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New Member
Jul 16, 2023
Used to played this game prob like 2 or 3 years ago but accidentally deleted it.

It's an RPG 2d game could be more tags but That's All I remember, The thumbnail of the game basically has this generic options of start, settings etc. at the bottom right hand corner along with the picture in the background of the protagonist who's holding a gun that is almost about to slip off of his fingers and another hand of the monster I think slime one maybe Tracing the hand of the protagonist (You can only see the hands and nothing else).

It takes place in the modern world instead of the generic medieval period along with the monsters not exactly being seducing (If you've read the monstergirl encyclopedia) rather they're more of horrifying and kill people. The protagonist wakes up in a cryo pod I think and is in a laboratory without any sign of other human beings.

2 unique features I remember from the game were, 1. After you defeat the monster there'd be two choice at the end one of them being to kill the monster which gives u lot of exp (Also affects your storyline making you a cold hearted person) or the other that is to let them flee.
2. At the end of each chapter I think the monstergirls which you encounter from that stage will appear in a room called memories? And there every monster room will be there along with the dialogue if they've decided to open their heart for you or not, If not obviously you won't be able to enter and if yes then you can meet the monsters have a chat, give gifts to raise their trust/affection to which after a certain point you can choose to do have some 'fun' with them.

So yea that's pretty much it Ig there's a bit more but it's really hard putting it into words, I hope someone will be able to help me in finding this game