VN - Others - Completed - They're Beastwomen Meat Toilets ~Tanezuke Infinite Loop~ [Final] [Kokuchou]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is as netorare heavy as a game can get.

    You unlock the hidden ending after watching the first 5. This ending is the harem route, but for generic faceless men instead of for the MC.

    There is no route that does not involve other men fucking the MC's slaves. All childbirth is purely in text and not shown. You are never certain if the MC is the father. The knife cg on the DLsite page is for a C section birth (also not shown ingame).

    The game is only a couple hours long, but I did not expect this level of netorare. For whatever reason, they refuse to add the tag. Only play this if you really like NTR.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting, but lacking any gameplay.

    A small visual novel.
    It's quite sexy and degenerate.
    Art and animations are good.

    There is no gameplay.
    There are just couple of choices throughout the game.
    Not much content.

    Honest score - 4/10.
    It is quite degenerate to my liking, but there's very little content and you are forced to replay the game to get to it. It's hot, but you can hardly call it a game.

    (Game is in 'Final' during this review)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though this is a game that should be right up my alley I can't help but feel disappointed after finishing it.

    To be clear, there's nothing wrong with the art. In terms of presentation it's perfectly decent for a hentai VN, though nothing mindblowing.

    The main problem comes from the story. It follows your bog-standard 'the birthrate is low so we've legalised rape' plotline you've seen in a gazillion other hentai tales, which would be fine if it was executed better. As it stands, the game feels like they ran out of money or time halfway through development and had to rush the game out the door. It spends so much time setting up the premise, but by the time the characters in the game actually turn into the beastwomen being advertised the game is already 90% done. You get speedrun through a bunch of scenes with very little context and then get an ending that feels so rushed I legit wondered if I made a mistake and a got the 'bad' ending.

    A good effort, but the payoff for all that setup leaves a lot to be desired. 3.5/5