Unity - Theanthria [Sep 23] [Hectocacto]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Once this game gets its performance together, it'll be 4 stars easily. As is? Hard to even give it 2, because holy shit, its performance sucks. Sub 20fps no matter what graphics settings or resolution you use. I strongly suspect this is due to the kind of buildings that the dev decided to use for the city, as each window has an "interior" instead of a flat texture to pretend there's something. One window or a couple of buildings like this wouldn't be a big deal. Make it over 200 and now you have [~500 windows * 200 buildings] =~ 10,000 fake interiors to process every single frame, because there's no LOD (level of detail) of any kind for the city buildings.

    Movement around the city sucks. You're expected to use a jetpack of sorts that enables hookshots, which work kinda like a discount spiderman web. It's decent when you get the hang of it, but the city is awfully designed, it expects you to use the roads all the fucking time. Want a shortcut, make a straight line through 4 blocks of buildings? Either learn to cheese the hookshot to FLY OVER the buildings or "Lol, fuck you" and use the streets like a car!
    The other reviewer below mentioned that the screenshots in the thread here show a different place. After checking on the author's itch, it's because the current city was added back in May, which I think was a terrible move, at least with the city as is.
    - The irony about this city is that it, and the jetpack/hookshot, weren't originally planned. Now, because the dev opted to add them and really sink in on its functionality, he'll have to spend even more time just fixing problems brought about by them, especially performance, city design and movement, instead of doing more work on the girls, sex and dating sim parts.

    Sex content is decent. 6 positions and you only cum inside. No anal or oral. The problem is that the characters will often be misaligned for the sex animation, or they might not even play the animation.

    Although there are many girls, there's only like 4 different personalities, not unlike what you see in Animal Crossing. The only difference in body measures is height, they all have the same breast-waist-hip sizes. Once their affection is high enough, there's nothing else to do other than invite home and fuck them.

    The game has a number of bona fide bugs, and several smaller annoyances. Girls with a specific personality, like Cassandra (pink cat) and Sara (orange fox), will softlock the game if you answer "Yes" when they ask if you're a family person. Anthro Customization (available at the top of the screen, on the Settings menu), doesn't pause the game while editing girls. Placing furniture in your home will often disappear. If a girl was dancing when a date/visit home ended, she'll still be dancing on the streets. The freecam during sex resets position if it collides with characters.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    May 15 - Pre Alpha

    This game is hilariously awful in its current state. It gets 1 entire star for having a somewhat fun idea, and that's it. The performance is dreadful, the map is equally awful to both look at and navigate, and the actual gameplay is just...not there. I didn't even manage to actually see a character that I'm supposed to be able to woo.

    Every single tutorial message, which you get by activating your PC and waiting for it to eventually respond to your input, ends with asking you to support their Patreon. It's not the most desperate stuff I've seen, but it's pretty cringe. You want to know how the delivery system works? Be reminded of their Patreon. Want to know about the furniture system that isn't fully implemented yet? Get a reminder it's not done yet, but MIGHT get done if you help support on Patreon!

    In a game focused on movement, which is actually what drew me into it in the first place, it sure is clunky and awful to move around the map. The map, as in the mini-map and its full sized variant, is also pretty poor. Just not helpful, obtuse in design, and more or less useless at large.

    There's really not much of a game here right now. Between that and the performance, I don't know why you'd bother with this. I get that my RTX 2080 is apparently old enough to be considered antiquated by an increasing number of people, but it definitely shouldn't be struggling to run this game at 30fps. It makes Roblox's default assets look resource intensive. It is VERY important to note that the gifs shown if you click "SPOILER" on this page are of a different area entirely, NOT the map you see in game. It's incredibly misleading. I'm not sure if you unlock that zone or what, but that looks 50x better than the borderline AI generated cityscape you're dropped into.

    I can't find a single good thing in this game aside from the idea itself. Is there potential? Yeah, sure. Is it going to ever be realized? Probably not, no.