over the years though... at times it hasn't allowed the full range of it's engine's features, I'm rarely a fan of a game that removes fetishes already in, it's had breaks in development and it's starting to show it's age... I'll give it an average rating but that's mostly kudos for a dev just not totally abandoning it (even if apparently a break is coming). Overall it still feels like something too complex/ambitious, that sometimes walked back what it was doing, and after this long while I think 'bad' is too strong, if I'm not following something I wouldn't rate it as 'good' for others.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried my best to give this game a chance because the mom model is extremely hot and i like incest games but i couldn't do it. This game has a lot of problems, extreme level of cringe dialogue, especially from the mc and his best friend, they are unbearable, way too many inner monologues that are completely pointless and drag the dialogue even more, the models are grainy and the animation are very bad. The biggest offender in this game is the sister character, she treats the mc like trash for no apparent reason then she magically changes her opinion because you spent 200 bucks for her and she starts to have feelings for the mc, no build up, no character development, nothing, she hated you for no reason and she starts to love u after a day spent together.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this game, seems a litle too short, i kind of skipped most of the girls. cause i suspected the arc of Adele would be more interesting.

    Game looks good, not super spectacular but nice to look at. Story is enteretaining, maybe the change in MC and Adele relationship came a bit sudden.

    There are also parts where small portions of actual dialogue are mixed with very long parts of self thoughts and overanalyzing, those parts sometimes are mood breakers.

    One good thing this game has is really nice hugs, i like hugs. If hugs look meaningful i will probably like the game. This game has at least 3 different.
    One of them in a really difficul position we 2 are sitting in a bed. That is hard to posse without looking weird. And looks wholesome.

    I would give 4 stars to the game because of the annoying things, but i add one star for heartwarming hugs.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favourite games that I prefer to play.
    Only reason is "The Way" it is unique. Unique in the sense,
    It is one of the underrated games in this site. The paths in the games are unique, It's not only
    Erotic but also pretty emotional. I want to see Monica again in this game, that's what I wish for.
    Keep it up Bro(y):giggle:
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The first things to notice in the game is the best friends writing is cringy as hell, MC is ugly and there are lots of guys only scenes, after that it is less of a story and more just random events.

    As for what kind of person MC is well these are direct quotes "what a good boy! so obedient!"(to MC) and "i'm like a slave! i couldnt say anything"(actual MC).

    Lots and lots of talking which dosent build to anything, there are scenes when the whole screen is shaking which makes its very hard to read the dialog.

    Apparently the two 18+ year old siblings have never spent a single day together ever and can change personality 100% in a day.

    Constantly changing everyones looks makes it harder to keep track of everyone, the same with the way the UI changes almost with every new area(just pick one).

    While i did enjoy playing the game i think given the choices the player is offered shows the type of endings the game will give and it will most likely will be boring standard type ending(you got this girl or girls the end), and all happy ends given the lack of choices as to if MC is angry/upset about how monique left him.

    Art is nice but a little grainy, sex scenes are good but nothing special(could use something more than normal sex).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was excellent so far, didn't expect much going in due to the tags, but the story was engrossing, the lewd content excellent and the branching story actually has huge choice implications. The renders were really good. Excellent story driven game. Felt like an actual game with excellent porn content.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to love the game, but the main character is so unlikable that its hard to push my way through this game. Also, all women are really dumb in this, like really really dumb - very one dimensional. I'll revise my review once I'm done if there is anything worth increasing/decreasing it for.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    English, grammar in this game are super bad. I could not play it for more than several minutes cause of it but i see in comments it doesent improve later on.
    Check this game if you dont care about that or you know russian.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Game Reviewer

    That was a good visual novel v.024 so far,Good/great story,No grinding for stats,affection just pick a choice

    Different/unique Character models unlike other vn created from daz
    Multiple Routes and meaningful choices to progress the game

    However Developers doesnt seem to focus on this game,they are multitasking creating other games,while this is a side project
    its nearly 2 years and the content or updates is not that much,since they have to develop all routes,they should mainly focus on what the majority of the fanbase like on the routes

    for the sound effects its decent

    For me ill only buy this game when its completed or support it when the developers mainly focus on this game

    My advice is not to focus much on renders,focus on story and renders for sex scene

    May change my review if something big changes
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Horrendous writing (English) and laughable plot. You might understand if you give it about 10 minutes of play time. Really, these screenshots that describe the game should contain the game UI and text. That would really help weed out the games with quality issues.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Drawing: good. the mother is gorgeous, the women are varied in design and all sexy in their own way. the mother and the aunt do it for me

    story: enjoyable - different routes

    Sex scenes: Okay, more animation needed and could be better with erotic scenes

    Is good for the moment, little tweaks here and there and could be much better.