A strange kinetic VN that presents itself as some kind of interracial NTR thing but is really just an erotic romance game in disguise. Every bit of copy about this game and some of the CGs really oversell aspects that are practically nonexistent within the story itself. I can understand why someone might feel betrayed or aggravated by this. I suppose I am a little aggravated too because had I known this were the case, I would have played it sooner.
Bob is Yukako's half-japanese childhood friend come to spend six months in Japan for reasons that are not immediately clear. He is not forced to live with her, he has his own apartment, yet he walks to school with her, spends every day and every night with her. He's great at cooking, cleaning, and accomplishing most things he sets his mind to. He's a guileless A blood-type sort of guy, incapable of harm but incredibly determined, essentially the perfect otome love interest who simply happens to be trapped in an eroge where his true love is already taken. Bob's race never comes up and I'd argue not much time is spent extolling how large his dick is. It doesn't even look particularly large in CGs. Most of the sexual situations that could be construed as revolving around his dick size could just as well be about the power (or absence) of true love.
Yukako, to her credit, seems very aware of what sort of game she's in. There are small incidents sprinkled throughout the story that prevent this from being a perfect and happy romance though it does little to detract from the relationship between her and Bob. The writer perhaps remembered last minute what he was supposed to be writing and made an extreme course correction but the open ended nature of the ending dulls whatever edge there could have been.
A good example of deceitful CGs are the ones with cameras in them or even the cover of the game itself with Yukako walking outside a love hotel. You see these things and assume blackmail, corruption, being a dick hungry whore, the usual things. But what you get in-game could not be further from that. It also really goes out of its way at times to rub it in that what you were thinking is not going to happen. As for the rest of the CGs, some seemed a little too precious, not sexy enough.
Overall I really liked it when I realised it was a romance eroge. Yukako is lively, not an intolerable prude, but also isn't obnoxious. Bob is the best. The ending bummed me out a little but I understand why it was like that. I found the translation to be fine. There's tolerable situational humor scattered throughout and the scant referential humor isn't jarring or forced. This isn't normally the type of game I'd play so maybe my standards are a little low based on inexperience, I have no way of telling. I also had no issue running it on windows 10 with locale emulator.