Best thing about the game is graphics, with all the good and the bad that this point means.
In terms of story, well, world building is probably the weakest point of the game, with refereness to real world countries only making things even more confusing.
Think - at first there are clear mentions and allusions to late Rome, perhaps the kingdom happened right after its fall even, considering soldier's armor and advisors togas, meaning this is happening somewhere around 500-700 But then - allyence with Danes comes up. Danes, who effectively went from tribes to an actual county only at the end of viking age. And then there are also Trolls, but little to no references to magic.
Either leave out real world referencess, or do a proper world building intro, othervise it just seems that you trow random bullshit at your reader as the story progresses.
Roleplay vise - MC is just bland.
Instead of something along the lines of Game of Thrones vibe that you would expect, this seems more like a modern day office drama, where man is fucking his bosse's family after getting a promotion an moving in in a house next door.
You can be a nice guy and date one girl, or you can go full harem route, even going as far as cucking the man by fucking his wife. But there is never a feeling of power imbalance, both when dealing with Queen and princesses that can fuck you up with just one word to a king, and when you deal with
girls that have status way lower than yours.
Finally, you are essentially given a Job of a part time spymaster, while head guard's head is still in place after three major fuckup in a row, but at the same time, you have no ability to use, or even abuse your position as the keeper of state's secrets:
Catch a queen with a lover, and then either give her up to king, take a bribe, or join the fun.
Get evidence that prince molests little boys, and then either tell his father in private, use said info as a leverage against him, or get that info in the open when the time is right to ruin him compleatly.
Realize that one of the princesses loves her pet animals way too much, and either support her in her degeneracy, position yourself as one and only "beast in her life" without any courtship, or give her away to the church, so that king would be forced to send her into monastary to save her soul.
You know, do something worth being called an actual scheme.