Top 5 Adult Games Ever?


New Member
May 9, 2020
What is your top 5 Adult game recommendations?

I am new to these games and my favorites are Milf City, Sisterly Lust and Summer time saga.

Wanted to see what every one else like?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
1º Kichikuou Rance (albeit the gameplay didn't age well)

2º Daibanchou big bang age

3º Bunny Black

4º Kamidori alchemy meister

5º Magikoi series

Special mentions:

-Oyako Rankan
-Monster girl quest

Special mentions (concept edition):

-Life is paradise
-Desire dungeon

Personally I still don't have any english origin game that comes even near my top, the one that could go a bit towards it would be Trials in tainted space, but still it lacks in many aspects that I would say it's fundamental.