Its a small glmips of the original game the dev. is working on right now.
This scene is focuses on Meggi and its fucking hot. No fuckery, no cuckery.
Just your awesome male fantasy with hot scenes and pretty awesome build up. Im loving it
The sad part is, its just a small part of the original game, and not the full game. Its like you get a cake handed over to you but you are only allowed to taste a very mall part of it. MOAR !
This scene is focuses on Meggi and its fucking hot. No fuckery, no cuckery.
Just your awesome male fantasy with hot scenes and pretty awesome build up. Im loving it
The sad part is, its just a small part of the original game, and not the full game. Its like you get a cake handed over to you but you are only allowed to taste a very mall part of it. MOAR !