This new election is the chance for SHADMAN to return into action, creating a game where TRUMP fucks all the lolis, traps and milfs in an Isekai world

May 22, 2023
Many people believe that Shadman was arrested due to his inactivity on social media over the last 2 years. However, last month he reappeared with a kawaii drawing of Belle Delphine.

All the fans are happy that he is fine, just waiting for new content.

That's what I was thinking: "Imagine Shadman's artistic potential, if he dedicated himself now to creating a Hentai Game, where God-Emperor Trump is transported to an alternative Isekai America and gathers an army of Weeabos / Weebs in a Holy War to free the Lolis that Biden hides in the White House?
453237_theshadling_hilloli-clitton (1).jpg


In Gameplay we could choose whether the MC would be Donaldus (God Emperor) Triumphus, Prince Barron Triumphus or the Hobitt Ben Shapirius..."

Well, Shadman became well known because of the Hentai he made of Trump fucking Hilloli Clinton. I think something crazy like that would help him get back to the height of his fame.

Deathclaw Cock

Deathclaw Cock Fanatic
May 23, 2020
I mean it with all of the kindness that I can muster and I genuinely wish you well in your life, but I think you may have an incurable, terminal case of brainrot. Shadman's work is the nutrient slop that the people outside of the Matrix have to consume.
May 22, 2023
He's too busy doing black tar heroin, schizoposting esoteric nonsense and assaulting random homeless people in the street for any of that.
It would be funny if it wasn't true hahaha

Shadman has gotten crazier than he already was in the last two years.

On Twitter he just kept making schizopostings esoteric filled with pseudo-philosophy, instead of bringing new drawings. At the time it seemed like he was suffering from some personal problem. Many fans say it's because he had a son, others thought he was depressed.

Either way, I hope he's fine.
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May 22, 2023
I mean it with all of the kindness that I can muster and I genuinely wish you well in your life, but I think you may have an incurable, terminal case of brainrot. Shadman's work is the nutrient slop that the people outside of the Matrix have to consume.
You are exaggerating.

Shadman's work is common if we compare it to most Lolis comics produced by Japanese artists. Suehiro Maruo's Mangas make Shadman's work look like Friend Family Comics.

Both Shadman and several Japanese artists appeal to the Bizarro in their erotic stories. The problem is that a bunch of normies felt offended and started stalking Shadman.