Unity - This Round Is On Her [2024-08-10] [blobygon]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Speaking as a 3D modeler and an inflation/expansion fan, I gotta say "eh".
    Like, it's really cool in a "tech demo" kind of way, but it stinks as a "game" and there's really not much to do in it.
    Interesting to look at and try some stuff, but that's it.

    Here's the game:
    • Choose her clothing.
    • Customize her body.
    • Adjust burp/fart settings.
    • Run around as her with WASD while she can still move
    • Stuff a feeding tube in her mouth to make her gain weight. You fill her up to a certain threshold, then you can POOF her to the next weight class, repeat.
    • Manually adjust the feeding tube to choose how fast/slow she fills.
    • Choose location (there's no difference in gameplay though).
    • Screw around with physics.
    There's no currency, no shop, no upgrades, really any kind of "progression."
    I said it before, but I'll say it again, just call this a tech demo, try it out for a bit (if you like WG), then move on.