This fucking game.
I gave up after two or three hours of hoping something interesting or tittilating would happen. Mostly what's here is, talking. So much talking. Every character goes ON and ON and ON, and they all have the same barely veiled authorial voice, so it's like this guy is in your ear every second.
And it might be more tolerable if what he was saying was genuinely funny or interesting or drove some sort of plot forward, but no, that's not happening here. It's like every time a character opens his or her mouth, it's an excuse for an edgy transgressive teenager to be edgy and transgressive for no real purpose other than to be edgy and transgressive. I wish this guy were even half as clever as he seems to think he is, that might make it worth sticking around for the few-and-far-between sex scenes.
And yeah there are a couple of sex scenes. They're mostly uninspired affairs. The renders are fine? I guess? tbh I can't even remember if there's any animation, I'm guessing it was instantly forgettable if there was. But even when they're boning these characters CANNOT SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONE GODDAMN SECOND. No, when they're not literally fellating the tall blonde chiseled-good-looks dev stand-in, they're rhetorically fellating him, because everyone loves him, everyone wants to fuck him, everyone wants to have his baby, and when they're not lavishing Herculean amounts of praise on this dude and comparing notes on how they want to have all his babies, they're standing around saying stupid edgy culture war shit to each other. The MC is everybody's hero but if you ask me the real hero is anybody who manages to sustain an erection through all this. If you inexplicably get it up and anything remotely sexy comes along, better take the opportunity to rub one out immediately, because it'll be at least half an hour before you get another chance.
Post says [edit 2025: post *used to say*] "IF YOU USE WORDS SUCH AS 'NAZI, FASCIST, OR ANY KIND OF -IST or -PHOBE' TO DESCRIBE FOLKS YOU DON'T AGREE WITH PLEASE STAY AWAY". Okay but I'll do you one better. If you use words like 'boring, long winded, exhausting, and tedious as fuck' to describe games where nothing happens except for every character saying the same insipid edgy things in the same indistinguishable teenage-edgelord voice, on and on while you pray that maybe the next click will bring you to something sexy or at least an end to this interminable scene but it doesn't, of course it doesn't, because the game is mostly just a collection of halfway attractive renders as backdrop for this guy getting a chance to say all the edgy insipid things that no one in real life will stand still long enough to listen to him say... [takes deep breath] shit, where was that sentence going... oh right. If all that nonsense does not sound like your idea of fun sexytimes: PLEASE STAY AWAY.
One star for halfway attractive renders, none for anything else. Plenty of other games on this site will waste less of your time, or at least waste it in more entertaining or less irritating ways. Please enjoy those games instead.