VN - Ren'Py - Time Implosion [v0.17] [Wizard's Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very absorbing story with well written characters. Didn't feel a need to skip anything. Looking forward to more. Would like longer sex scenes with more zoomed out perspective. It would be helpful to have a better guide as to what scenes have been missed in the loop.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Most of the models have offputting faces. The story makes no sense and has many large loopholes and logic flaws, many of the characters are incohesive or self contradictory, there's just so little to like about this game. The best thing about this game is the premise. If you saw the high rating and expected high quality then like me, you'll probably be disappointed.

    If you like the way the models look or just want a quick fap, this isn't too bad for that, you do jump into action fairly quickly. Plus this game encourages you to skip dialogue because it knows it was made lazily.

    On a less important note, the UI is atrocious and replacing the right click functionality in renpy was a bad idea.

    However, as bad as I feel the creative aspects of the game are, it's made fairly well on a technical level so it escapes a 1 star.
    Likes: Big To
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    ver. 0.17
    story 4.5/5
    graphics 4~4.5/5
    models/character design 3.5/5
    characters 4.5/5
    sex scenes 2.5/5
    vibe 5/5
    overall 4.7

    great game really enjoyable to play

    story of the is soild is not perfect but there is a lot rout u can expoler and is making intersting to play and have to find the good rout to expoler more but u can also skip some of story .

    renders are great with this file size of the game is only about 2g and its really look like great

    character design is decent main characters look good and side character are alright , but the face and talking look wierd

    mostly good the problem is side characters but who care fuck the side characters

    sex scene
    worst thing about this game for sure is the sex scene they look bad but there is jiggle physics at least it doesnt look like soild object bashing toghter

    game is really enjoyable to play but i think is the same for everyone if you just want sex scene and not much of anything else this not the game for you

    for dev if ever see this
    work more on sex scene
    change a lit bit of face they look wierd time to time
    fix the mouth when talking is like ogers mouth
    overall soild game keep it up
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game earns a five-star from me, although I will admit the game keeps you in the dark at the start in a way that doesn't grab your attention, it requires you to keep playing to truly get gripped by the story. I was surprised at how many different things can happen in each of the 2 chapters, but then I saw this game started 3 years and some change ago, and now I think the content is pretty lackluster for that time frame. That being, said, the divergent paths and the amount of things in each chapter probably add lots to the time required.

    Melissa is my clear favorite, which is hilarious because all of chapter 1 is you dealing with the fact you've been framed for her murder, in chapter 2 you are given a chance to save her and my god it was easily my favorite section of the entire game, the MC figuring more and more out about the true world around him, and Melissa being the most likable character in the game personality wise, I cannot wait to play more, even with the twist at the end of chapter 2 putting a damper on things.

    Play the game, it's very fun, the face models take some getting used to, but once you get past it it grows on you and the women are all worth it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is really, really good.

    As it is the game does not have a bazillion hours of content, but even what it has is worth trying

    I hope the author eventually finishes it. I m really curious abot where the plot will go
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    9.5/10, if only the sex scenes were better this game would be perfect.
    Wish this game could be more well-known and the author all the success possible.
    Story are great, im amazed about the replay value of this game. Played a few time loop game before but this is definitely top 1.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourites for a few years. Art is good, every character is enticing (I preferred the humans). The main couple of romance options are excellent, standout amongst all of the others in all the games I've played. Being honest, I liked the fantasy elements less the more they were featured, which is to say that I thought the interactions between the human characters were really strong but the evil cult group was a bit more dubious. Overall though this game has always had the potential to be one of the biggest on the site with faster updates and focus on its best elements. I look forward to seeing how development continues.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Time Implosion [v0.14] [Wizard's Kiss]

    I've read only first chapter and dropped it at some point, it was all over the place. Plus, I didn't really liked anyone here and got REALLY bored. Premise and general line are pretty great, but story itself is not close to it. Writing is on the bad side, feels like it was written by a teen. (Like, I can fucking see that he shakes his head, I don't need waste my time reading about it. And there's a lot of things like that all over the place, but it got better at some point.) Models are passable in general, nod bad and not that good either. Don't expect much.
    I'll probably try to brute force it and see what it has in the store at future chapters, but for now I can't bring myself to it

    Okay, I take what I said back, It's pretty okay. Writing, story, characters became much, much better as the plot progressed and I acclimated to specific look of some models. Tho, it is quite short VN and even animations/sex scenes that I liked were only 3 (out of 5 total). I guess, pixie cut lovers are eating good. All in all, I'm looking forward to the future updates.

    Story - 6/10
    Writing - 5/10
    Choices - 6/10
    Characters - 5/10
    MC - 5/10
    Models - 6/10
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting plot and characters that leave players wanting for more, but execution could do with a bit more finesse. Looking at the frequency and length of each update, I doubt the story will ever wrap up.

    A time loop story whereby MC’s classmate Melissa (main LI) and subsequently himself get murdered and then time travels to a day before it happened. The plot unfolds through multiple loops with each loop slightly different and more gets revealed along the way.

    Game Mechanics
    Standard AVN with choices. The choices matter in the sense that they affect whether you will advance the current loop compared to the previous one, but once you’ve got the right combination, the story is linear.

    In fact the game forces you to a canonical storyline even if you select slightly different paths as each chapter starts off totally anew assuming a fixed choice taken in the previous one regardless of how you chose to proceed previously.

    Background / Character Renders
    The background renders are standard while characters are currently limited to a few, but so far acceptable. Point of note is one of the LIs Karina looks very young like a 15 year old and though there are the usual legal age disclaimers, some players might get a bit uncomfortable.

    Character Development
    MC starts off an introvert (haha no surprise), but through different loops one can sense a gradual change at becoming more open, purposeful and even exhibiting some leadership qualities which is quite well done.

    So far out of the 3 main LIs, Karina has had the most screen time so naturally there’s more of her story, but personally I find her too troupey i.e. there to satisfy the innocent loli and incest fans.

    Melissa is far more interesting though her story has barely unfolded, hopefully more of her will be known in the future. The other LI is yet another typical troupey character there to fill up the nymphomaniac archetype.

    Sex Scenes
    Only a few to date and average so far. There’s not enough build up in the mood through dialogue and BGM and the animations are limited to 1 - 2 second loops. Hopefully this can be improved in the future.

    BGM and Sound Effects
    BGM is mostly melancholic which fits well considering the subject matter at hand. I don’t remember any sound effects, so it’s probably minimal or none.

    TI is a rough diamond in the making - one can see both the potential and flaws clearly. However despite 3 years in the making, the material is limited to ~4 hours of gameplay. With the slow updates and developer working on multiple projects at the same time, I’m kind of doubtful if it will get far in the end.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This one took me by surprise.

    There is a decent amount of H scenes, with good sfx usage. But
    to be honest, non that have been all that hot to me as the characters
    that currently have H scenes simply aren't attractive to me, and the scenes
    haven't been particularly kinky.

    So H wise, it still has more to show. I hope it gets good. The usage of SFX during H scenes is very appreciated though and done well. Quality of H scenes aren't bad either, so I hope for the best.

    However, what kept me playing was the writing of the actual plot. Time loop made me nervous, but this isn't one of those games I have played before where one single day loops and you somehow make huge changes within that one day. You use the time loop to actively solve a mystery, filled with supernatural elements. Not just to get laid and find out why there is a loop.

    The mystery and world building this far has been top-notch. I don't feel like the supernatural elements make no sense, or that the mystery is filled with plot holes. Everything makes sense, and I feel myself itching to read every line. I am so invested in where the story is going. There is so many intruiging elements to the story, and this far it hasn't become overly convoluted or written itself into a corner. It honestly feels like a great mystery novel.

    There are games where I enjoy the characters more, and games where I enjoy the H elements more, or enjoy the overall plot + characters + H elements more. However, there are no games currently where I'm more invested in the plot by itself. Can't wait to see where this goes. There is plenty of content already and it's definetly worth it.

    There are prompts where you get asked if you want to skip already seen events when they are written slightly differently, and you can ctrl to skip what is 1:1 the same. And honestly, there is very little repetition for a time-loop game. I was holding ctrl waaaay less than I was playing. Kind of expected opposite ratio from other time loop experiences.

    TLDR: plot is really intriguing mystery where you use your time loop powers to solve a crisis of sorts. It's really well written, intruiging and well put together. The H elements aren't the best, at least not for me personally. So, I wouldn't play it if that's my main factor. I really enjoy the story though and all the characters this far have been multi-dimensional, and art + sound supports the great story without blowing my mind.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Time implosion [v0.14]

    Don't let the renders scare you at the start. It's quality increase later. This one's got a nice writing and story. Loving the mystery. Seems like MC has lot to do. Renders are not top notch but it's ok cause I'm loving the story. If you love playing story centric games give this one a try. It's a time loop game you surely for a ride. Dev did a nice job in crafting the story here.

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: The story looks pretty well crafted, as the informations are slowly revealed in each loop. It leaves the world feeling real instead of patched up & not retconed each update as lot of games here feel like.
    The concepts are nice & pretty original & the character development done very well too. The twist are impactful if not totally shocking (takes a lot to catch me by surprise tho, so I shouldn't be too hard on that point).
    Overall very interesting if one takes the time to go through it properly.

    Originality: This is one of the games strongest points. Be it the loop mechanic, or the magic/power concepts, they feel very original & very rarely if ever seen in AVN, which mostly just stick to tried & tested kinks delivered frequently as bite sized porn scenes.

    Renders: They don't look like your typical preset daz models, & thus may feel a little different. But just like on experience from other such games, you get used to it as the story/game sucks you in & by the end of the playthrough the images look prety well done.
    The pictures aren't this games strongest suit but it's passable enough.

    Playability: The loop mechanism & the slower, but well developed writting style may be off-putting to some, while simultaneously being great for others who don't mind taking the time to immerse in the world created.

    A good rule of thumb for this game would be if you like reading books, if you could sit through the og AVNs like FSN with their textwall based content, etc.
    Ppl who enjoy slow burn, well thought out development, & don't mind slow/low sex content are the ppl who would probably enjoy this.
    People who are looking for a "sex game" probably wouldn't enjoy this.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Well written and the main plot conceit is unique and interesting. Personally not a huge fan of the art style but thats a personal preference. Definitely worth keeping an eye out for future developments.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Was intrigued by the overview and the renders.

    - Original story

    - People making wierd faces at all times, one eye pointing one way the other straight at you.
    - The writing, didnt really check for typos, but the whole thing looks like it was written by a kid. We dont need to know how much the mc likes/dislikes the rain and why he likes/dislikes the rain.
    - From every sentence one person says, there is 2 sentences with inner thoughts about why the person responded the way they did and how you thought they would respond etc...

    Cant review the animations/Scenes as I quit the game the second the first scene was coming.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    At first it doesn't add much to the view but after giving it a second chance, I'm really liking the story, I like that touch of the "return of death", it reminds me of Re Zero, I like incest too although I must say that Melissa is a level 10 waifu
    Quite interesting from what I've read so far.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    i dont see why everyone likes this so much the story is okay would be better if it didnt always reset back to square one like making the player feel like he messed up and having to go back and redo it differently over and over i get it is a time loop and all but once you go a certain way or all the routes it should let you continue onward with the given one you like and not force it upon you . the renders could be better than looking like some renders that came out of a alien ish cartoon and or anorexic looking kiddish . the concept of the story is good in theory but actually using is another story .
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    First of all, I agree with those who say that the only downside is the wait time between updates. Without that, I would have given 5 stars with great pleasure, because, once again, like all of the guy's games, there is a very original concept, superb girls, it's flawless. Little content and little updating means that unfortunately we can miss it and look elsewhere, but let's not forget the great potential of its games! It's a rare style in AVN and it really deserves our attention.

    I prefer the one with the island, but here the plot is captivating, well written, a lot of work to structure everything, a real atmosphere and if you play you will see, it won't let you down.
    well done !
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    An exceptionally well done version of a time loop game - it feels more like a time loop movie story, where story progression is happening despite the loop, rather than a confusing mess of constant repetition with very little change. I like how the options per loop are relatively small and memorable, so it's easier to remember what you've tried or not.

    Models are hot as heck. Reasonably proportioned bodies. Ridiculously short skirts, but at least it's lampshaded - and the resulting shots are amazing. The face shape style is a little weird, but it mostly worked - I kinda hate looking at the MC, though.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Look, I'll give props for originality, and I really like the art, but this is one of the dumbest storylines I think I've ever read through. The sheer leaps of faith you have to make with this plot for it to make sense...I just can't do it. Not to mention the absolute travesty that is the author's understanding of the justice system. I mean yeah, it's a world where there's demons or imps or whatever, but still...It's just so corny.

    I just can't recommend this. Again girls are nice, visuals are nice, music is nice, but the story and UI are not.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game. Really surprised it doesn't have more attention.

    Story: Time manipulation, magic, demons, occasional graphic violence? I'm in.
    Models: Good, but the art style is a little different. Some may take getting used to but I like it.
    Animations: Pretty good, multiple angles, sounds.

    I used Universal Choice Descriptor to see what choices did, so I never really felt "stuck". So I can't comment on that. I liked the "loops" concept.
    I can't wait to see where this one goes.