Reviewing V0.1
TL;DR: The game is garbage packed in a nice package with a cute ribbon on top of it, and you can tell to yourself about how nice the package is, but the trash in the package is still there even if you ignore it.
- The graphic: The graphical level is above average, but not top quality, yet it still is the best thing about this game
- The music: is kinda good, not my favourite genre but i kinda enjoyed it.
- The writing itself is just awful: This point is more of an introduction to MC and the other characters and the plot.
- The premise/the introduction to the plot: mankind went to space due to destruction of earth(caused by wars due to lack of resources) and after a while scientists decide to...went back in time. Yes this is the problem, they couldn't handle space-travel for long but they managed to invent time-machines to go in the past(implying that they will gather resources from the past)...but wouldn't this be the reason why earth lacks resources to begin with? Meaning that the people from the future are the reason why their ancestors waged war on each other and then left earth sounds stupid.
- MC is boring: This is a problem because i don't like MC, subjective but i've valid reasons, such as "MC is the usual pervert", or "MC gets introduced like he is this traumatized cool guy but he isn't cool at all, and his trauma got brushed off easily, aside when the developer wants us to care about MC", for example MC is so traumatized that he got temporary amnesia but it only lasted a few months, and with Celestia, kinda brushes it off, yeah sure he grieved, but a in-game day ago MC went on (through inner monologue) about "finally finding a family", we even got a short flashback(over a black screen, so no pictures) of MC surviving this traumatic event, and yet he doesn't know if anyone of his old team survived, even after he is cured of his amnesia. Overall MC is a pervert, and the first thing he does when he meets someone, is ogling them, and then complains that people are calling him a pervert.
- The other characters: IF MC is boring, annoying and overall pathetic, the girls aren't much better, believe me:
- The game is full of cheap comedy that i saw in the most boring uninspired manga and anime i've ever seen, and they all rely on MC being a pervert or some weird anime-ish misunderstanding that could be solved in 10 seconds if the characters talked about it in the most honest way possible.
- For a sci-fi game, we don't see much Sci-fi, like the spaceship? The interior is designed like an actual house...yeah sure...i bet the dev is too lazy to find the spaceship-maps.
- The grammar and some sentences must be proof-read because some dialogues were weird to read and i asked a few native-english speakers to check them for me...but nope it's just that bad.
No comment, really, i had no expectations and i'm still disappointed, nothing of this game makes you want to play the game, the good graphic is pretty much a bait, the characters are boring at best, exhausting at worst. The dev nailed the graphic, now he must re-do the entire writing, because it's like a horny 13years old kid wrote this while high on his power-fantasies.