Unity - Completed - Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This is what I would describe as a true Virtual Novel. This is not a 'game' although it is in the style of one. The audience cannot make any decisions that will affect the outcome of the novel or even the progression in any way. This detracts from how much enjoyment I can derive from this virtual novel.

    This is fine but not exactly clear when first downloading.

    There's plenty of BGM and it seems well chosen, the animation and modelling is better than average and the story is interesting.

    I am looking forward to other games by the dev but with how Timestamps is currently laid out, well I feel satisfied after playing through the first chapter and don't feel invested enough to continue on to further chapters.

    The Dev should look at re-working the format of Chapter 1, there's a lot of potential there.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent menus, annoying to use at first, but they're ok, the story is simple and kind of goofy but in a good way, renders are good and all, but sometimes I feel like the animations could use more impact, at times the movements look very robotic, maybe this is fixed in the next part.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review after playing through day 4 (i think) -- just did karate lesson.

    1. Writing isn't bad for the genre. The character sometimes considers consequences.
    2. Diversity of character models.

    1. What's the point of this being "sand box?" What happens when we make every VN into a sandbox is that the players waste a whole lot of time clicking on things and going places that has no content. In other words, either make this a VN, or disable actions until there is something new there.

    2. Main character has horse cock. If that is your fetish, it should be optional. To me, it looks goofy when his dick is the same size as his forearm.

    2. Scenes tricky to navigate (can't fast forward repeating animations without missing something). I don't like Unity for this type of game.
    Likes: xhade
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Normally this is a VN I would skip as it's just a vehicle for disguised incest and it is a sandbox game. Both of these would ordinarily mean the VN would not make the cut. However, I have made exceptions in the past with games that do not take themselves too seriously and focus more on the "sexy fun" and humor. This is one of those stories.

    If you are looking for something serious with any kind of foot in reality, then just keep moving. All the LIs are smoking (literally) hot and all the guys have ginormous cocks. The MC is a Gary Stu and his GF willing supports his fooling around and even helps him. Not that he needs the help as all the LIs are drawn to him. So yeah... most of the things I can't stand.

    Despite all of that, there is a fun story running underneath pushing things forward that keeps you wondering what the heckfire is going on. And again, none of the characters take themselves too seriously and everything is done with a bit of lighthearted humor.

    The production is also really good. I am normally not a fan of phones in these games as only a few seem to have gotten it down to being useful. This one is very good with the most important part being the task list to help you navigate the sandbox element. Having said that, if there were no sandbox, then there would be no need for the phone so... take it for what it's worth.

    And the sandbox is really the biggest issue in this VN for me. I really don't understand why devs use sandbox in the adult story genre. Sandbox is useful if you have a variety of tasks and you can explore a destination. Going to a destination and experiencing a scene is not the same thing and could be done just fine as part of the story.

    But I digress. Timestamps is a fun, sexy little story and you should give it a try. You might not like it, but it is worth a download. I am not as big a fan of the sequels but this first one, IMO, is a lot of fun.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good graphics
    a good story
    First of all, the main character is so attractive.
    And I really want to eat Heroine.
    I hope the next story comes out quickly.

    What's the end? What's the end?

    Hurry up and patch it
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    game has solid visuals but wasnt a fan of really anything else. almost every character is unlikable, the story is pretty mid, the pacing is bad, the dialogue isnt great and this one might be more subjective but almost every one of the characters were unattractive.

    if you're out of incest sandbox games to play then its worth giving it a try but i wouldnt expect too much from it
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just gonna leave my review here cause it's a beach to remember this thing's name later to play the updates. The girls look nice, the plot is so-so, but the game overall it's quite good to play, not the best to be fair but still a enjoyable afternoon play.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A few years ago, I did a master degree and I'm swear, the nerdy friend is just like my labmate. That´s so distracting!
    Anyway the game is good: Renders are nice, plot is quite good by porn standars and the gameplay its fine.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Timestamps: Unconditional Love is a sandbox style VN about a boy, some girls, some pervy old men and time travel.

    The game generally looks pretty good and has a good presentation, but that's really not enough to save it. The characters are obnoxious, with the guys all being creeps, and the girls all being absurd. None of them come across as remotely real people and they're not funny enough to justify the porn logic excuse.

    The sandbox design is pretty brutal as well. The MC never states what you're supposed to do next, so you need to constantly navigate the menus to find where to go. It just ends up with an annoying amount of clicking, despite the fast travel menu.

    You might enjoy this game if you're into creeps lusting on girls with a distinct lack of situational awareness, but there's a lot of better options available.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Very awful standart porn game.

    The story is very boring and very badly written, the dialogue also isn´t really good.

    The music is just annoying.

    The models look bad I didn´t like any of them.

    But the worst part is the gameplay and UI. The UI is very ugly and not easy on the eyes. And the the gameplay is just too complicated for no reason it is just uninjoyable.

    I can´t recommend this game at all.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The graphics are quite good, I don't like all the models but that's up to personal taste. Also this game works much better if you have a smoking fetish.

    Story: It's interesting and I liked following along but it does jump around a lot, also it feels like the entire town is on something for how horny they are lol. Another thing is that it's weird how no one seems to really show much interest into the MC, but like 3 to 4 days latter they let him fuck them like what? Did I miss something in the story. I only say this as a negative because of the way the story portrays itself, normally I'd like this. (4/5)

    Gameplay: I don't think there is any real game play, you barely make any choices or do anything really. It's more of a visual novel in my view. Because of this it makes me hard to completely immerse in the experience. Also I don't feel like you need a walkthrough so that is a pro I guess. (2/5)

    MC: Not much I can say here, I like the MC kind of. He is your typical MC (4/5)

    Animations: Nothing crazy here, but it does have them occasionally (2.5/5)

    End thoughts: All in all I'd say give it a shot if you have the time. It's decent and enjoyable, but not something I would put on a list of recommendations for.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Jack Beauregard

    -------- (o˘◡˘o) --------

    Let me clarify, I played it with the incest patch and the walkthrough. Why these choices, the incest patch because I was told it brought a lot to the game, which is not wrong. And the walkthrough because I don't like sandbox, I get lost in them and get bored very quickly. And I don't think it ruins the experience.

    So, where to start? It's 2023, so the game is 6 years old and still beautiful. The design of the characters (apart from certain visuals where the characters have weird faces) and the scenery are still clean. The animation made in Unity are a little dated, but that's okay.

    The story is pretty entertaining, even if you could say that a time-travel story is never crazy. The side stories can be pretty good too, so let's see what happens in the sequel. Yes, the game ends on a cliffhanger and the sequel is on its way, so be warned.

    I can also tell you that even if it feels a bit like the whole town is drinking aphrodisiac water, it's worth it. The sex scenes are really hot and pleasant (especially if you have a smoking fetish).

    The only negative point I can think of, apart from the non-ending, is the monster cock aspect of the MC. I'm not a fan of that sort of thing. I've got nothing against well-equipped MCs, but there's a limit.

    Anyway, I'll stop here, I recommend it, I think it's worth its 4*. And since criticism is easier than practice, I'd like to say thank you and congratulations to Motkeyz for their work.

    Signed Jack Beauregard
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is going to be an absolute exercise in "I like this ...but"

    I really liked the models, I thought that Gaz, Maureen and Molly (shop girl?) were gorgeous. I thought the MILFs were well done...except I couldn't get past how awful the bangs were. In scenes where the 2 MILFs had different hair styles, they were awesome.

    The animations I thought were pretty well done...but they sometimes drug on too long and it was hard to know when to skip a repetitive animation and when to wait it out.

    The story was pretty entertaining, but it would occasionally lose discipline and while there are some good hints as to things that happened in the past, it's really difficult for me to see where the author is going to tie this all together.

    I enjoyed the sex scenes, other than the smoking. Seemed a little forced at times and definitely isn't my thing.

    My only complaint on gameplay was the story didn't always make it obvious where to go next. I spent the entire game relying on the cell phone task list as well as the blue-indicated locations.

    Tl;Dr - It's a goo d game worth playing.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]
    I recommend the game for the excellent graphics, good animations and a decent but not entirely convincing story.

    The graphics and character models are really well made, not the best ever, but still very nice.

    The animations are good but a little too stretched, so I recommend skipping the movies after a few seconds, since they repeat the movements for an infinite amount of time.

    The story is certainly interesting, but there are very few works (not just games, even books, comics, movies) dealing with time travel that manage to convince me, this game is not one of the few exceptions.
    I never like it when I don't know if what I see is happening or not, the fear is that I see useless scenes since maybe the protagonist will then be able to change his choices. This is a purely subjective thing.
    There are some "fake" cutscenes in this game, which disappointed me a lot.

    Another bad thing is to finish the game but not really finish it.
    I'm fine with a sequel, but every game should be able to have an ending, not necessarily explaining everything, but don't leave a game with an "ending" that looks like a classic game scene, it looks nothing like a game ending, even if it's a part 1 of 2.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried to give the game a chance despite the fact that this is the ugliest mom that I've ever witnessed in an adult game: Plastic nails, constantly smoking cigarettes, a really ugly pair of plastic glasses and a barbie-haircut. It's almost as if the developers wanted to make her look as cheap and ugly as possible.

    So after my first 10 minutes the game froze for no reason, I had to skip through a few dialogues to get back to where I was. It didn't hurt at this short play time, but I'd be constantly being stressed to save and save, because a game that freezes once does that usually more often. But the save menu is hidden behind ESC -> Save -> Savefile. In other games it's just right click and super fast done. So here it's tedious.

    Usually games don't ever crash or freeze on my machine. Installing the lewd patch was a pain in the ass because there are two versions for steam / patreon each.

    But the thing that finally threw me off the most were the renderings: While the pictures are in good quality, the animations completely ruin it. I've played quite some older adult games from 2017/2018 and yes, they tend to look a bit outdated, but this game does it more than most others.

    Animations are nothing alike as shown in the trailer. They're pixelated at all the corners of the characters, almost as if you'd zoom in on The Sims 2 on the PS2.

    Personally, that's too many no-no's for me, I decided not to play this game. Maybe I'll have a look into their newer game once that one is finished.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, but could have been better.
    The gameplay is straight forward and the MC is actually competent and not dumb.

    Most of my complaints about this game are subjective and my personal preferences.
    1. All the character designs are very good except for the mother (Juli) she is the only ugly character and I'm not the only one who thinks so. If her design was better I would have given this game a 4.5/5.
    2. The dads in this game were written well but the fact that all the dads are creeps just left a sour taste in my mouth. *SPOILERS* (The MC's dad wanking infront of Nika and she liking it just pissed me off and then Gaz's dad trying to touch her up and spying on her pissed me off as well. I felt this way only because Gaz and Nika are my favorite characters.)
    3. And the part that I didn't like the most is the *SPOILERS* beach gloryhole scene. The fact that I saw that old tramp in a bikini, sucking off the MC just made me puke a little in my mouth. She was soo repulsive, Sorry to the people who like grannies but for me it's vomit inducing. But it was kinda necessary for the plot. It would have been better if she just saw the scene instead of participating in it. Since I feel there will be more scenes with old people in the sequel, makes me not want to play it.

    All the bad things in this game is subjective so objectively speaking this game is actually good. The story is well written and the characters actually have a brain and don't act like NPCs. Although the time travel plot is fine it's a bit too long, drawn out and a bit boring. So I would recommend zooming past most of the dialogues between bacon and old man Jones, but that's your choice.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It takes a lot for me to care about the story in porn games, but I'll admit the plot of TimeStamps is actually really good. But even if the story was horrible, the models and animations would be more than enough. This is one of the all time greats for sure.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    +First of all the graphics and the renders are awesome.
    +Some of the characters are really attractive however Juli has horrible hairstyle (usually).
    +The animations are really good.
    -Some details could be also bit better (some cumshots).
    -The game engine is not that good - not ideal flow of the game
    -smoking is not really kink i would enjoy so big turn off for me
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna give this 4 stars because I feel like it's an above average game overall.
    Some aspects of the story are interesting so that's not too bad.
    Renders are very nice overall and the main selling point of the game imho, most animations are good too although I really dislike the fact that you can't easily skip most animations and you have to watch the loop for as long as the dev decided to.
    Some characters personalities are meh/annoying, same goes with dialogues which are ok overall.
    Even if there are a ton of girls available a ton of the content is centered on the mother (which has smoking fetish which isn't for everyone).
    The game ends on a cliffhanger since there is a second part available.
    Overall I do recommend it and I hope they improved on the second part which I'll try soon.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another V/N where the MC has a ridiculous genetic mutation for a dick. That was strike 1

    Some of the facial expressions are severely cringe inducing. The characters aren't very likeable, Nika is probably the best. The whole smoking thing was seriously off putting.

    Speaking of Nika, in her last year of high school, no job, covered in tats. Not likely. The story premise had promise but failed to live up to it. If the models weren't so hard to look at with the weird facial expressions, the characters were more likeable and they got rid of the creepy dad I'd have scored it higher.

    This one is a nice try, but falls short.