Unity - ThornSin [v0.7.1] [Scarlet Paper]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    unskippable cutscenes repeating wastes your time combat is unintuitive and reminds me of ds2 idk if the skip button is even working or not. can probably keep playing but honestly everthing in the game feels super samey
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    - amazing art with beautiful heroine
    - variation of scenes
    - extremly hot unforgiving dark fantasy world
    - interesting rogue like 2d sidescroller gameplay (normally not into roguelikes or sidescrollers, but this kept me hooked. Very hard on normal for a pleb like me though, but thankfully there are lower difficulties)
    - the tidbits about the story and the world seem very promising, if sparse

    - missing tooltips or explanations for many mechanics
    - sex scenes mostly on losing and no gallery
    - sparse story moments and background narration
    - some interesting mechanics like breastfeeding are currently a bit to conditional to access
    - sex scenes exclusively brutal rape or coercion (not a negative for me, but tastes vary)

    Most negatives are related to the game being unfinished, so i won't hold them currently against it. The game is too beautiful and unique with outstanding gameplay for a porn game to pass up for these minor points.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game's animations and art is definitely the selling point, and it's absolutely amazing. As of right now, the combat and story is lackluster, but the game's in beta so it's understandable. The difficulty isn't that high, but it's challenging and pretty fun sometimes.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Played version 0.6.5

    1. High quality application startup. Shows animated developer splash, splash for autosaving, animated main menu
    2. Animated dialogue portraits
    3. The clothing system is multi layered and you have multiple pieces per layer unlocked at the beginning for you to customize your look with
    4. The “H Status” menu screen has animated close up pictures of pussy, ass, mouth
    5. Shopkeeper will give you money if you go through an animated touching minigame

    1. Janky camera. It tries to frame the scene so your facing direction has the most space to view, but when it needs to change the other way it’s too fast. Jumping lifts the camera up too quickly - it would be better just zoomed out.
    2. Releasing a horizontal movement button doesn’t stop character movement immediately, there’s lots of skating
    3. Controller is supported, but character movement is only on the D pad
    4. Characters is metal armor over their boobs have the armor swaying
    5. The movement has horizontal acceleration that takes a second to get up to max speed. The max speed is way too fast for how zoomed in the camera is.
    6. The first room in the first dungeon has you progressing to the left. It should progress to the right like every other platformer ever
    7. Elements appear on the UI with zero explanation of what they are, can’t mouse over them for a tooltip
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.68] I am very glad to say that I saw this game from 0.01 to now. It's shaping up to be a great and amazing h-game a la Night of Revenge, and we can't have enough of that stuff.

    I'm not a big sidescroller or metroidvania or roguelike guy, but I did enjoy the gameplay. The h-scenes are great, nice battle cuts and kudos for not restricting it to only lose-to-see kind of scenes.

    This really looks good so far.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style in this game is absolutely stunning. The way the characters and environments are designed really adds to the immersion. The depiction of nudity is nice, and the clothes ripping off as you fight is a unique and cool feature. I also love the pregnancy system;. Overall, this game has some fantastic attention to detail, and I can't get enough of it!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game. I don't think there is another rouge-like, side-scroller such as ThornSin out there, where the porn is integrated so well into the gameplay.

    You have pregnancy mechanics, lust resets and everything, with some basic hack and slash abilities which work fine. The movements is also fluid it is not clunky. The enemies, however are a bit of a mixed bag. They are either super stupid and easy to defeat or super annoying and hard. There aren't many in between. But that probably is the harshest complaint I could give. Everything else is good or at least ok. The art, the sound, the story, all consistent and feature rich even as of writing this. (v0.6.8)

    If the dev continues this trend, and does the proper polish that is due for the 1.0 release, this would become an easy 5/5.

    Cool game, would definitely recommend!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very sexy game but one problem.

    I don't like the save system. It autosaves but will not let you save manuallyy and load the save.

    you'll have to grind to get the sex scenes.

    There isn't a gallery for us to peruse the animations as we see fit as well, which is a cockblock but I guess the maker wants us to enjoy the grind lol
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    An instant favorite for anyone who comes across it. IF you're looking at reviews trying to decide if its worth a try; stop now and download it. Every aspect has incredible detail from the gameplay to the art. It offers a wide variety of enemies to beat/mate. Although it suffers a bit of repetitiveness as any roguelike will, it manages to keep things moving constantly and change things up continuously so you don't fall victim to boredom until you've beaten the game many times over. Other reviews will show better detail, I just wanted to show support. 5/5 will follow updates to come.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Great porn, and possibly good gameplay, but the controls are beyond horrible with no way to resolve this issue, so I genuinely cannot tell you if the game is good.

    If there was a way to fix the controls then it'd get a 4 or even a 5, but the game's controls simply make it not enjoyable.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. I want to buy this as a full game now.
    It has both a fun gameplay and very good art with porn, i didn't even know this was possible.
    The gameplay is very fun, with some cool artifacts, it just need to continue creating more since atleast for now, you have the option to play with only two weapons, a heavy sword and a light sword, but you can see that there are a lot of cool artifacts that mostly only procs with fast attacks, while the heavy weapons you only get artifacts that do more damage.
    Now the art, damn it's good. I think the best part is that he really doesn't mind doing more creative stuff, it's not just sex and that's it, you can see some really cool animations, like the goblin mount . It's also really cool how some animations with the shopkeeper change with the state of your body.
    Also for example i really like the menu that shows your body, since unlike other games it not only has some very good art, but you can actually see changes on her body outside this menu.
    I think one of the problems that it has, it's that you can't really reliably choose the type of artifacts that you want, like you can't choose to only get artifacts, like thunder or poison or estrus. It's fine to be random, but when you get too many artifacts and there is a run where you want to specifically get only one of this types, it's kinda of a shame.
    Also for now, to reliably see the porn you need to use the cheats, since you simply get punished too much for taking damage, which also means that for now you can't really make a army of babies to fight for you, since you take to much damage.
    Again, this game only needs to continue development, since you can see that the author actually has passion for this project, with how creative he is with the various situations that happens with the main character
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the attempt at creating a NSFW roguelike, as it's definitely something I've always craved, I like the mechanics like the items/powerups, but I just can't vibe with the combat. It just doesn't feel thought out at all and I don't have fun with it. But the game looks like it otherwise had some pretty decent effort put into it, even if I don't like the artstyle and character designs I can admit they are well illustrated. The porn isn't my favorite though, besides those things I just mentioned I also think the style of animation makes the H stuff look meh to me. I'm giving it three stars for effort but I didn't really like it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Pika v.2.0

    Game looks absolutely top tier. Looked like I was playing some triple A game type sh*t on the aesthetics, especially in the title screen and loading screen.

    Gameplay is pretty basic tbh, but I couldn't give a rat's ass about the gameplay as I'm just a for fap guy. The sex scenes look pretty damn great especially the more 2d ones with the witch and shopkeeper. The ingame sex scenes erm... pretty okay? There are some morphing going on but as far as my penis thinks, it's pretty cool.

    Art is drop dead gorgeous.

    Can't wait for more updates to this if there are indeed any. I like potential so I'll give this 5 stars
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Great animations and graphics, but that's about it.

    The combat feels super floaty, unresponsive, and lacks weight. You constantly feel like you're skating on ice, but you're also far too heavy to chain into aerial combos.

    You get punished for trying to enjoy the H, as receiving H-attacks does significant damage, especially when taking into account how few opportunities to heal there are. Some of the items make it kind of possible to view them safely, but they are rare and impossible to anticipate.

    There's no real meta-progression, which kills any and all satisfaction from corrupting the protagonist, as losing will reset ALL of it. This irritation is exacerbated by how clunky and long many of the scenes are.
    • Seducing the shopkeeper again? Hold J for 30+seconds, and watch a static pair of hands make her boobs jiggle a little bit.
    • Get downed by an enemy? You'll need to watch the often long transition animations before you can skip through some of the sex phases.

    This falls into the vein of being a "roguelike" rather than a "roguelite." Unfortunate, because that is not to the game's benefit, as everything feels FAR too slow to make starting over and over from scratch appealing.

    The itemization is weak, and requires you to try and make the combat work in ways it isn't built to.

    All in all, the graphics are great. The animations are great. The combat is very below average. The mechanics are below average. I want to like the game, but it's just far more irritating and slow than it is arousing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is legitimately one of the best games on this platform and definitely within the top ten best in progress games. I look forward to seeing this game when they complete it. I don't think that there are any cons to the game besides the occasional bug but that hardly counts for a unfinished game.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Incredible gameplay and potential but wasted because of way too much try hard needed (and I enjoy tryharding sooooo..).
    And also, you can feel that the game will go nowhere from now on, and it's just about money now.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with excelent artwork, scenes and gameplay. Fun to play even when not going for the erotic side of the game, feels like it still needs some content but I still find it one of the best erotic games I've played.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Good art style, FUN GAMEPLAY (which is something 90% of the games here either don't have by design or can't have since they're VNs) good scenes with various different monsters, positions and fetishes and some very good ideas for what's coming in the future!

    The bad things about the game aren't that bad, obviously the most notable one is that the game isn't finished and it shows, not only because the progression feels weird and disconnected but also because it's obvious that most of the work is going into making the sex scenes and shopkeeper scenarios, since we haven't had a gameplay focused update in a while(this is good or bad depending on who you ask and when you ask them) also the alleged corruption system is still not implemented in game so if you're looking for corruption gameplay this game is very barebones even if the last update did start paving the way for the system to be added
    Is this the best porn game ever? no. but it is on its way to become it if the monthly updates retain this level of quality
    I would highly suggest supporting the developer if you can because this could turn out to be an actual good game on top of being a good porn game
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    There might be a small lighting issue because you sometimes cannot see the character's details that well because of the environment lighting and her outfit's color but everything else I absolutely love.
    Really wish there'd be more games like this one with the art being just as good or even better
    I need more updates!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Greatest Game Ever
    Good work Scarlet Paper: This is by far the best of these "types" of games i have played. (I would like it if there were more scenes as well as more gameplay stuff but tbh the core gameplay loop is legitamately something that I would play even without any of the nsfw stuff. Would be cool if the game became more rogue-lite rather than just resetting EVERYTHING when you die: even like a shop for currency for more clothing options would be cool.)