Seeking top down goblin game


New Member
Dec 14, 2021
Seeking a specific top-down style game that had a few elements I remember.

- 3 main female characters (I believe 1 was a female knight, a short female assassin style character that may have been a catgirl can't remember, and i believe a female mage character)
- Characters could be interchanged for item pickup/battles and some scenes were only available to specific characters
- Some scenes were bdsm themed including bondage and spanking
- Top-down style where you dragged around to view the map and clicked to interact with things/people
- Around the map were amulet like items that you had to interact with to increase the 'lust' of characters unlocking scenes around the map and with enemies
- Some scenes were only available to certain characters with npcs and required a certain amount of 'lust' to see
- Nearly all enemies were goblins to my knowledge (other stages may have had non-goblins can't remember)
- Final fight unlocked only when defeating all enemies
- Battle system had these cards you played to do dmg, each had different numbers and colors for signifying the characters, they each had a icon at the top left that would fill with small hearts until it became a large one based on current 'lust' of the character which could be used to increase the 'lust' of the character and potentially lead to lewd scenes

If anyone knows any games that sounds like this links would be much appreciated.