Unity - Completed - Third Crisis [v1.1.0] [Anduo Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of if not the best porn game I have every played, the corruption mechanic, was great, the animations were mostly good except for the blow jobs which I felt were kind of low quality. but all in all my favorite of all the games of this genre I've played so far.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Parody game that turned into something pretty good! The combat system is fun, smooth gameplay. This would be a fun game to just kill some hours in even without the porn. why do you need atleast 200 characters for a review? honestly im here reviewing porn games not writing the game of thrones.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm waiting for every update, this is a very perfect game, though there are a lot of bugs, I had to get into the code to go through some moments when the game stupidly crashed, well, you can blame it on unity, because you could have done it on un4-5, although there are disadvantages, the fact that you go through the plot, but not enough points for some scenes and they won't come back to them, well, it's good that there are auto-saves.,
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I started this game back when it was still being developed and gave it a break. It's good to see it finally finished, and with the quality this game has I'm glad it took all the time it needed. The story's good and it has multiple endings/routes to choose from. Each route is unique not just from a story telling perspective, but also from the H scenes it unlocks as well. Artwork is beautiful and that's not even getting into the sheer number of outfits you can have. Overall, one of the better games this site has seen.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally, after having followed it for years back in 2018 or 19, I think I can finally say that it is one of the best games out there. Good illustrations (although the animations in the first act should be reworked), good Art, nice MC, nice companion, plot a little meh but interesting, and good game design. Hope to see more of this Dev that I followed for many years.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Third crisis is a very well crafted porn game, with nice scenes, CGs and a very engaging story.

    IMO, the CGs are a bit off and I don't really find the bodies that hot.

    However, everything else is made from the heart and in a good manner.
    The story is interesting (who doesn't like an overwatch story... which actually exists !)
    The porn is well implemented, story wise and with different branches.

    In overall, go support the devs ! It's worth your money.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    The Best Sandbox Adventure Porn game out there. The problem with most porn games is that either they are only (or too much) porn or only (too much) game(in terms of mechanics). This game has great art and great mechanics at the same . Lot of content. Very nice plot. Plot has depth. The depraved routes are awesome as well with so many great outfits . I love the mechanics in this game specially the combat and outfit mechanics.

    This is my favourite porn game. THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST PORN GAME EVER MADE.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah, I bought it in 2020 (damn, that long ago?)... Discount Tracy with shitty puns ftw.

    While going from a lesbian to a dick-loving slut is a bit strange (to be fair, you don't have to go that way and I guess you could justify it in-universe), I love the game. Regardless, the corruption is done very nicely.

    So many paths (that you can mostly progress simultaneously), so much content that just hits the mark...
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    There is not many H-games that i was genuinely impressed by, but Third Crisis is one of them. It is everything i want from a hentai game. Fun game-play, cool story, lots of customization, and extremely hot scenes. If you really enjoyed the game like i did i would buy the steam version to support the devs. The last game that i played that was this polished was Karryns Prison.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I've gone back and forward a bit on this game in my mind - I initially played it at about 50% completion, then 75% completion, and now now. This is regretable as it rendered replaying whole chunks of content boring. Anyway.

    First up, there is a bit of buggy jank you might have to work around. I've had a couple of technical issues that were resolved by restarting the game. Not the end of the world.

    The combat gameplay is simple and cute. You can also skip it. The game involves a lot of running back and forth but you can up your move speed. The RPG and economic mechanics can also be edited. So lots of QOL features to avoid mechanics you don't like.

    Cute artstyle, and quite a bit of outfit customisation.

    The story is a good point. The writing tone is quite light and amusing but the story has drama and clear characters. There is a pure playthrough and a slutty playthrough, and a number of deviation routes based on the latter style that end in non-canon sub 'bad ends'. The game is a bit kinky but not very. Overall, it feels like enough flexibility.

    So yeah, I have to recommend!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is highly enjoyable and offers a rich array of content that keeps players engaged. The animations are fluid and visually appealing, while the sound design complements the overall experience beautifully. I particularly appreciate how the character undergoes noticeable changes as her perversion rating fluctuates, with her dialogue adapting to reflect her evolving personality. This adds depth to the gameplay and makes each interaction feel unique and dynamic.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    There's 2 games i've played that truly deserve the 5/5 and this one is one of them.
    Amount of content and quality of the scenes is superb.
    Gameplay is pretty decent too plus the story.
    Wish we had developers that put the same amount of effort into their games.
    Highly recommended.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Rose emp

    I remember playing this masterpiece before but I forgot what version it was, and I know it wasn't completed at the time. Now I replay it from scratch and ready to give my full review on this! (TLDR at the end)

    Third Crisis v1.0.5 (COMPLETED)

    Story: 4/5
    The story was about Karen being captured by Peitho. So Vibe (you) are on a mission to save her. But Vibe failed (forced cutscene) and got captured in the end. Vibe was presumably dead, but she was alive by waking up in the cell and escaped Peitho's base. After Vibe head to Carceburg, which is a town as Vibe woke up few years later. From there Vibe had to do various task from Motel Owner and others to find Karen.

    You can read more about the lore details by accessing your phone and check the journals too!

    This may not be unique since other sci-fi novels did this before, but to execute it into a H-game and the flowchart of expanding plot further, while maintaining as a H-game is too good. I couldn't believe how far the plot has gotten, and the character development as you progress is really good too!

    Music: 4/5
    The music in this game is ok. There's none of its soundtrack that made you go "wow!" but it's seamless that while you are playing, the music feels natural. So you won't notice the music is sticking out too much as you wouldn't nitpick on it. I would rather have music in the background that sounds normal, than sounding too strong or too weak.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    Turn-based action RPG game. The combat isn't much since its just the same strategic click to move, attack, skip turn, use special ability based on how much turn you have left. I mean there are different types of weapon but it's not much.

    There are minigames and missions from pub that you could play when you are doing jobs, or through the story which is very entertaining!

    This game isn't grindy, since you can gain perversion stats and fuckbucks by progressing through the game linearly! I mean you could grind fuckbucks for some certain outfits, but it isn't really crucial for the game's story.

    You can track missions which is very helpful! Especially missions in progress and completed!

    Voice Acting (VA): 0/5
    No voice in here, which is such a shame. But hey there's sex noises and moans at least! Well not like it affects the game heavily since the other aspects were amazing...

    Contents: 5/5
    Sex scenes when you win/lose, progress through story.
    Turned based combat with parties later on.
    Lots of outfits to buy that gives stats based on perversion.
    Pat a cat.

    TLDR: Overall rating 4/5
    A good story that expands the plot further into better. The game keeps you engaged with the minigames along with lots of sex scenes, so you can never miss them. The combat is ok, nothing too fancy. This H-game is more RPG + linear, than RPG + open world/sandbox.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    This is a solid game, with a ton of content.

    I must have avoided it for a while due to tags like "trans/gay/lesbian", MC is a lesbian girl but there is plenty of regular content. As for the rest she can buy a lifelike dildo attachment.

    As for the game itself, good art, the story is alright, and it is not required to skip heaps of text here.

    The fighting is alright as well, and there is easy skip mode button on it, if you get bored of minigames. A lot of QOL features like this, including movement speed slider.

    The corruption here is gradual, it is not like MC starts with light petting, and turns into gangbang whore next scene. Also unlike many other corruption games, it is not about losing/winning fights.

    If there is a negative, that is loading screens between locations. Could have been faster/better optimized.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a beautiful game that makes you emotionally invested in the storyline. The supporting characters have a good character development. There are multiple endings that makes you want to reload the diverging save file and play again, not to mention the deep lore that can be learned via the journal entries. After finishing the main story of the game it feels like I've watched a great movie. Plus, that song sung by Jewel was awesome.

    Thank you Anduo Games for this absolute masterpiece of an H-game, and hope to see its sequel soon.

    P.S. It might be just me, but it seems to take a bit time to load. If this issue can be fixed it your future games it would be great.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This was a fun ride and a funner sex shop of CG's, lets review it!

    CGs 5/5
    there are so many CGs within this game, there's Game Over CGs, CGs from playing the game, Art scattered around the map as well as just a lot of content to enjoy in general!

    Story 5/5
    Our Main Protag finds herself trying to find her Girlfriend who was made into a villain and fights (and fucks) her way to the end with there being multiple branches within the story too leading you to different paths. Do you let corruption take over or do you fight to the end. Perfection in the storytelling in my opinion (or I could have shit taste who knows lol)

    Gameplay 5/5
    the perfect amount of strategy, puzzle solving and combat with some minigames here and there too. I personally would go through the story with the combat if I wasn't stupid and didn't absolutely suck at it all lol.

    Final Score 15/15
    The game was just perfect and if i wasn't already broke af I would have supported this game all the way through. I'd suggest you do the same when you can because this game deserves so much love! Now this was Soma, my opinions don't matter and I hope you all play this game too cuz it's just perfect to me :3
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    good story, lots of characters, large amount of decent renders with animations and some voiceovers, long playtime, extremely buggy (there are so many bugs in the game that it'd take an essay to mention them all) so make sure you leave the auto-save function on, ultimately lacks polish.

    outfits: big selection for the main character and a couple for the side characters but a lot of them are a bit tactless if you don't want your tits out the entire time and the UI makes them a huge pain to swap around.

    combat: it seems like they abandoned working on combat mechanics after the first area so every battle just turns into jenna running around 1-2 shotting everything from range and being un-catchable. boss fights are the only thing with any semblance of mechanics.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I genuinely do not understand why, how every single time, western h game devs constantly manage to fuck up and fumble amazing projects. The bar Waitress storyline was one of the hottest things I've ever played. Every event incredible. Right up until the ending.

    After event 34, the dev decided "Hey, you know all that great slutty Waitress content? Let's lock the player into an ending with bimboification and futa (?) fetishes for some fucking reason for Jenna. Oh and make it a locked in hard end that forces you back to the main menu to reload a save." And then you can't replay the Waitress job anymore it's just watch the ending again, or replay the 34th event over and over.

    One of the worst sins a sandbox corruption h game can do is force the players into an ending for enjoying the content. There is absolutely no reason for not letting the player keep repeating and enjoying the Waitress job with randomization of assets currently used in all the events.

    And oooooh my fucking god the Town Hall events. Goes from being a great public cumdump job, to for some reason being only oral and no more vaginal, to FORCING you into a bad for viewing the final event. No warning, just BOOM you viewed this string of content therefore you get a bad end now. FUCKING... goddamnit, this game is so fucking good deep down and it kills me because this shit and so many other design choices prevent it from being incredible. I wish I could have slapped the dev in the mouth for even thinking of forcing locked in bad ends and no repayable side jobs in a game that has 254 fucking scenes.

    Maybe I've been spoiled by games like Shimobashira's games, EP Battle Girl and EP Hero Youth, and Zeven/Grace. But this shit is just unbelievable. How do you make one of the biggest and best sandbox h games ever made and fuck it up so much at the end? I wish I had the answers.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta say, it's a great game, but after 10 hours into the game and like 1/3 of the gallery unlocked I feel like its just too much for me. Never thought I'd say that, but I can't see myself going on for another 10 hours of pretty repetitive content.
    There is tons of content and nothing really to complain about imo tho.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best H JRPGMAKER game ive played still like other game maded on this, its kinda grindy and tends to extend the gameplay by doing some things more than one time still thats just for the Intro of the game the rest of the 2 hours i played its just magical how they did to not make it a grinding hell and have a lot of Cg animations some re used in some things BUT DEAR GOD THE ART STILE ITS SO HOT, and some of the customizations on the clothes too, The History is good but no thing from another world but seeing this game evolve in each update its unique. Highly recommended i literaly wanked my meat several times with this GOOOOD SHIT game. Good history Good gameplay not even boring, GREAT desings and Cg AND GREAT WANK.
    10/10 i had not a single problem with this game just some request like some bestiality xd but its has to many things i like to complain about it.
    (Sorry for my bad english)