Unity - Completed - Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders and the models were pretty good. Too little build up and the MC felt way too White Knight-y for my taste. The game's story just feels slow. Time travel becomes a thing but it really just feels like it just happens rather than actually properly being build up. Some weird victim blaming with a chick in an abusive relationship too and overall just seems unexceptional.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The renders are superb, the game is completed and there is quite a lot of content.

    These are the only 3 good things I can say about it.

    The story, characters, dialogues, language - everything is less than mediocre at best. At worst - it's bad. Like 13yo first game script bad.

    The eye candy is there, just don't expect anything that will arouse your brain as well.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's Unity so it plays a bit awkward, at times, but Damn that is one fine MILF! Really like that Dev didn't make the Mum the Holy Grail that you have to wait the entire game to bone, that's just irritating. Renders and animations are top quality. Game is a bit short, but has some very nice scenes. MC is a bit of a tool, but not nearly as much of a super creepy perv as Echoes of Lust or Photo Hunt. Great job for a first game! :love:(y)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Timestamps. Really a 4.6!

    Everything from an AAA (At least as far as these games are concerned) is there.

    - Best Unity game ever. Saw the screenshots for years and avoided this game for years because of Unity but The Dev did an awesome job of adding most features you see in the Renpy games. Option to save, Option to skip dialogue, Replay scenes, and a very clever version of a roll back system called "Last Choice".
    - All characters are hot. Yea there are typical "Titty monsters" in the game but stop whining. They look great and the MC has huge size to bang them silly. Also makes reverse cucking scenes that much hotter when the girl saying how much bigger and better the MC's penis is. Again, if you dont like it because its overdone or too comical than continue to watch your small penis porn and skip this. For me, nothing wrong with a MC having a pornstar penis in a porn game. Especially if the girl's are doing the typical "crazy for penis" plot.
    - Some of the best sex scenes you will find. One in particular is so good, it could have been the only sex scene in the game and this game would have still gotten 5 stars. Its a very memorable one.
    - Sharing potential. Banging the school friend's Mom potential which for some reason is rare in these games.
    - Sneaky sex done EXTREMELY well.
    - Cuckqueen.
    - Some of the best sex stills Ive ever seen in a game. Great dialogue during the scenes as well.
    - Sandbox thats easy to use and doesnt make you want to punch the screen or make your hard-on soft from frustration. I still used the walkthrough but honestly probably didnt have to. There are built in hints. No stupid Minigames
    - Focuses on one of the hottest MILFs of any game on this site. And her smoking hot "not-the-former-first-lady" friend.
    - Responsive Dev. Cares about his work and improving it over time.
    - Scuz as an early villain was great

    ---CONS---Oh Boy the cons to an almost perfect game
    - Wrong kind of NTR elements. I love the option to share, I love games with multiple male love interests for the girls. I even like NTR when its used as a dark consequence. But man does this game have a ridiculous cucky use of NTR at times. Example, one of the hottest girls is a prostitute basically. If we have prostitutes in the game I want it to be from the option of the MC to slowly corrupt them. Most if not all of the NTR scenes are avoidable without penalty but one in particular is forced and weird.
    - Game is too short for my taste. Decent amount of in-game days and content but it felt very rushed at times.
    - If this game didnt have the visuals it would be a mediocre at best game. Possibly a terrible game in some parts.
    - Stupid plot. Even for a porn game on this site it makes absolutely no sense. Everytime I get annoyed with the plot or an aspect of the game, I get a smoking hot scene or pose and get too turned to be annoyed anymore.
    - Stupid dream sequences although they are not too abundant.
    - Missed opportunities all over the place. Especially with Nika.
    - Ridiculous time travel fantasy elements
    - MILF smokes like 300 cigarettes a day. Its almost meme-worthy. This is the first time I had the option to choose if she smoked in a scene which means the dev must be well aware and is in on the in-joke.
    - I hate the fat friend. Just me. But id still like a scene where he catches me banging his Mom and tries to join.

    This game will annoy you at times but its hot and definitely worth the hype.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Bernd L

    The positive:
    +Awesome Renders
    +Hot Girls (Especially GF)
    +Good overall Quality (Menu etc.)
    +You know what to do and how to progress without grind

    ~ OK'ish Story
    ~A tiny bit short for my taste

    The negative:
    Cannot think of something. It's a game you should play
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the better games out there.
    Characters are mixed - women are all hot but the guys are comic dorks or selfish dicks. Plot is ok, but perhaps a bit linear and predictable. I'm only part way through so hopefully there will be a twist.
    Menu and graphics are pretty standard, but mouse controls are a bit backward (right click is normally save/load, wheel up is normally back)

    I recommend at least one play through and supporting the creator for future work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game. The renders are top notch. The animation is excellent. I'm not a big fan of smoking, but it really works in this game and didn't turn me off at all. While the story has some sci-fi in it, it didn't dominate the interaction you have with various women. I am looking forward to the sequel.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Bravo! This game is incredible! That was fun! Very fun! I'm really enjoyed it!
    I'm normally playing Japanese incest game cuz generally they have full female voice acting.
    And this game is Perfect! except for a none female voice acting. That's really really a shame.
    It's only a chapter 1 BUT! As a huge fan of incest game I'm Soooooo satisfied.
    Just... I'm used to female voice acted adult game. And like that. who doesn't?
    It's give me a more immersive experience. That's why I hate none female voice acted adult game.
    But I do understand why there are only a few female voice acted adult game.
    Obviously cost problem, right?

    So, this game has a great dialogue, plot, storyline, characters, animated scene, excellent model graphic, good sound, UI.
    Are you incest game fan? Then PLAY THIS GAME!! And this just a chapter 1.
    Personally I played this game about...10hours? It's not short.
    And developer is now work in progress chapter 2. So, you can just wait until they are completing chapter 2.
    BUT!! If you not a fan of incest game? Then just go pass this game. Find other adult game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I am not a fan of Milfs.

    This game is obsessed with a fake titted, smoking, unappealing hairstyled Milf.

    Almost all scenes and interactions are either with or about her.

    If you find the model attractive you will like this game.

    The rest of the characters are empty bangs that the MC isn't emotionally invested in, just the Milf.

    I wish games or tags could emphasize how much of a fetish was unavoidable.

    I rejected sex with the Milf at least 3 times (EVERY time I had any choice) and still had sex scenes with her a bunch.

    The render quality, music, animations are well done.

    The story is a complete turn-off for me so I lost interest after checking the tips notebook for the 100th time to progress, hoping to reach a point in the story where a woman I wanted to have sex with would appear.

    Without following the tips, I was completely lost, clicking at the 5-20 options, knowing 1 (and usually only 1) led to a new scene that advances the story.

    All immersion was lost then.

    Once tips moved the story along better than following conversations and thinking, it's hard to pay attention to dialogue between characters you want to get away from.

    Once again in Renpy games I wonder about the efficacy of a map.

    If the only way to proceed the story is to eat breakfast/shop/go to Bacon/etc. why do I have choices of what to do?!?!

    It multiplies needed clicks by 15x! No extra enjoyment.

    Time played vs time frustrated while playing ratio gets ruined.

    Adult Visual Novels immerse me more by having choices that matter emotionally or sexually, not by having maps with spots to 'interact' with.

    Maybe maps are a holdover from the Japanese games (?!?!?) that precede most modern AVNs or it's a way for devs to pad a games playtime.

    Either way maps rip players out of immersion in the story so they should be used more in quest/fetch/rpgm games.

    All the above is just how I feel about Adult Visual Novels and this one in particular. I'm not right. Each person has their own set of kinks, like Milfs. And that's cool.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Duke Leo

    This game started out pretty interesting. I'm not really a MILF guy, but the story sounded interesting enough. Smoking fetish is not my thing, but I'm not here to judge. Sister is super hot so I figure let's see where this is going.

    The answer is: all over the place. It is open world but linear (so why bother with the maps?). Your choices don't really change anything and you absolutely must bang the Mom. There is sort of a time-travel thing but it's almost incidental to what is going on. Also HORSE DICK. I know this is fantasy, but it's kind of emersion breaking, especially when all of these women are gaga over it. Dev's have got to get over this trope.

    The worst part was that the time-travel itself wasn't explored enough. I wanted it to be a much bigger part of the story, instead it seemed to only come up when the plot needed to move forward. The tone of this game was really jarring too. It would jump from over-the-top silly to super serious without much warning. Either make this game serious or silly, but don't do both.

    In the end I won't be playing Chapter 2. There was a lot of potential here but it was kind of a hot mess. Best of luck to the Dev though.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    You're a college student who's lustful desires have caused you to make horrible mistakes. But lucky for you, your best friend has found a way to manipulate time... You have the chance to go back and fix some of your mistakes... Will you correct the things in the past to make your life better or will you make it worse. You can make new decisions follow new paths try to get everything you desire or you just might continue to fuck things up... The only good thing is time is on your side. There are so many paths to follow... Will you help them make the good choices?
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    wow this writing, story, and characters are just horrible.

    I think there a vocab of like 10 words (she sexy she hot omg it hot etc...).
    even the cheapest porn Movie would almost have more vocab then this...

    Choices VERY few and don't like how they are handled.

    Everyone is a perverted big dick (mostly fairly big breasted) nudist almost (like take the most ecchi anime x 1000) and barely care and worst pretend to care or even worse do ""care"" yet if they did no way it would happen and doesn't fit.

    Looks (up to you there ok graphically)

    No sense story, to be expected when this just a cheap porno, but then why bother having.

    Some reason menu fails to work.

    you can go to map/manual walk but pointless to have just forced gameplay feel for sake of gameplay. (like 2 unfitting seemingly uncanon easter eggs and collecting money that it rest just forced walkthrough or guess which room to go--> usually easy spy on shower scene >_> .. walk (not sneak ..) into bedrooms (where they also nude or doing porn cus u know this a porno).

    Honestly had it just been porn or had a more purpose 1/2 decent story+character 3/5 easy but since neither it below average.

    +1 I guess if you into smoking and family nudity as both are quite rare.
    (as in seeing your dad+mother+sis nude/ masturabte/ have sex totally randomly a Lot while seeing text say oo so hot that so hot hot hot hot :rolleyes: -->honestly may as well been a nudist family would have made the story been even more rare and more importantly greatly helped make sense)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent production, visuals are really hot and it has minimal writing issues.
    1. Some butt stuff in there - not my thing
    2. Some foot action (I find that boring)
    3. No futa thank the gods!
    4. Smoking during sex, I don't understand what the fascination is with it but it's in there.
    One item that bothers me about the story is the MC's relationship with the landlady, this involves some spoilers so be aware of that before proceeding.

    The setup:
    MC has a smokin' hot GF who gives him a hall pass to sleep with whomever he wants, he definitely has lots of options.

    The problem I have with this scenario:
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    Not a bad VN overall. The adoptive family's daughter and the dude's GF are smoking hot!! Wifey material! :D

    I don't really comprehend the Freudian fascination with banging your own immediate family members but there's a lot of content about it so someone must be into it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite game. Best Graphics. Very Interesting Story. MC can fuck whoever he wants. That's what make this game more interesting. The content is pretty good with time travelling and all. Most Recommended. Thank You. Keep it on.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Not bad story, very nice sex scenes (woud like more story though) and other bad thing is: the way to repeat scenes could be very better, but the game is not bad, give it a try guys! you won't regret it
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have intentionally held back on writing this very short review, simply because I had to find out if I could find any flaws/negative things in the game. But I'm happy to say that Timestamps comes close to being a perfect game.

    The story really draws you in as it progresses, with lots of twists and turns.

    Renders are top quality, animations some of the best out there (although they seem to be best in the beginning).

    All the female characters are drop dead gorgeous.... no wonder MC takes all he can get.

    This Timestamp series easily ranks up there in the top 5 of games.

    A clear 5 stars in my book
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shrub where do I even begin with this game. I remember at the beginning I told myself I wasn't going to rate this highly. I mainly said that due to the many frustrating feelings I was getting about where the creator wanted to go with this game.

    But, holy heck the story of this game is better then the sex and how it keeps you on the edge of wanting to know what happens next. Of course the animations are amazing too though.

    I would say though I don't get why the game focused so much on the mom. I didn't like her very much personally and tried to skip through most of her scenes.

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  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, the rating is harsh, but the downsides to the game warrant it.

    Visually, it's a stunning game. It definitely stands out from the competitors so in that regard its worth playing. The engine is pretty nifty too although I had a use usability issues when tabbing out and back into the game but they're pretty standard for unity games.

    This game falls over because quite simply I struggle to work out what tone the developer is trying to set. It's an absolute mess. It is kinda cool and casual one minute then switches over to serious sci-fi and it struggles to be coherent at times as a result.

    It feels very much like the developer has plans (as is obvious given there's a sequel) however this means there are things mentioned in this game and then just ignored in a sort of "meh I'm bored of this I'll fix the plot hole later" kind of manner.

    The focus is very much on the mother character which makes sense but the whole setup for any form of relationship seems a bit... peculiar. Very much suffers from "porno game" plot armour. The developer wants a thing to happen, the players are expecting a thing to happen so let's just make it happen and worry about it later. There are other women in the game but in comparison they barely get a sniff which is a shame cause most of them are actually interesting. There are even some characters introduced in the last act of the game which again is lazy writing as they are simply in there to set up the next game. The plot is left with gaps as it seems during writing the author must have realised they were doing a sequel so could worry about the issues with it then

    It's a damn pretty game
    The engine is good
    The interactions are actually enjoyable to read

    The game's can't decide what what tone it wants to set and jumps between the two.
    There's too much focus on one character in the grand scheme of things
    Random plot points are introduced then ignored, leading the story to be a bit of a mess.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Topper Harley

    Incredible visuals. Many nice animations. Not a fan of the story but interesting if you take the time to read it... But definitely lots of fapping material! Go for it, it's one of the best games out there imo.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Very good game, perfect in all aspects.

    Unfortunately, although there are many female characters in it, the sex scenes are too biased towards the mother.
    The MC had sex with his mother in the last one, and the next one was again, it was really annoying.
    And I really can't see how charming the role of mom is?

    There is another scene that makes no sense.
    MC went to take a shower after having sex with two women, and suddenly he started masturbating himself again.
    You just finished fucking two women, do you still need to masturbate? Are you a winner or a loser? It makes no sense.

    I am not a fan of MILF. Although this game is well done, I don't have much fun.