Hmmm, okay, well...that was certainly interesting.

I'm not entirely sure what just happened. This game has promise- it's almost an anti-game that parodies itself. It's very meta, obtuse, bizarre, 4th wall-breaking, pop-culture reference-y, wibbley-wobbley, timey-wimey, cringe-y, and a whole lot of fun. This game had a little bit of everything in it. I'm honestly surprised that there wasn't a Doctor Who T.A.R.D.I.S. sound effect thrown in for good measure. Lol It's actually pretty funny when
There wasn't a great deal of meat in this update/demo, but it's seems to be all more less an extended tutorial. Which isn't a bad thing... As others have said, there are a great deal reference to movies, TV, other games, and easter eggs that only the trained eye will catch. Hopefully, there's going to be many more in "back to the future" updates.