Ren'Py - Abandoned - Titans in Towels [v0.17a] [Electrum Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    so far the game has potential however i couldn't access their patreon page, and their twitter apprently said its abandoned so im not sure if they are still updating the game, if anyone got links to their new twitter or ect then send them my way.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The girls art is good and the scenes with them get the job done but the massage minigame needs to be completely reworked. Theyre a nightmare of grinding day after day due to there being no content besides the massages which are not only confusing but feel pointless. Had to put the game down just from feeling like i was wasting my time after 40 minutes of just grinding massages to little to no new content. Maybe in a year this game will be great but until than not worth the space or time spent grinding,
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Smol Latin Weeb

    From what I have seen on their Patreon the devs are trying to make this game work but it just doesn't show. The pace of the development is beyond slow and they take weeks or months for bugfixing. However, they don't have a responsibility to make updates for anyone else than for their supporters on patreon so I can only rate the quality the current version shows. It would be a shame to see this game progress slow down until it dies but it looks like a possibility at this point.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the development so far there are some changes from the previous versions but they have been greatly received in my opinion a great improvements I hope the best for the future this project has further development than it has so far hope it stays consistent and wish developer the best
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    I like the game. I love the art. But there's just nor much of it right now. A demo, if you will.

    I like the setting, I like the re-gendering and that eveyrone is a girl. I love the horny robot and every piece of dialog with her. It's kinda great.

    But it's by no means flawless. There's quite a bit of amateur writing right here. Front-loading exposition. Completely un-natural delivery. Making the MCs power be contact based is nice idea, but very poorly executed. I would have honestly preffered if the author just went "my cum fixes everything! So I just cum on people all the time". Instead of "I have to give you a full contact body massage". Or, you know. Easing into it instead of having it be the first option.

    The MC has a lot of cringe lines. But the girls are all quite fine.

    The navigation is a bit tedious, but the UI is rather clean. I'd much rather have girl's faces on their location, but this isn't horrible YET.

    I hope there will be a small re-write of the intro. Stop front loading soooo much exposition. Other than that, more content, more girls, more sex. The art is great and the game implementation is competent. Haven't looked over the source code yet, but it's probably fine.

    THING IS. The game has been in development since late 2020. Let's say "Just over a full year". And I still call it a demo. I like it, but I have exactly 0 trust this will ever be anything "worthwhile".

    * EDIT * I just wanna say: I WANT TO LOVE THIS GAME TO BITS. And partially, I do. I'd be willing to put money where my mouth is. But I need to see dedication from the dev. I need to see him or her being serious about this. And I don't see that.

    I'll certaintly follow this to some degree. I'm completely willing to put money where my mouth is, and I'd like to invite all my fellow well off pirates to do the same. But right now, I can't. If updates become frequent and meaningful, then certaintly.

    I wish the dev nothing but the best of luck.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v0.15e I don't see the point of this game. It's been in development for ages yet there is basically no content.

    Yes, the art is not bad and its writing is average ("no brainer" plot) but when the game has no content after 15 updates that means it's never gonna be finished (based on the version number). And since it's never gonna be finished it doesn't deserve to have more stars than this, thus not worth the time to grind for that low amount of content.

    (And I didn't even mention how annoying it is to move around in the game.)

    It can have potential though so once the original dev abandons it someone should take over.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The art and writing has a certain charm to it that has the ability to rope in players( although it may be because its a Titans parody). Despite lacking in content in its current state what Electrum presents is an product that has great potential. I like the fact that it presents the option to approach each heroine according to the route the player wishes to take although this particular feature isn't implemented in the current state and it plays out in a linear manner. Nevertheless a choice is presented and i hope they do justice to it.

    Art- 7/10. Its cute and can be sexy when it wants to be but there is little to show for it.

    Writing-6/10. The writing i felt was an improvement over the previous versions and seems like where most of the work has gone. Dialogue has humor and doesn't make you want to skip through it.

    Plot- 5/10. The premise isn't new but since it is basic the writer can experiment with it and might produce an engaging story or it could become a "Rogue like evolution" but with Titans.

    TLDR: Cute with decent writing but with little content in the current state and the developers have produced little content for a game that's in its second year of being under development. But despite the short comings I really wish for it to succeed.
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Rayor

    There is nothing here to see. About 8 months and this is what you have. At the glacial pace this is going, it will not surprise anyone when this simply is abandoned in a year. Not only that, but it took months and now it is rebooted. The reason? Text needed to be changed to fit the characters. Text does not take that long to change.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite the latest update setting things back in terms of total content, the art is quality, the writing is pretty solid, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop from here now that they have a clear vision. I'm giving it the rating I anticipate that I'll want to give it once previous content is added back in and the new content has time to be expanded on.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 856421

    This is a pretty good start to a great game with cute art.

    I think we can all agree that the Titans girls are top tier. All of them, Raven, Blackfire, Starfire, Jinx. Especially Raven, of course, but all of them. That's reason enough to be excited. And the art is not 1:1 with the show, but it's more than enough to jerk off to. So there you have it, some of the hottest cartoon girls drawn well, doing sexy things... It makes the peepee very happy. Psyched for this.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    After all the updates, the game actually regressed to a point, where I recommend actually not playing the new versions.

    Writing is meh, controls are annoying (needing several clicks just to switch between rooms), the source material is inconsistently changed (Cyborg is sometimes a she, sometimes a he) and the game has been in development for ever.

    As I said, I hold v13 miles above the later versions. A much more focused view would be good, instead of working half-asses on three characters, delivering a very subpar game. Sad, really.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.13
    Version: 0.14.2

    Shows great potential.
    (NB: Strikethroughs are from older version)

    Design. Nice artwork, I love Raven's design. Starfire's is nice too... especially when her clothes are off... However, when the characters are juxtaposed, they don't seem to match proportionally (head size difference) and stylistically (Raven's design seems more detailed than the others), if only by a trifling degree.

    stat progression - nice layout of all the elements to 'train' her

    Writing. Dialogue flows and is usually very lucid. I like the action text being at the top - separate from dialogue text. Only off thing so far is when the MC flirts with the girls and their reactions are far too accepting, at least for Raven.

    Content. Not enough going on right now, scenes are repetitive. I wouldn't have rated the game if I knew it was this little (as v0.13 started out with more content) and more so elements being removed - Raven's massage, Raven on the couch, Raven exercising... The thumbnail images are misleading in that the game doesn't even offer those scenes (right now/anymore).
    With what little there is; the check-up activity with Starfire was natural and hot-fun.

    Sound. I appreciate the elevator sfx & bgm. Hope in time the game can have sounds for almost everything especially when the massage minigame returns.

    grindy - need to do over the same activities to get any progression
    no sound - can never go wrong with a little bit of sfx and music

    A suggestion. This game seems prime for character dress-up. Getting new clothing for the girls to wear for various events/times of day. Perhaps you can unlock new clothing, for the same event modes, the more you 'work on' their bodies/train.

    Could use a little more variety but the dialogue and erotic scenes are great.
    The game seems to have a lot of development in the making before it can be anything worth its potential and current playthrough. Good stuff so far - just very little of it. Goodluck devs
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2122642

    raven is cute, very basic system right now, I personally would like to see more sandboxy stuff and options like various activities and conversations with raven, and possibly other teen titan members/ side characters. ofc this is a new game just writing about what direction i hope this game takes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For an early build, Im satisfied. An art style I really like, Visual novel? Dating sim? TRAINING/progressive Sexual play? RAVEN? this has all what im looking for.

    It still an early build, but with everything in it? it's great.
    just a bug from pressing the goggles and doing dialogue.
    Really loving the theme and style, quite confusing at first so I hope the instructions become clearer throughout the updates.

    So far, I love it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic art! really something :love: i think its the only TT game with potencial.. that i know xD i love Raven (and Starfire) a lot like many of us we expected a cool TT game but its kinda dificult to fine one that really brings attention like this one keep the good work guys! dont forget to support everyone! this looks beatiful :)
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Game's got great potential. Very short, but honestly, very well made for how new it is. Great art, pretty good story as to what you're doing and why, and just overall a really good start to what could potentially be a great game. Really looking forward to the next few updates.