This site is overfull of Male Protagoist rispect of Female Protagoist and Futa Protagoist.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Hi Everyone! I make this discussion for all of you. I looking in both of cateogry and I think why all of you making game of male protagonist instead of Female Protagonist. Becouse theme hate them so much and making only Male proganoist. I want your opinion why This site is Overfull of Male Portaogoist? --->
This is female catogery
And in least are futa protagonist
Why I hate male protogist this not only reason, the seon reason why I hate them so much is they are bastard and no have cloo or charme, femminsm in thers soul.

(Sorry for my bad or don very good english) I try to explain myself in the best waye possible.

Why you hete female protaoist so much. Futa too?


Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
Why not?
if you want more game with female lead then go make one
Dev choice always on their own like and interest
doesn't that clear enough

If you want something so much then created it
or hire someone to create it
you can't expect anyone to do what you want

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Well, I will take a guess and say that the users of this site (and adult game players in general) and mostly heterosexual males. This is turn would mean that there is likely going to be a major demand for games, where the players can project themselves into the protagonist.
Also, I think its fairly safe to say that most game developers are straight males as well, although we seem to be getting more diversity in this aspect, so likely they will want to make male protags as well, since it would make the most sense.

In short: Horny men wants to play games where they bang lots of girls. Devs wants to make the most money (with some minor exceptions) so they make games for horny men who wants to bang lots of girl. 1+1 = 2 and all that.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Well, I will take a guess and say that the users of this site (and adult game players in general) and mostly heterosexual males. This is turn would mean that there is likely going to be a major demand for games, where the players can project themselves into the protagonist.
Also, I think its fairly safe to say that most game developers are straight males as well, although we seem to be getting more diversity in this aspect, so likely they will want to make male protags as well, since it would make the most sense.

In short: Horny men wants to play games where they bang lots of girls. Devs wants to make the most money (with some minor exceptions) so they make games for horny men who wants to bang lots of girl. 1+1 = 2 and all that.
I think is sexual discrimination. I'm a male and I hate play as male protagonist and I'm a femminist. In my opinion this site make only male becouse they are maschilist or whenver? I'm think this Whene I see aKinetic novel where the female don't hve any choise for fight the pervets o use their balcmail agenist them to win.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
I think is sexual discrimination. I'm a male and I hate play as male protagonist and I'm a femminist. In my opinion this site make only male becouse they are maschilist or whenver? I'm think this Whene I see aKinetic novel where the female don't hve any choise for fight the pervets o use their balcmail agenist them to win.
You can call it discrimination or whatever you want. I call it logic. The VAST majority of men and women, are statistically proven to be heterosexual, and the majority of users of porn sites have been shown to be male. Thus, it is a logical conclusion that most users of this site are heterosexual men.
Also, I am not saying that a man can't be a feminist, but the majority aren't, its simple as that. Supply and demand don't really care are personal views or feelings, they just cater to the current demand.

No personal attacks intended, but in these "safe space" days I guess I have already stepped over at least 47 different lines, so it probably won't matter if I say that or not.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I think is sexual discrimination.
Er... well... Hmmm... Perhaps :/

In my opinion this site make only male becouse they are maschilist or whenver?
And what if I tell you that "this site" don't make a single one of the games available here ?

While I agree with you on the fact that there's a lack of female protagonists, I also acknowledge that the reason behind this fact is really basic and have nothing to do with machismo. It's simply that most of the authors already struggle to write male protagonists, and don't have a single clue about how they could write a female one.
Anyway, the vast majority of the said authors just want to turn their fantasies into something more living, and obviously being male authors, they have fantasies that resolve around a male protagonist.


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
Half of the games being female protag doesn't imply people hate them. Devs are willing to make such games, people are happy to play them.
Male feminist oriented games are unlikely, I don't think porn is very pro-female industry with lots of gender studies majors working in it. Theres some, but they can be somewhat comical or fall flat. Usually people want to see a protagonist overcoming obstacles to get what he wants at the expense of others, no participation trophies.
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Adult games are fantasies at their core. Most people who play these games are males who want to play out the fantasy. It makes perfect sense for people to prefer to play as a male when playing out a fantasy. It makes it much easier to self-insert.

Many men also like variety in types of women when playing out a fantasy. Playing as a female protag locks you into one type, or maybe some lesbian/threesome scenes. At best, your character is just watching other people. Aside from some specific niches, that isn't really any different than normal porn.
Which is another reason most prefer a male protag. It's just a lot harder to identify with a female protag as a male. So playing a game with a female protag is going to create more of a disconnection between the player and the protag. Which makes it more like you're just watching something rather than playing out a fantasy. Which once again, isn't really any different than normal porn.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
In real life, in porn industruies The Female actress are more important over male actors, Female earn more maney and them are very more famous Porn Star over Male Porn Actor. Sorry but I disagreed with you about real porn in real life.


May 20, 2017
In real life, in porn industruies The Female actress are more important over male actors, Female earn more maney and them are very more famous Porn Star over Male Porn Actor. Sorry but I disagreed with you about real porn in real life.
Exactly! Female actresses are more important, becouse mostly men are watching porn. There is a guy and most of the time you don't even see his face, so the male audience can imagine themselves in his place. So the games are not that different. You are playing as a male but females are the important characters. It doesn't matter that much, how the male protagonist looks, what matters is how the female characters looks, if the script is good etc.
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New Member
Mar 18, 2019
This is the same argument being made for AAA games and movies as well. If you made a game for crippled black muslim trans pansexual lesbians, you aren't going to reach many people and the game won't do well. If that is the story you want to write then by all means, knock yourself out. Just don't blame idiotic things for it not being widely accepted or enjoyed.

And as another side note, identitarianism is lethal to a rational mind. You are viewing things through such a myopic lens that you could never get a reasonable grasp on something. The very core of where you start from is faulty.

People like what they like and it's usually not for the brain dead things you state like "discrimination".

u z i

Nov 9, 2018
most female protagonist games are the same anyways, mc ultimately coerced into sex or are very 'open minded' from the start, what's the point in making more of them?...well i guess that can be said be said about male mc games too. but still i feel there's more variety than female mc games.

if you look at rpgm games, a majority of them are female mc.:mad:

i personally prefer male mc mainly because there are more chicks to see. i don't want to see the same girl getting fucked my multiple men/monsters/bugs and 'enjoying' it more and more. there are ofcourse exceptions(GGGB, J.O.H.N., AWAM) and i did enjoy them. (i'm sure there are others as well)

at the end of the day it is upto the developers to decide on making male/female/futa protagonist. we f95zoners are just playing their games.

if you really wish for more female protagonist games, i would suggest backing up the respective developers and hopefully with more support they can release faster and more games for you to enjoy.

by the way, what is the relation between liking 'male mc games' and being a feminist? :ROFLMAO:


Feb 4, 2018
This is a pirate site, anyone can upload and post just about anything. According to Webster's 3 listed definitions of discrimination this place is probably one of the least discriminatory on the web...


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
This is a pirate site, anyone can upload and post just about anything. According to Webster's 3 listed definitions of discrimination this place is probably one of the least discriminatory on the web...
From result I see from category I disagree with you, is opposaite what you said.


May 20, 2017
From result I see from category I disagree with you, is opposaite what you said.
Let's make an example on gay games. Only about 4 % of all people are homosexuals, so we can expect, that maybe like 4 % of games are going to have gay content. You can't expect, that 50 % of games are going to be straight and 50 % are going to be gay, if the % of gay gamers is so low.
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New Member
Mar 18, 2019
"From result I see from category I disagree with you, is opposaite what you said."

This is wrong.

To discriminate would mean that you couldn't post stuff here that they did not want on their site. This site caters to most legal niches. Want traps? Got'em. Want lesbians? Got'em. Dunno about retard porn though.

There really isn't much that is legal that they don't cater to. What more could you need to prove that there isn't discrimination?


Jun 17, 2019
From result I see from category I disagree with you, is opposaite what you said.
So, what this site must do? Ban Male protagonist games? And tell me how many Female protagonist games aren't here according to your reasoning about discrimination?


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
So, what this site must do? Ban Male protagonist games? And tell me how many Female protagonist games aren't here according to your reasoning about discrimination?
I don't said that, I try too said make game equal, but this I'm goin to wait for may favorite genders game to play with. I tray to play other game but I think this, make me hate Male Protagonist, becous I see them are very jerks and assholes rispect female. In this tipe I see female no have rispoct o yourself don't slap the male protagoist for doit molstetion act. I think male and female have more in comune as we think.


Game Developer
Apr 6, 2018
From result I see from category I disagree with you, is opposaite what you said.

Look man, either you are being 'dense' on purpose or you're just here to troll.

There is no discrimination..... games of any type can be posted on this site = total freedom

most games have a male mc because that is what, whether you like it or not, most devs and most players like, end of story.

The only one guilty of discrimination here is you:
you keep saying that we are all macho women-haters just because we like games with a male MC, so you are making gross generalizations about people you know nothing about based on the games they like

Also, you complain about more extreme scenarios etc...... Well, guess what, if you just want vanilla or lesbian sex there are already millions of videos with real, hotter actresses available. Knock yourself out on those man.
it's a free world, if you don't like these games don't play them.

However, while you accuse people of discrimination we are the ones supporting a site where everybody can express themselves or upload whatever games, and most of us are open to discuss ideas with fellow posters of any gender or sexual orientation, while you are trying to force everybody else around you to conform to your misguided notions of what is right or wrong....Guess what, these games are fantasies....many points you made make sense in real life but are just egotistic rhetoric in the context of hentai games (which were specifically created to indulge in fantasies very different from reality)