I was introduced to a guy who said he could stop time. People thought he was crazy, but after talking with him and conducting a few experiments, there is some merit to his claim.
To the untrained observer, it simply looked like the guy closed his eyes for a few seconds, and the world appeared to go on around him as usual, but what he experienced in those few seconds was quite a bit more.
While his eyes were closed, he couldn't interact with the real world, only his fantasy world, but the evidence suggests that far more time passed in his fantasy world, than the few seconds that had passed in real world.
For example, he was given a complex math problem to solve. He simply closed his eyes, and a second later gave the answer. A math expert spent an hour working out the same problem on a chalkboard. Our friend who answered the problem in seconds described in detail, doing the same thing on a chalkboard in his mind, and estimated that it took him over 2 hours, yet in reality he arrived at that answer in under 2 seconds.
So what is real, the two seconds that we experienced, or the two hours that he experienced, in the same time?
Is he crazy? He certailny isn't "normal", none of us are. What's crazy is to think that there is such a thing as normal. Human brains are more individual and unique than fingerprints. We don't all have the same talents, and abilities.
Can you stop time? Have you tried?