HTML - Abandoned - To love a googirl [v0.40.3] [XEY]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those giant Twine simulation games.

    As the previous reviewer (4 years ago, so a fair amount about the game has probably changed) said, the text is fantastic; it's sexy and cute, and not too lengthy. The game's fetishism is I'd say 60% diapers, 35% bondage, 5% monstergirls. The overall world's atmosphere is a normal one, except there are monstergirls here and there part of society, and their sexual or fetishistic elements have led to different industries, especially those related to diapers. There's a diaper company that has a store which you can work for. Best of all, the main heroine, the unnamed googirl, your new roommate, is seriously cute. Like, legitimately moe. Which is hard to find in a game like this. She's non-verbal, so she tries and fails to convey herself, gestures a lot, and generally showers the player character with a lot of love. The overall plot concept is also quite brilliant; your body continually ejects goo through your anus, so you're forced to wear diapers, but you don't have to deal with literal shit (I'm also not a fan of shit). The art is also great, and the portrait art matches the current state of your player character very accurately.

    Also, as a femdom fan, let me add that there's a fair amount to love. The goo that ends up in your diapers is incredibly sticky goo, so you have to wear diapers, and you need the help of your googirl roommate to manage your life. There are multiple paths in which the googirl ends up buying oversized baby-themed furniture to fill your house with, with your googirl happily taking the role of your caretaker since she finds you so cute. There's chastity, bondage mittens (i.e. baby mittens you can't take off), gags (i.e. pacifiers you can't remove), and a lot of being bound to different chairs or pieces of furniture. A lot of being talked down to, as well. Like I said, bondage and confinement have a major presence in this game, it's not all diapers. There's a "day care" which is basically a prison, which leads to a "break out of prison" arc. There are also multiple other people who can end up taking control of your life in place of your googirl, but those paths aren't well-developed yet. You can experience this content both as a female and a male (a small amount of sissy-themed content as well; note that sissy doesn't relate to gayness, it's just a humiliation aesthetic) character, you just have to make sure to always run home to your googirl to fix any "overflow incidents" if you want to stay male. Lots of verbal domination and humiliation from various characters. There are a few male coworkers who tease you a bit too, but not much, it's mostly all female characters, so like I said, as a femdom fan I appreciate that.

    For those interested in sexual content: it's actually 100% pure fetish fuel without explicit sexuality unless to unlock it in-game. To do that, you need to buy an aphrodisiac item from the store (save up some money first). After that, your googirl will start to act different, at first doing things like rubbing through your diaper to get you off, progressing to things like binding and anally violating you while she's asleep. There are also, however, several mid-scene choices to let you "nope out" of such content, if you are sensitive to non-con, which I'm sure many people will appreciate. No sexual content with any male characters yet that I encountered.

    There's a lot of content, yet I can tell it's still relatively early into many of these paths. Development isn't as fast as The Secretary... it feels a bit like The Secretary did when it was maybe a third of the way done, enjoyable but a lot of threads left dangling. The main plot is actually fairly elaborate too: make sure to try "talking" to your googirl at home periodically... I missed this choice at first out of single-minded efficiency, but doing that lets you start to explore the forest. For the record, I didn't notice any of those supposed freezes or crashes the previous reviewer mentions. I agree that the save system is a bit awkward; you have to click a save number 1-10 and then save/load to that slot but there's no way to see what's in the slot, and the dev disabled back/forward.

    All in all, it's a Twine game with some gender transformation hijinx like The Secretary, Sissy Girlfriend Experience, and so on, so if you've played those you may have an idea of how the gameplay flows. There's always a learning curve when it comes to what the most effective way to spend your day is. But this is definitely one of the better ones, worth trying out IF you are someone who fetishistically appreciates the submissive or humiliating aspects of wearing diapers.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    An ABDL focused game - diapers, humiliation, bondage, etc

    - The art is absolutely adorable.
    - The text is also great; a perfect balance between cute and kinky.

    - Save system is very rudimentar.
    - Random freezes and crashes.

    For those who like such themes, the game is very enjoyable. My main complain is the clunky javascript language. In my opinion it would be much better on twine/sugarcube.